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I am screwed, no Battle generator for my version!


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Hi i have to write about it so maybe somebody from battlefront or 1C will do something in future.I bought the game here in czech republic which is distributed here by cenega and i believe i have 1C version.By the way it took them over half a year to localized the patch :(.Anyway my main complain is that until now they havent fixed issue with the battle generator, which from some reason didnt work after the uberpatch at first place.they told me they would fix it but never did.It was bitter lesson but i got over it, iam more concern about you guys, you do hard job and then some f..... screw it, and it doesnt show the game in good perspective for people who doesnt speak english and cant download battlefront version.We are small country but for this type of games every custumer counts.

So please, in future maybe for Theatre of War 2, choose diferent publisher or pull the strings harder, we are missing good costumer servis here :(.


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Sorry to hear that messenger3, I feel your pain.

Here in Germany we were "lucky" to just wait 4 months. And - not even all english content was "localised".

Some of these TOW distributors are really third class back street outfits it seems who cast a bad name on this game.

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Without pointing fingers at anyone specific, just a general observation: the retail market is in shambles. Apart from a handful of big players who make billions in profit (or loss :)) the rest of the market seems to be struggling a lot these days. Not sure where this is heading, but my guess is that sooner or later (probably sooner) you'll be able to buy these types of games ONLY from battlefront.com :/

I guess that's another solution to this problem.

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Not sure where this is heading, but my guess is that sooner or later (probably sooner) you'll be able to buy these types of games ONLY from battlefront.com :/

I guess that's another solution to this problem.

I guess that's a good reason to learn the English language ;)

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I double-guess learning Russian would not be a bad idea either since I am not too optimistic about games created in Russia always finding their way to our market through Western companies...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this is my first post here in this forum, having just started playing the game. I must say that I like the game at it's basic concepts and playability.

But it also pains me to have to make such negative remarks on my first post as well: I run vist 64 so I'm stuck with the missions/campaigns that came with the retail version. I thought there would be more campaigns/missions since I have the latest patch (the uber-patch) as it came with the game. IMHO that's just CRAPTACULAR all the way around! I havn't played the multi-player yet and hope that I'm able to play that...if not than this whole thing is going down the tubes for me VERY FAST.

And a North Africa/TOW2? Sorry, that's not "2" material! Just a spray-painted TOW. That even simplifies thier terrain for them! WTF do they think I'll pay money for the game that's basicly the same BUGGY stuff they put out in the first place!

I can't really point a finger at battlefront because they've put out some really good stuff in the past so this doesn't smell like their work in total. Seems to me the game was rushed out the door to the shelves before it was totaly QC'd in the hopes of getting the title out there to get money flowing back in quickly. I hope the people in Battlefront don't take these comments of mine to heart, they're only worth 2 cents or so (maybe) but this is what I see from this game. I'm hoping they'll put together some of thierr great work for TOW style game for the Central Europe of '80's type genre and put it out there ONLY when they're satisfied with their work and are assured of some great gameplay.

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