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CM 1,2,3 + Shockforce Dastardly Graphics card

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My problem is this. I've recently upgraded (sic) to Vista run on a Dell laptop and one of the requirements I listed to my son who "designed" it for me was that it should be able to run ShockForce. And it does.

Unfortunately now I can't run CMs One, Two or Three. You know Normandy, Afrika Korp and Eastern front. This is a major pain for me. A VERY helpful chap called Martin at Battlefront told me it was probably the result of having a new graphics card (whatever that is) and he asked me to list the graphics stuff.



> >>

> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >>

> >> Display adapter type ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series

> >> Total available graphics memory 1534 MB

> >> Dedicated graphics memory 256 MB

> >> Dedicated system memory 0 MB

> >> Shared system memory 1278 MB

> >> Display adapter driver version 8.477.0.0

> >> Primary monitor resolution 1440x900

> >> DirectX version DirectX 10

> >>


Chaps, I'm 60 and not the computer genius my son is. I want to live until at least 80, but if I can't have all FOUR Battlefront games what's the point?

Can anyone help?

Chris Harvey.

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I don't run and never will run Vista, so no, you have to look for somebody else to get "reliable" information about Mickeysoft's newest creations. All I know is that the disabled platform is Vista in combination with DX10 graphics cards.

Who was talking about SF, anyway? I thought you had problems running CMx1?

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To clarify what I'm hearing donnieitaly is that ShockForce runs fine, but CM1, 2 and 3 now don't?

Perhaps would be better to post for help in those forums as you may get more help in relation to those titles in their respective threads?

As ShockForce is working for you it's possibly more beneficial to check the tech support forums on the titles that aren't working.

Hope you manage to sort it out


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I don't think that running Windows XP in a "virtual" instance will work for CMBB and CMAK (it MIGHT for CMBO). This is because the "virtual" installations still don't allow direct access to the 3D hardware that CMBB and CMAK need. Instead I believe that the Mircosoft virtual software 'emulates' an S3 Virge (Microsoft Virtual PC 2007). So it MIGHT do some rudimentary 3D, but it is most likely using the CPU to do that and that probably isn't good enough for CMBB and CMAK.

What may work, and will cost a bit of money, is to repartition your laptop's hard drive. A program like Symantec/Norton Partition Magic should be able to do that without destroying your current Vista installation. Then you would need to install Windows XP on the new partition. The problem is setting up the boot loader to launch XP (I'm not sure how well this works with Vista being installed first). Under Windows XP the Radeon Mobility 3400 series videochip and drivers should work with the CMx1 titles (and CMSF). I'm not absolutely sure on that, but there's a high likelihood that it should work under XP.

So you'll need Symantec/Norton Partition Magic and a CD of Windows XP (Home or Professional) with Service Pack 2 or 3. You're probably looking at around $130 or so in software. Talk to your son about finding the details to install a dual-boot of Windows XP and Vista and how to do that with Vista being the first OS installed (some searches on the web should hopefully pull up the required info).

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  • 2 weeks later...

My apologies to both jason and, uhh, the chap above him. I hadn't looked at this site until tonight for medical reasons and for the same reasons I haven't asked my son to come down to try and fix it for me.

I'm most grateful for your advice (especially since it's delivered without sarcasm which seems to be a difficulty for some people here.) even though I've yet to try it.

While I'm here I might just add that I had my first two victories today on Shock Force. it's a superb gaming creation and I (nearly) don't care if I don't get my original CM games back. (I do really.)

Once again thanks and my apologies for the very late reply.

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it's a superb gaming creation and I (nearly) don't care if I don't get my original CM games back. (I do really.)

LOL. While reading the earlier part of your thread, I was going to suggest that you play CMSF a few times and then you won't really miss the old CMx1 games so much but you've already found this to be the case. It doesn't sound like you have a second crappy old computer to play CMx1 games on like I do. My 5 year old laptop is more than up to the task of playing CMx1 games but after a few months of CMSF, I just don't enjoy it like I used to. But if you really MUST play CMx1 games, get a cheap old machine to run it.

And, on the bright side, early in the new year, we'll have CM Normandy to play with and I'm pretty certain that THAT will permanently put CMBO to bed. (Not CMBB though which was my favourite - but even it will pass into histry when CM Bagration comes out in a year or so's time)

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What will work as smoothly as annexation of Austria is to keep computer A for CMSF (and any other new contraptions that you might want to try during the next 20 years) and a separate computer B for the original triplet. The good thing about this solution is that computer B requires no maintenance or upgrades, and acquiring such a system is very cheap. The down side is that it'll take some extra space, which you may or may not have. Then again, noticing you said it's a laptop, you just might have enough space for another one...

