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The Hasrabit Campaign

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After having completed original Hasrabit 4 times, I'm finding first two missions extremely easy. In the old version, I managed to complete Ambush with 3 men wounded - it was very doable once you got the placement right (ATGM line with security platoon on the right flank and two platoons split into teams waiting in ambush by the buildings on the left - whatever got through ATGMs was destroyed by 3-5 RPG29s firing from several directions simoultanously). New version is abit of a cakewalk considering that all my infantry is not only protected by buildings, but fences as well forcing the enemy into narrow corridors covered by crack SF units. Second mission sufferes from the same problem as well - I managed to occupy Farm house before the enemy sneaking in a platoon reinforced by snipers (tip: move your men into the forrest near entreance to the farm house complex 3 mins into inital barrage, on 5 minute mark pop smoke on the road and book it for the other side into the complex). After occupying the complex, it was slaughter with Red forces pouring into doorway size gap in the Fence covered by two crack sniper teams, an infantry team, and RPG29 unit. Enemy's attempt to force my right fank faired even worse fate with 2 destroyed T72s brewing up and taking out at least a platoon.

Btw, this is all probably a good thing since alot of people found Hasrabit extremely challenging and toning down on the difficulty should push Red on Red to the "masses" more :)

How is the progress on Road to Dimas btw? I'm itching to use BMP-3s and T-90s in proper campaign setting :D

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When playtesting, I found that the Special Forces missions were a bit easier to win, especially 'Strong Stand', but I figured that was a good thing to keep people's interest alive in continuing with the campaign. However, at least for me, part of that increased ease came from familiarity with the missions. I suspect that a Hasrabit newbie will still find these missions quite challenging. I'm really curious to see how you guys get on with the Republican Guards missions though as I found them tougher to complete, especially 'The Barrier' and 'Saudara Part 2'.

Adam. He he, I want you to expend those precious artillery assets needlessly in the earlier missions.

Red Rage

I'm exclusively working on Dimas now and so far, I'm finding that the missions I'd playtested to my satisfaction with v1.08 are now more difficult with v1.10 because the opposing conscripts and green troops are a little bit more resiliant. Also, unlike the first incarnation of Hasrabit, most missions have two or more AI plans and that keeps me guessing each time I playtest a mission.

BTW, I'm not planning on putting T-90s or BMP-3s into the Red v Red version of the Dimas campaign as I figure they'd be too tough for your rebel forces in this particular situation. However, they will definitely make it into the Marines version and I'm planning a third red v Red campaign using a Syrian Mech Airborne company or two with some T-90s in support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Paper Tiger.

I tryed the last two Days on your Campaign. First of all i would like to thank you for your work you put in. I enjoyed reading the briefings and got a feel of immersion into it.

After reloading 2-5 Times and got the right positions i managed to win the First Mission easily but reloading few times puts away the Immersion feeling. Now im in the Second Mission and had the feeling that i lost to many Special Forces B Company and ended the match watching what the Enemy had. I was stunned. :)

I quit for now because i always got the Feel that i loose too much RPG-29, Ammo, units to continue the Campaign. Loading Savegames all the Time take away the Immersion Feel and i got a bit frustradet bye those overhelming forces.

My suggestions for better scenario is:

1. Please write in Briefing how many men loosing is worth continue with the Campaign and how many RPG has to be left

I quit in Mission #2 had about 20Men KIA and another 20WIA. At this time all my Special Ops RPG Capabilities where fired and the enemy took the Yard. There where roughly 3!!! Squads of BTR-60 left and one T-62 wich was massacring my Left Flank lacking any more RPG-29.

Is it worth starting over again?

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You have 2 special forces companies and 2 mech companies and 9 missions to work with. Firsy two missions are doable with zero special forces casualties, especially in the new version (with difficulty toned down). Trick to the first mission - all AT-14s on the right with a security half-platoon, and the rest of your forces in buildings along the defensive line (first floors, troops on "hide"); normally no tanks will reach your defensive line as those Kornets are VERY effective, and couple of BTRs and some infantry that makes it through is easily cut down by your infantry and RPG-29s.

Second mission trick is to take the farmhouse first. To do so, you have to have a SF platoon waiting close to the entrance to the farmhouse complex, but outside of enemy's initial barrage range (there is a little forrest on the other side of the road from complex entrance that is perfect for waiting....while waiting use "Hide" to avoid shrapnel damage). After 5 min mark barrage is done, pop smoke on the road (this is important - one BTR60 overlooking the road will ruin your day), and cross the road on "Fast". Once your troops are in farmhouse, your troops there are pretty much invulnerable (again use only first floors, after enemy armor threat is gone move your snipers and FO team on the roof/upper floors).

Position your other 2 platoons in buildings in the center and right flank respectively. I suggest putting 2 RPG 29 teams and a sniper on a little hill overlooking the main road in your center (on the very left of a long group of connected buildings in the certer of the map). Create ambush zones, with 2-3 RPGs firing on enemy tanks at the same time (tanks will use the main road approach, some will flank on the left).

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It sounds like you're going too fast in 'Strong Stand'. The briefing tells you that you must hold the assembly area until the reserves arrive and then begin your counterattack. The Reserves have tanks, nothing to get excited about but they'll beat the living crap out of those BRDMs that you're counting.

Red Rage has found a very effective way to beat this mission and there are other ways to win it as well. But moving too fast and not waiting for the reserves is an almost impossible task. With regards to casualties, you can lose between 33-50% of your forces and still win the campaign. I playtested the final missions with half the original OB and still won... ONLY JUST! but I did win. The less casualties you take, the easier it will get. With regards to ammo, you have more than enough to see you through as long as you don't try to do it all yourself of course. Just make sure you use Buddy Aid to retrieve ammo and the RPG-29s when you can and you'll be alright.

I would advise you to restart this mission and slow it down. After you beat off the initial rush and you're waiting for the reserves to arrive, give your forces buddy aid and reorganise them.

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Thx for the Reply on that Paper Tiger. im no native English Speaker so i have to "work" myself in the Briefings often to understand them. I often have problems to understand what meaned in the Briefings or just overhelmed by the Infos they offer :)

Ill try it again. Let them come really close and dont try to get offensive on Strong Stand (Second Mission yes?) after i played through the TF Thunder Campaign.

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