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Buddy Aid


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Dear all please forgive the horrific idiocy of my first thread and post. :o

Anyways i hear much made of "buddy aid" both on these forums and within the game manual. However i have never been told how actualy perform it. This may be due to me only having played the 1.07 demo (i am currently downloading the 1.10 patch for my brand new shiney game! curse my crap internet connection.)

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Red or brown circle; the red guys will have an increased chance of being listed as WIA rather than KIA in the post-match statistics, the brown guys are dogmeat already and are just stripped of ammo.

The little virtual dude vanishes once buddy aid is finished, so if you're noticing them disappearing then it's being done. Keep an eye on the activity list of squad members in the bottom-left of the 3d view when you're in this situation, one member's activity might change to "Medic". He'll stop when he's finished, or when the unit's given another order.

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The red/brown distinction is a 1.10 construct, I believe. Previously there was no way to tell dead from wounded other than buddy aid time (MUCH less for KIA). There's a great Icon mod over at CMMODS that changes the bases to either

A) Green/Yellow Arrows (shows facing of soldiers still in the fight)

B) A red cross, for WIA, or

C) A Brown skull and crossbones for, well, you know...

Makes it much easier to tell where to spend the buddy aid time!

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I wish BFC would tell us if buddy aid makes any difference to the overall result now or in v1.11. I know for a while they admitted it was more a "feel good factor" thing than anything else, as a wounded man and a dead man are treated as identical for victory point purposes.

Depends on what you mean by "any difference". Are wounded casualties treated the same as dead casualties in terms of points? My experience has been that buddy aid means that fewer of your WIAs will, by scenario's end, become KIAs.

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The following is from the Patch 1.10 readme file:

Seriously-wounded (red disc) soldiers who have not received "buddy aid" (i.e. disappeared) by the end of the game have a 25% chance of becoming KIA in the final tally.

The "friendly casualties" and "enemy casualties" victory condition parameters award points for the percentage of a force that are KIA (brown base) OR WIA (red base) at the end of a battle - they make no distinction between KIA and WIA. If there is no distinction between them, then letting 25% of your WIA bleed out makes no difference to the overall score.

I'm also frankly amazed that it took patch 1.10 before buddy aid even reduced your KIA total! I thought this was in the game from the start.

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Cpl Steiner,

I see your point. Hopefully Steve can provide some clarification on this issue.

This is from the CMSF 1.10 Manual:

Casualties - is casualties suffered, e.g. 100% means the whole force was wiped out. Both soldiers and vehicles are factored into this and you get partial credit for immobilizing a vehicle.

Casualties (friendly and enemy): if the player keeps his own casualties under this percentage (relative to the entire force in the scenario) and pushes the enemy above another percentage, he is awarded the respective victory points

CASUALTIES - the number of casualties the side is allowed to endure.

For each parameter the scenario designer determines the threshold in % (from 0% to 100%) and the amount of victory points associated with each once the threshold is reached. Specifically, you get the points if:

Enemy Casualties > X%

Enemy Condition < X%

Enemy Ammo < X%

Friendly Casualties < X%

Friendly Condition > X%

Friendly Ammo > X%

Condition is a combination of (from most important to least) morale, fatigue, suppression, and light wounds (more serious wounds or death are part of casualties, not condition).

Condition (friendly and enemy): if the player keeps his percentage of wounded, incapacitated and routed soldiers below this percentage and pushes the enemy above another percentage, he is awarded the respective victory points

CONDITION - the number of units allowed to be panicked, routed, tired, or wounded.

The Soldier’s bases within the Game Area also show Green, Yellow, Red (seriously wounded) and Brown (dead) to reflect their Wound status. If you point the cursor at a weapon, the name of the weapon is displayed and that soldier’s base is subtly highlighted in the main 3D display.

Seriously wounded players (red soldier base) can be given firstaid by their comrades, which is called “Buddy Aid”. There is no Command for this action, rather it happens automatically when a friendly soldier (regardless if he is from the same squad or not) is moved close to the location of an incapacitated comrade. Depending on the situation (incoming fire etc.) the soldier may decide to treat the wounded man. The word “medic” is displayed in the status field. The player can abort the treatment at any time by giving the parent unit that the medic belongs to any kind of Command. The medic may decide to abort the treatment himself as well if there is significant incoming fire.

Note: Seriously-wounded (red base) soldiers who have not received “buddy aid” (i.e. disappeared) by the end of the game have a 25% chance of becoming KIA in the final tally.

Dead soldiers (brown soldier base) can also receive “Buddy Aid” (by moving a friendly soldier close to the location), but all it does is reclaim their ammo and weapons, if possible. “Aid” to dead soldiers is pretty quick.

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From Recent QB1.11 : A two man AT team is tank hunting. They're hit and the AT specialist is severely wounded (red) and the team member slightly wounded (yellow). The team member recovers his senses, administers buddy aide, takes the Javelin launcher, and fires the last round on the tank that hit them. Out-****ing-standing!

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