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New Scenario - In the Fields

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Uploaded to CMMods. Intended for play by Blue vs. AI or two player. Comments are most appreciated.

Here's a taste from the briefing:

You are the commander of 1st Platoon, A Company (Stryker combat engineer). With no combat engineering to do, your platoon has been tasked with assisting the local population to rebuild infrastructure after combat operations in an effort to build public support for American forces.

Today's project has been to repair the irrigation pumping facility of a small farming village. This vital equipment was damaged during American counterinsurgent operations several months ago. Because it is strategically located near one of our major supply routes, the cooperation of these villagers may contribute vital intelligence about insurgent movements. Command considers assisting them an important part of the effort to stabilize the region.

The work has been going well, and the pumping equipment was back on-line by midday. One squad is now finishing up repairs on the pumphouse, while another is using one of the Strykers to pull debris out of one of the irrigation channels, and the third is helping to repair a home damaged in the fighting. You are in the middle of the village speaking with the village chief, who has expressed his appreciation for your efforts.

Suddenly you hear the unmistakable sound of incoming mortar rounds. As the villagers scramble for their homes, you yell "Cover!" into the radio and head for the nearest irrigation ditch. As you run for cover, you can see movement in the orchards across the road. What now, Lieutenant?

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Good one Bimmer. I like it. Was one of those Oh crap now what Am I gonna do scenario's. Had me hopping and kinda on the edge of my chair. Small but a very fun scenario in my opinion. Hope you got more like that one in the works. Thanks for sharing it.



Edit to add: When I said small, I meant small unit action which I like alot. The big battles with all the hardware are cool but small unit action in a situation even better. Great story also Bimmer.

[ October 06, 2007, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: GunzAbeam ]

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Played it three times (good sign!) on Veteran, each time ending the game at around 15 minutes by completely destroying the Syrian attackers!

The second try was the worst, with two Strykers being lost.

Needless to say, I love the small scale and the fact that CM:SF performs flawlessly for me in a 'rural' setting with lots of open ground. I also like the fact that squads run out of ammo in this one, and re-equipping them is very dangerous!

Bottom line: very nice, perhaps a little bit too easy (on Veteran) due to the fact that the enemy does not seem to have a lot of RPGs.

Best regards,


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Thanks for the feedback. The resupply aspect works particularly well in this one, I think, given the limited size of the Blue force and the amount of ground it has to cover.

I should have mentioned that I did all my testing on Elite. At that level the balance seemed about right; I actually had more RPGs in to begin with, but all the Strykers kept exploding.

Also, all testing was done in WEGO, so results may be somewhat different in RT play.

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Thanks Bimmer. I had a real blast with this scenario. I enjoyed the pretext and how the multiple attack axes catch your distributed forces off guard. Well done.


I hastily deployed a Stryker east to the pump house and almost lost it several times to mortar fire. It was like driving through heavy rain and dodging the drops. Sadly that Stryker was KO'd near the pump house along with a second Stryker I moved up afterwards.

A third Stryker went west to the house and engineer squad and took care of the insurgents coming in from the south. Not too much trouble there except the squad was caught outside and struggled to reach safety while under fire.

During the setup phase, I loaded the engineers into the northern Stryker and set a route south to consolidate with the other teams. This group ran into the Syrian force north of the main road. Under cover of fire from the Stryker and smoke, the troops dismounted into the drainage ditch and wiped out the 14 uncons here, though with the loss of 4 US soldiers.

The pump house was hardest hit with the squads there running dry. Both Strykers sent to relieve them had been KO'd and with insurgents closing to under 100 metres both north and south of them, things looked grim. However, with the other assaults dealt with, the remaining Strykers deployed eastwards and finished off the surviving uncons. I was in the process of arranging ammo reloads when the mission finished.

US - 17 OK, 2 KIA, 10 WIA, 2 armoured vehicles lost.

Syria - 3 OK, 24 KIA, 39 WIA, 2 missing.

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