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(topic renamed) ATI Radeon AA text bug fixed for some cards, but not for all?

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Odd. After I installed CMAK (when I first got it) I automatically installed the ATI AA text fix, because I thought the problem wasn't yet solved (saw it in the demo at least).

Just now I installed the latest CAT's (4.3) and while fiddling around with the orignal text files I noticed the problem is actually gone!

Was it never in CMAK and did I (stupidly) install the text fix for nothing, or did these drivers fix it? I'm asking because on the Rage3D forums this issue is still listed for these drivers (for CM:BB, that is).

Funny thing is, why didn't I see this mentioned anywhere on the board? These drivers were released 5 days ago.

Whatever the case, I'm happy it's fixed. At last! smile.gif

[ March 22, 2004, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Juju ]

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I just checked with the 4.3's and the text is still whited out unless the text fix is applied.

To test, download the text fix file again. In the file there are both the original BMP's and the fixed ones. Put the original ones back in your BMP folder and launch a game and look at the text once in a battle. On my 9800XT the test is still whited out unless I use the fix.


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Well, yes, I can testify. For me and my 9700pro, that is.

However, Madmatt tells us it doesn't seem to be fixed on his 9800XT. Why this is I don't know.

There's surprisingly little response to this thread. Maybe some other Radeon owners on this board can post their experiences with these drivers!

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Interesting as I have a 9700Pro too, but with ANY Cat4.x drivers, if I set my FSAA and Aniso to 'Application preference' my text is ok, but then FSAA and AF is off.

You're right, not too much traffic on this Tech Support board.


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What is the "CAT4.3" fix, and where does one get it?

I have a 9600 Pro Turbo which tells me the drivers are "", and the problem is definitely there.

Furthermore, with FSAA turned on I couldn't see any appreciable difference in the picture. What should I expect to see - how can I tell if its really working?



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GaJ: The CAT 4.3 fixes a bug where all in-game text is white on a white background when FSAA is enabled.

Going back to the matter at hand (Madmatt, check this on your card): to play Far Cry I had change my FSAA settings from 4x (my standard setting, with no CM problems) to 2x. Behold, when I use 2x FSAA the the white background is back, but the colors for the fonts are still correct (i.e., red/green/blue on white). 6x FSAA is looking as it should.

So, in conclusion, the bug is gone for me EXCEPT when using 2x FSAA.

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"Cat" is short for Catalyst, ATI's moniker for their universal Radeon drivers (just like NVidia's Detonator, and now Forceware, name for their drivers). Your specific version, doesn't show up on the list that I see over at ATI's website. It seems you're somewhere between Catalyst 3.8 and 3.9.

I assume that you have Windows XP according to your driver version, so you can get the latest Catalyst 4.3 here (hopefully this URL goes through UBB correctly).

FSAA/AA benefits are a bit variable. Essentially it will make jagged edges a bit smoother in some circumstances, however there are limitations to what it can do (not all jagged edges will be smoothed as much as people would like). One tradeoff is that the screen may be a bit 'blurrier' with AA on. For some people the tradeoff is completely worth it, while for others it isn't. Running at a higher resolution can also, somewhat, produce the same effect (sharper, less jagged lines). AA can slow your display performance in the game quite a bit. The higher the "multiplier" (the 2X, 4X, etc. that you see), the higher the 'sampling' and the smoother the jagged edges can become. However there is more of a performance hit with higher sampling rates.

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Right, here I am again. Should have tested a bit more. Seems like this bug is not simply related to AA, but also to AF (anisotropic filtering) in relation to AA.

What this means for me is:

AA 2x / AF 8x = text bug

AA 4x / AF 8x = no problems

AA 6x / AF 8x = no problems

BUT AA 6x / AF 16x = text bug again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

JuJu, I have a 9700pro, and tested all settings with Cat 4.4. FSAA is still stuffed.

What are your texture/mipmap preference levels?

Which manufacturer/revision is your Radeon 9700pro? Do you have fastwrites on?

Something tells me that your card may provide the solution to why we all get text problems. Just a hunch...

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Don't count on it. I have just formatted my drive and re-installed all my stuff (because of a virus AND because my video card was acting weird) and what do you know; the problem is back. Damn. Sorry for getting all your hopes up, but it looks like there was something wrong with my card or its drivers.

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