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pzgndr A3R scenarios

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Hello Bill:

I downloaded and installed your '39 and '41 A3R scenarios for PDE and I have this doubts, when playing against the AI when you are asked to chose sides there is for one side USSR and for the other USA, UK and France. If you choose USSR you get to play the Axis, so imo this is something to be fixed unless it only happens to me in which case feedback to know what I did wrong would be most welcome.

Also I noticed that there are errors with the flags of the following countries: Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark and Egypt. Don't know what the economic growth nation is, it's represented by a republican spanish flag.

All background images should be change for the Axis, instead of using the soviet use the german background

Hope this info helps improving your mods.

Regards Rafael

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Rafael, I just sent you an email.

For other's benefit, please review the installation guidance I provided in the READ ME file:


1. Unzip/expand contents into \Strategic Command 2 Patton Drives East Expansion\Campaigns directory.

2. Verify both the Advanced Third Reich 1939.cgn campaign file and the \_Advanced Third Reich 1939 directory have been installed.

3a. For fancier graphics with Axis and Allied symbols, copy the entire customized \Interface directory from the \_1946 Case Neptune directory into the \_Advanced Third Reich directory.

3b. For plainer graphics without the Axis and Allied symbols, copy the entire customized \Interface directory from the \_1974 Invasion of Cyprus directory into the \_Advanced Third Reich directory.

4. Copy/move the six bitmap files (choose_side_dialog, flag_sprites, network_choose_side_dialog, splash, unit_sprites and victory_conditions) from the \_Advanced Third Reich directory into its \Interface directory.

Those "fancier" graphics are the new PDE interface with various Axis and Allied symbols on their respective screens. The "plainer" graphics are what players should be used to in the WAW interface. I'm old school; I prefer the plain interface and customized 2D unit icons, a la Third Reich. Of course, others can go fancy and use the default 3D icons. Whatever floats your boat. ;)

I note there have been about 100 downloads so far. I really would appreciate any feedback players may have, particularly where ahistorical strategies (Sealion, Spain, Turkey) come into play. And if any two players decide to try a head-to-head game, I'd be interested to hear about those results too. Thanks! smile.gif

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All right then, I will throw in my 2 cents.

Several comments and observations, some of which are directed towards your particular scenario, some towards SC2, WAW, and PDE in general.

First, I gave up on SC2 a long time ago. It turned out to be too generic for my tastes despite its original “beer and pretzels” motif. The AI just plain sucked (but please read on). PBEM resulted in too many ludicrous ahistorical and “gamey” situations. So I quit.

But, I have enjoyed WW2 strategy games for decades (AWAW, A3R, WiF, Clash of Steel, etc…box and computer versions alike). So…

In the meantime I continued to play just about every strategic WW2 game out there. Most are worse. CEAW has to be one of the biggest disappointments ever. It is so bad, in fact, that I wish I had ordered a hard copy instead of just the download so that I could at least use the disc as target practice or as a coaster. “The map is pretty” is the only nice thing I can say about it. Advanced Tactics despite being ugly is well on its way to becoming marvelous if—and it’s a big if—the user-designers can manage the extremely flexible but overwhelmingly tedious editor. MWIF, “if” it ever arrives still promises to be the greatest WW2 strategy game ever (but with an overly ambitious AI it could fall flat too).

Let me assure you, I have played enough computer and board wargames to know what is good and what is bad. Most computer games are dreadful. Yet, TOAW has never left my side despite it’s flaws and I think AGEOD can do no wrong—you can fault me for both of these opinions if you like but I stand firm. I like complex games and simple ones but my two requirements are they must be fun and not take absurd liberties. And for a WW2 strategy game IT MUST be at least capable of mirroring history (this is where SC2 quite simply drop kicks CEAW with it’s no para drops! Can’t even do Crete or Norway! Lame!)

Then comes along a little article on the wargamer.com site. So, it seemed necessary for me to purchase both WaW and PDE. From a marketing perspective, it worked on me. Fantastic write up.

In general, SC2 has come a long long long long way with the AI. The real test will be how Torch/Overlord situations turn out. But so far I am pleased and do not yet regret the purchase.

I won’t dwell on the numerous things that I still don’t like about SC2 but would rather highlight the things that might keep me playing it. First, it is simple. And, second, the AI ain’t bad (so far) and coming from me you have no idea what a compliment this is. Plus, it still seems to have a following with strong, active, and dedicated support from Mr Cater and others.

EDIT Sidebar: Although I haven’t looked at the editor too much is there a way to import a bmp to assist in map creation?

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But now on to Bill’s scenario in particular…

Install goes according to plan if you follow your directions as per above.

Currently playing as Axis with most difficult settings. Poland fell as it should which is to say it falls within an acceptable range of historical results.

Some nice little side events like Cyprus add flavor.

The map is the closest to being the most appropriate scale for this game (scenario) I feel. Although I still feel we are hindered a bit by no stacking and only one on one attacks. Alas, that is the way this game works so be it.

Very nice in keeping with the spirit of A3R. It has the right look and feel. You worked hard on this and it shows.

