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98SE or ME?

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That is the question...

I've got my hands on a second drive and I will be reinstalling one of these operating systems purely for CM's use. Which O/S in your opinion, is the best for CM?

I'm going to be using it with a 1ghz Thunderbird and half a gig of ram smile.gif

I love XP, but I have some issues with the graphics card drivers. Until they sort that out the build will become redundant.

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I've run CMBO sucessfully on both as well as on plain Win98.

With all of the Win9x series you will be using the same video, sound and other drivers so the experience should be the same or very similar.

I'm kind of a minimalist when it comes to my gaming machine so if it were me I'd go for Win98 SE simply because it has less bells/whistles/junk in it than ME, but the two are pretty similar.

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I second wwb_99's suggestions. If you opt for Win95 OSR2 (also known as 'Win95B' or 'Win95C'), be aware that it doesn't properly support USB and that a USB patch is actually necessary (along with a minimum install of DirectX 5.0) for AGP video card drivers to function properly. If you attempt to install the video drivers before installing the USB patch and DirectX 'whatever' your drivers may not install properly.

For most people Win 98SE is probably one of the best choices since it supports most of the hardware and it doesn't have too much 'gunk' slowin' down the system compared to WinME.

[ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Guys, thanks for the advice. 95OSR2 is just too painful. I don't think I've even got the cd anymore.. :(

I went with 98SE in the end, and thankfully, using a ghosted image, got the build on my machine in under five minutes.

Now, this is the interesting bit. My KyroII. I do believe it isn't fully supported by CM. Is there anyway I can find this out for sure? Look at the readme that installs with the game.

Depending on the drivers I use, I either have to put up with garbled text on the screen, or transparent vehicles. Even worse is when I go to play against a colleague via TCP. For some reason, the lower half of the screen corrupts graphically and I'm left with a very stable, but highly unusual game of CM.. All the buttons disappear and I'm left with guessing what button is where. Quite amusing actually, even if it is gutting.

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