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Bloody Nose Ridge!

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For the first time - I've made a scenario that has some serious head to head fighting. The ridge line is brutal. Every inch has been covered. I've had a good time making this one. One thing I did notice is you've got to establish some kind of infantry assault along with armor smoke screen - or forget it, you'll be toast. Your mission - Pass all three phase lines through the ridge. Their mission is to drop every US soldier they can. It's a nasty business and dark too.

Only play as Blue. The red side knows what to do.

One more thing - There are some enclosed bunkers at the back of the ridge. Remember to blow a hole in the wall to get inside (+100 extra points). You'll need to get those points in the end.


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I dl/d this and have put it in the right directory along with all my other scenarios, and copied into the baked directory just in case but it doesn't seem to show up in the battles to select? Much confusion. Unless it's 1.07 in which case I'm running 1.06 so that'll explain it. Didn't realise they were version specific, are they?

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Enjoyed it, major carnage and lots of surprises. The airpower is in fact needed in this mission, so getting people in place to guide them is crucial. Played it on RT vet 107, no problems for me. One thing that struck me is that some bradleys appear boarded with blind and deaf soldiers, as in cant spot nothing, while others apparently have superman sight and hearing and can chew alone through rows of enemies. Might be related to the crew getting bonuses didn’t check that. Overall, nice for a good dose of instant action, I will replay this.

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