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Assaulting a building fierce and agille.

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Like he said, you should switch to TARGET LIGHT whenever friendlies are within (say) 20m of the target. However, note that friendly casualties can even be caused if they are anywhere along the flight path of a TARGET line.

The assaulting squad which is actually entering the building can TARGET the building as they enter, and I AFAIK they do not suffer from friendly fire from their own weapons(?) Certainly engineers can BLAST right next to friendlies with no ill-effects. (So much for those who ramble on about "realism". This is a game after all.)

But, you probably should give the assaulting squad a 360 arc at the waypoint inside the building so they start searching for enemy all around them and above.

So the sequence of assaulting a building is roughly like this (adapt as needed):

1) TARGET the building with as many units & vehicles as you can - ideally for 2+ minutes. (And ideally destroy the building unless it's a "protect building" situation.)

2) Switch to TARGET LIGHT with all units except the assaulting squad which can continue to TARGET.

3) Once inside the building, unless there are obvious targets to kill immediately, set the waypoint to give a 360 arc, so your assaulting squad can search for hiding enemies and engage at their own discretion.

Note that generally I find that one should not assault with more than one squad as that creates a target rich environment for enemy grenades etc.

Hope that helps...

Anything less than a .50 cal will cause suppression only. So it is "safe" to have a squad fire their rifles while another squad crosses their line of fire (an abstraction/engine limitation). It is surprising though that the blast command does not cause friendly casualties.

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"Anything less than a .50 cal will cause suppression only."

R U sure about that? I hope so. It's a pain to keep changing my supporting inf from TARGET to TARGET LIGHT every time friendlies are near the target area.

However, what makes me cautious is that with a TARGET order, inf will fire rockets, throw grenades etc. Am pretty sure it's easy to cause friendly casualties like this.

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"Anything less than a .50 cal will cause suppression only."

R U sure about that? I hope so. It's a pain to keep changing my supporting inf from TARGET to TARGET LIGHT every time friendlies are near the target area.

However, what makes me cautious is that with a TARGET order, inf will fire rockets, throw grenades etc. Am pretty sure it's easy to cause friendly casualties like this.

Try it out in the editor.

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  • 1 year later...

Can some one explain to me what is the best way going about on trying to assault a fedayeen city/town. I find that i lose a bunch of guys from entering buildings and my guys not taking cover and instead being like "I will kneel in front of this window when we are getting shot at" even though i tell them to "Hide" which within a second they go out of and continue kneeling.

I also lose a majority of my men because i tell them to assault a building, then they get shot at and killed from the room across or men to the left or right of the entrance. EVEN THOUGH in proper MOUT infantry are always told to clear their corners and not just go straight down the middle of the room, stare at a wall, then get shot in the back.

What i do currently is: When I get shot at and get engaged in a building to building fire fight I either 1. Run away (Which gets them killed as they stand up) 2. Engage the enemy (Which will almost guarantee i lose a man) 3. Hide/Take cover (Which my men always disobey).

When I try and take a building/compound that I believe to not hold enemy I do: 1. Use the Assault Command, 2. Watch my men enter the building and get destroyed as the room next to them holds enemy's. I also don't want to target every building i'm going to enter as that can be a waste of ammo at times.

SOME ONE please help me as for right now the Canadian campaign is UNPLAYABLE for the amount of men i lose because of all the CQB.

FYI. I am currently using the latest patch "1.32" and playing the Canadian Campaign.

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Canadian leg infantry sections are weak (4 men) asopposed to 8man sections in the Mech infantry. To be fair though I don't usually play Canadians but when I play Germansinfantry losses canbe high in any terrain makingunitscombat ineffective quite quickly.Usingtwosections in a building assault mightbeone option.

You might also be tryingto do too muchwiththe limited manpower available toyou.Perhaps concentrating a greater mass of force to clear a specific sector and using IFV firepower to try to suppress the building you want to close assault and adjoining buildfings.

Ifyou have explosive charges youcan try blasting your wqay into a building.Anotheroption,if youcan get onto a roof of a building is to clear it from the roof down rather than ground up

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1 - Inf units should be broken into teams and MANUALLY given assault tactics. Never use the ASSAULT oder as it usually ends in disaster.

2 - You have to TARGET fire (with as much power as you have) for a several minutes at the building you intend to enter first to suppress/kill defenders.

3 - Enter with one team still firing while the rest of the platoon or whatever you have in support continues to fire LIGHT.

4 - Set the destination waypoint of the inserting team to 360 degrees so it stops firing and can fire in any direction.

5 - HIDE is unhelpful since it literally means "bury your head in the sand and don't look up" (as opposed to "seek cover" which is what CM2 units are supposed to do as a default).

MOUT is bloody - expect to suffer high casualties as in RL.

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So what i'm taking is to be really liberal with suppresive fire.

But what do you mean with 1 and 4

What tactics should i apply to a fire team when i want them to enter a building?

How do i set a inserting team to 360 degrees? (I understand you can give individual way points orders but last time i checked you can only do 180 degrees with Target Area)

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Point 1 is split your squad up and just send a few guys into the building and give them light suppressive(yellow) fire from the remainder of the squad and any other squads who can.You'd rather lose a couple of guys rather than a whole squad.The worst that can happen is you 'll know exactly where the enemy is.

At the end of the command leg you've given,hold down the shift key and use your mouse to give a 360 arc of fire,that way your guys will look around in all directions when entering a room.

If the worst comes to the worst just level the building with either blasts from engineers,javelins,AT weapons or vehicles.

I've been playing for years and still lose guys to house assaults,it's very trial and error at times.It's mainly the Nato scenarios and campaigns where you have to kite your infantry,it's not so bad with the Brit and US ones.

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