The Allied AI is doing rather well on most difficult settings. RAF took out my Strategic Bomber on the first turn before I realized I should move it. One possible issue so far (thru Jan 41) there has been no attempt whatsoever to go after my subs. They have freedom of movement throughout the entire Atlantic.

I had no reason to go for Norway (?) so I didn’t. Took out the Danes mostly due to boredom while waiting for the weather to clear for Fall Gelb. This was somewhat interesting as it brought the Royal Navy out. Kreigsmarine lost but escaped. Poor weather prevented air support. In fact, I am not sure if I am just getting bad rolls but I am getting hammered by weather.

Skipped Holland as I saw no need since most of my air can hit England easily (ranges might be a bit excessive?) Took down Belgium and Lux. This was interesting because I noticed the French redeploy. It was smart too. Good AI.

French army at time of my invasion had 2:1 or better on me but inferior air and armor. Surrounded and took Paris. The AI still likes to target HQ/Leader units so it is easy to “kite” the AI into traps. I took my time in order to avoid unnecessary casualties. I like the “Create Vichy” event.

BEF never appeared in France?

RAF is showing up piecemeal and getting handled as such. Battle of Britain clearly went to Germany but the weather may save England yet as I could not launch anything viable in the Fall beyond a raid on Scapa Flow with the SOF (I wanted to test the Amph features but did not get to fully). Royal Navy still has the advantage in the Channel and coastal areas as it should. Seelowe may not happen (although with this game engine I could in theory just load everything up anyhow I prefer to play it out as if I actually need some kind of brief naval opportunity).

Meanwhile, Italy entered the war for reasons unknown. I may have missed the event but did not see one. Brits hit Libya with initial success but withdrew in the fact of superior numbers without giving battle. Again I found this to be smart AI. Italian Navy got hit hard while supporting land forces (I still think naval bombardment is too strong, my only unit lost in France was a 10 strength Infantry Corps destroyed in one turn from two fleets, hit for 6 then for another 4).

As for diplomacy I would like to get Spain but shudder at the cost this would take.

Research is certainly expensive and while I have invested some, I have no new technologies beyond subs.

If I fail to launch Seelowe, I plan to shut down the Med. Morrocco suffered a coup and joined the Allies so this might play into my plans. Egypt is going to be especially difficult considering the Italian Naval and Air losses (however the Royal Navy is doing little to intercept Italian reinforcements, I even stopped a transport next to Malta to see if the Brit sub would come out to play…it did not).

Final comment

A3R so far is quite good. I recommend it with few reservations (so far) but I do reserve the right to change my opinion.

The developments made to SC2 since I quit have been impressive. The AI is much better and I am glad to be playing it once again. While I still don’t like many of the features, I am okay with the purchase of both WaW and PDE. You got your money battlefront so I suppose both parties are satisfied. How long I play this time around remains to be seen…

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The map is the closest to being the most appropriate scale for this game (scenario) I feel. Although I still feel we are hindered a bit by no stacking and only one on one attacks. Alas, that is the way this game works so be it.

wolflars, I pretty much agree 100% with your comments. Ideally, it would be nice to have hexes and stacking and combined attacks, etc. Yet, I've adapted to this alternate style and find overall results comparable. I get into the gameplay and enjoy it. Perhaps MWiF will provide that grognard nirvana one of these days. :cool:

Currently playing as Axis with most difficult settings.
You'll have to mention later how it works out. This ain't the old AI anymore! ;) If you're playing Expert +2 you will definitely be challenged. Those shore bombardment results being too high is most likely that +2 bonus kicking in. I tried to gear the game to be decent at Intermediate +1.

From a marketing perspective, it worked on me. Fantastic write up.
Thanks! My intent really was not marketing, since I'm not paid to do this. I see it as a great story that needs to be told and hopefully it will generate some AI ideas out there for other games. We have great eye-candy out there; we need some great AI. That's the next programming frontier.

EDIT Sidebar: Although I haven’t looked at the editor too much is there a way to import a bmp to assist in map creation?
Yes! You can import map indexes from a tile map created with MapGen.exe. MapGen.exe is a utility to create tile maps from a bitmap image. This tile map can then be imported by hitting F5 in the Editor and used as a starting point for a new scenario.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The bombardment effect you mentioned really caught my eye. The one thing I found to be a problem is that transports cannot attack coastal units directly from sea tiles.

If naval bombardment is effective enough, those shore defenders could be removed to make way for the landing crafts, and allow the AI to actually make D-Day landings against a well defended French coast.

I am intrigued. smile.gif

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IMHO, the problem is not with the amphibious transports. I've experimented some with giving transports a modest soft attack value, which is possible with the editor, but the effect is negligible.

The bigger problem is Axis having too many defenders, at least in the default campaign with no build limits or soft limits. In my A3R scenarios without the soft limits option, Axis usually cannot defend the entire French coast without risking disaster elsewhere. Allies can usually find someplace to land, or else make a place to land using air and naval attacks.

I've seen some game reports from the default campaigns showing what I consider excessive defenders and engineer-built fortifications. This may be fun and interesting in its own way but I do not care for it. The build limits and restrictions on engineers in my mod seem to produce more reasonable results, similar to the board game and historical results.

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