The second best option is to have a separate partition for Windows XP, as Schrullenschaft said. Again I don't know how laptops work in this regard - I'm laptophobic as I fear that their manufacturers use specially built integrated devices that have absolutely no compatible drivers for older operating systems available.

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Paper Tiger - more new games !!! I already spend more time on my computer at home than I do at work - don't the designers of CM have any sympathy ??? :-)

I'll have to buy them all and if anyone can suggest a good explanation that I can give to my wife as to why I want to buy a crappy computer when I have a brand new laptop "we" can't afford will they please post them here <g>

Thanks for all the advice - now if you'll excuse me I'm trying to take the barracks in the first part of the first campaign without losing ANY American lives.

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From my cold dead hands, until Finnish module comes out.

Actually, I agree 100% with that sentiment as the Finns are Uber Cool in WW2.

I'll have to buy them all and if anyone can suggest a good explanation that I can give to my wife as to why I want to buy a crappy computer when I have a brand new laptop "we" can't afford will they please post them here

Sigh, there should be a separate support forum for CMSF and our wives.

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I understand your dilemna. I routinely have to hide new purchases from the wife but I fear she is wise to my ways.

Understanding that you might be somewhat technically challenged, I would say go with the "Honey I needed a new computer for work that doesn't have Vista. So on my way home I stopped by the local used computer store and picked this one up. Isn't she beautiful..."

She might applaud your resourcefulness....

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I understand your dilemna. I routinely have to hide new purchases from the wife but I fear she is wise to my ways.

Understanding that you might be somewhat technically challenged, I would say go with the "Honey I needed a new computer for work that doesn't have Vista. So on my way home I stopped by the local used computer store and picked this one up. Isn't she beautiful..."

She might applaud your resourcefulness....

Great and if she gets mad you can say honey actually this guy on battlefront with the nick Falconander that told me to get a used computer to play CM1 series.

CM1 doesn't need a powerful computer to run on. Buying a used computer or a brand new much less powerful computer hence less expensive is a great suggestion. If I were you I wouldn't even buy Vista in the first place.

I know how you must have felt. I like CM1 series very much too.

Wishing you and your wife a happy long life Donnieitaly....peace be with you.

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I understand your dilemna. I routinely have to hide new purchases from the wife but I fear she is wise to my ways.

Understanding that you might be somewhat technically challenged, I would say go with the "Honey I needed a new computer for work that doesn't have Vista. So on my way home I stopped by the local used computer store and picked this one up. Isn't she beautiful..."

She might applaud your resourcefulness....

She might indeed, she might also hit me in the head with her 10 year old shoes <g>

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Great and if she gets mad you can say honey actually this guy on battlefront with the nick Falconander that told me to get a used computer to play CM1 series.

CM1 doesn't need a powerful computer to run on. Buying a used computer or a brand new much less powerful computer hence less expensive is a great suggestion. If I were you I wouldn't even buy Vista in the first place.

I know how you must have felt. I like CM1 series very much too.

Wishing you and your wife a happy long life Donnieitaly....peace be with you.

Actually a few points to raise since you're all being so nice to me.

I'm not a totally un-computer grown up. It's just that I bought it for specific reasons and when it doesn't do that stuff I cry.

I've probably given you the impression that my son is 12 or 16 years old. Actually he's 28 and if I told you where he works I'd have to carpet bomb this site!

Finally, I was thinking of buying a second (old) computer when I remembered the blocky plastic cased thing that my screen sits on. Umm, it's a computer. Then I remembered I have two more blocky plastic things around the house (three if you count the TRS 80)oh, sorry three around the house (one's in a corner - bad computer).

So I guess I won't need to buy an old computer just some more wires.

Thanks chaps :-)

PS I'm learning how to think like an American in SForce. If I see a chap with an RPG I call in a mortar strike on him. If I see two chaps, it's an airstrike.

Wait until I get the Marines and BRITISH set.

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You know speaking of the classic CM1 series, I just tried my hands on Theatre of war a seemingly CM1 modern counterpart only with real time gameplay and I think somehow CM1 is much better even with its obsolete graphics. The atmosphere that CM1 presents to player is very addictive while I can't say the same for theatre of war.

I still have all of CM1 series installed on my computer. Just can't seem to be abke to let them go. The other game that stays that long is the Il-2 Forgotten Battle.

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