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bugs galore

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After some very disappointing weeks with ToW I have to make some statements:

(a) I don't like to be a beta tester against my will.

(B) I hate to pay for this additionally.

ToW was my premier internet purchase of a computer game and it's a disaster.

Since 1C is a well reputed company, releasing the nice game IL-2, I was expecting good stuff for good money.

What I got was a nice IDEA of a game but the game itself is simply crap.

A game that crashes to desktop in a total unpredicatble way and hanging up the whole PC is nothing than a nasty fun killer.

This surely not due to my hardware; only standard hardware components, all current patches & drivers installed, and dozens of games running without any problems.

Not to talk of many other users having similiar problems with the game and posting their "SOS" in this forum.

IMHO it's simply impossible that the QA department of could have overlooked these severe problems during testing. So, was there any testing at all?

In the end I paid 45 bucks for a lot of data garbage and there is no official patch in sight.

Two things to be learned from this: Never buy "a cat in the bag" and forget about 1C. These guys really know how to piss off people > :(

Greetings from another "content" customer

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Besides the fact that you are posting no useful information at all to help you and in fact are not even saying what kind of problems you have, you're also not correct that no official patch is in sight. It has been announced and we're in fact testing it currently. There are a handful of known stability issues which we're working on. These might or might not include yours, I guess we'll never know.

Most of the people "posting their SOS" have been helped or are being helped. Those that are being helped post a description of their problem and/or email our support instead of posting general and unsubstantiated statements.


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I initially had crashes or freezes almost every battle that I played. You, I and a few others are a minority of players that have experienced these. There have not been that many posts about freezes and CTDs compared to the whole that have purchased this game. And it is completely plausible that testers did not experience these since there are few of them and the public as a whole has many many more combinations of hardware, software and drivers-making it hard as hell to test for everything. Remember, Battlefron and 1C don't have near the budget as Ubisoft who is, as of this moment, probably not providing a sorely needed 1.3 patch for a very bugged Silent Hunter IV. Yet Battlefront and 1C seem to be committed to patching ToW.

I and others that have had these freezes have been helped by Battlefront (see the Troubleshooting Guide near the top of this forum.) For me the culprit was the shadows. Turning these off in the Video options cut down on freezes drastically. I have had a couple of freezes since then but I've been able to play many battles without a problem.

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Greetings Moon!

Thanx for your telling remarks. Since there seem to be some problems with the perception of my posting some additional text may be useful:

>> ...you are posting no useful information at all to help you and in fact are not even saying what kind of problems you have,...

Perhaps you skipped some lines of text while reading:

> A game that crashes to desktop in a total unpredicatble way and hanging up the whole PC is nothing than a nasty fun killer.

THIS is my problem. Unpredictable means that the CTDs are not caused by specific actions (mouseclicks etc.) and do not take place after a

certain time of playing. Sometimes an alert box appears, sometimes the game screen freezes. In any case the game cannot be killed with the

task manager; only a cold boot by pressing the power button helps. I had tried out all the workarounds proposed in the forum without success.

>> There are a handful of known stability issues which we're working on. These might or might not include yours, I guess we'll never know.

I'm afraid you will be right.

>> Most of the people "posting their SOS" have been helped or are being helped. Those that are being helped post a description of their problem and/or

>> email our support instead of posting general and unsubstantiated statements.

Thank you for bringing your opinion to my attention.

Greetings Pak40!

Thanx for your posting also. You made some interesting remarks about other buggy games like SH 4. The discussions taking place in the forums there do nicely

illustrate the current situation of the computer game market:

Phase 1: A company maximizes profit by cutting the final test phase of their game and releases a heavily "contaminated" game, investing the saved money into massive advertising.

Phase 2: People buy the game, are furious about the numerous bugs and heavily complain in the forums. Of course no comment at all from the game company.

Phase 3: That's the funny one. Let's call it "consumer conditioning". Though being angry about the bugs, people are hot to play without bugs and eagerly start to collect all the bugs, try to find the reasons and workarounds and submit all their stuff to the game company, which is pleased about the work of their army of gratis beta testers. People are anxious about the release date of the first patch.

Phase 4: After the release of the first patch some bugs are gone and some new ones appear resulting in a repetition of phase 3.

Phase 5: After some time without any further patch announced some people are really pissed off and impend to sue the company for their crappy product. They are immediately critized by other people which argue that a lawsuit will provoke the company not to release any further <XXXX>

For <XXX> one may insert subsim, rts etc. in order to personalize this general flowchart for a real world game. Let's call this phase "total submission" smile.gif

Really, PAK40, you should read these threads. Better than cinema ;)

So, what makes me a member of a very small minority in this forum is my reaction on disfunctional products. In my opinion any consumer product sold for new has to meet some basic quality standards which is only fair. When I buy a new car it's inacceptable that it will "run" properly only after the third patch

of the car software. If the car is disfunctional it will be repaired immediately while I get a replacement car during the repair. Why should I accept to to pay money for disfunctional software and meekly pray for some patch to come some day? Obviously the quality standards of computer software are very low compared to other consumer products, but most people seem to accept this situation.

Honestly, I really admire all those people who spend a lot of effort and time in order to get a "unready" game running smoothly instead of having fun playing the game.

One can really call them true philantropists.

I'm a working guy, however. My leisure time is limited to 2 or 3 hours per day and I do not want to waste this precious time with trying to get a game running instead of PLAYING the game.

>> And it is completely plausible that testers did not experience these since there are few of them and the public as a whole has many many more combinations of hardware, software and

>> drivers-making it hard as hell to test for everything.

Well, that's true and I feel sorrow for 1C having only a few testers, but this can easily compensated by a public beta phase, involving the more than willing community.

But in the end it's their problem. When it's obvious that a small company is overburdened with a large game project the logical conlusion is to abandon it as soon as possible and not join all the fragments with a hot needle, isn't it?

My options in this affair are limited. I feel annoyed by the game and will keep my hands off for some months.

At least I had some entertainment by reading and answering the postings; that's more I got from ToW so far. Perhaps I should play THIS game instead. OK, don't panic, I'm only kidding ;)

Have a nice life


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