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How can i save edited maps?


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It works all fine with the new 3d mapeditor but how can i save an edited map without destroy the original?

The only way is to click on "save" but then the map is edited for all missions and campaign, no way to save the map with a new name :confused:

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Your not actually detroying the old one, rather you are creating a new one with the same name which is used instead (the old map is not directly affected) This is from the manual:

6. Saving a map and linking it up to a mission

To save an edited map select the item Save map on the menu File.

Changes you made will be saved to the folder Maps\<map name> of the game directory. To see the results of your work load any of missions that uses that map. You can create a new mission in the mission editor.

If you need to restore the original map clear the folder Maps\<map_name>.

So with some renaming of directories in the Map folder (when you want to play with a new one), you could have several versions of a modified map, as well as still have access to the original.


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Just to be sure i understood:

i've edited the montherme map for my mission....i create my mission in missioneditor on my new map....play the mission, ok.

That works fine so far, but every time if i wanna play the campaign or any other mission on the originalmap i must delete the custommap bevore?

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Just rename the modified map folder to something else. That should keep the game from seeing it and thereby use the original map.

Using this same system would enable to you have multiple versions of the same map too. You would just have to rename them to the correct name when you want to use one of them.


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Why must such basic functions made so complicated in that game, please add a "save file as...." function in the mapeditor asap ;)

BTW: all the new maps was also missed in both editors, thanks for yor quick help Madmatt smile.gif

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Currently with using Builder you cannot create new maps from scratch, just modify the original ones. Renaming the directory won't help, because the map contains additional data (such as terrain info, etc) that is hidden for the modder.

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Originally posted by dmg:

Currently with using Builder you cannot create new maps from scratch, just modify the original ones. Renaming the directory won't help, because the map contains additional data (such as terrain info, etc) that is hidden for the modder.

That's right, this editor is much better than the first one but the whole point of having an editor to create your own missions is you actually can create the map from scratch.

Is there any chance that feature will be added in future patchs?

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Currently with using Builder you cannot create new maps from scratch, just modify the original ones.
well that's really useless to me...this patch keeps getting worse and worse every time I read the boards. Who's bright idea was it to not allow making new maps or save as functions anyway ? come on peeps this stuff is basic common sense....
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Originally posted by KiloAlpha4:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Currently with using Builder you cannot create new maps from scratch, just modify the original ones.

well that's really useless to me...this patch keeps getting worse and worse every time I read the boards. Who's bright idea was it to not allow making new maps or save as functions anyway ? come on peeps this stuff is basic common sense.... </font>
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The Geoscape 3d software package can read the height map data from the extracted SFS file data.

I've been looking at some of the .raw files (mesh terrain data) in the demo for the program. Pretty cool.

If you had the package I'm pretty sure it would be possible to create new height maps.

'Course it costs around 65$ US, which is more than TOW costs. Pretty neat though cuz it lets you import GIS data from a couple of the most popular GIS file formats. Might be fun to fight a battle on the terrain from around your own neighborhood if you have access to it.

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

But lets be clear, you can modify everything on the maps except heigth data, so this is a great deal.


You can only modify statics and both types of trees (near and far away).

All you can do at the moment is changing or placing trees and bushes, thats very usefull :cool:

You can also put new buildings on a map but its more or less usless without the possiblity to change the ground :rolleyes:

It should be possible to modify textures, roads, grass, vertex color and extend the playable area more then 2048x2048.

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To be clear from my end, I always understood the new map editor would not let you change height and ground levels in the game. What I was really hoping for was additional objects which would be helpful in creating some new/improved cover capabilities for infantry and guns.

I would gladly pay a reasonable fee to simply get a nice library of objects to make the map editing more flexible if 1C/Battlefront would/could/will make one available. I don't expect the developers to pump out loads of content for this package without some compensation for their time and hard work. I would rather spend more money on one well-developed game than fritter it away on a half dozen craptastic titles that won't hold my attention for more than a week.

I've always gotten the impression from the Combat Mission series that that was pretty much Battlefront's whole philosophy as well, so I'm not too concerned about the future of the game.

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Originally posted by SlapHappy:

To be clear from my end, I always understood the new map editor would not let you change height and ground levels in the game. What I was really hoping for was additional objects which would be helpful in creating some new/improved cover capabilities for infantry and guns.

I allways understood the opposite...

Where's the fun or even more accurate, what's the point of making new missions and campaigns in the same maps all the time, only changing the position of the statics?

That's boring and cheap in my oppinion, I'm sorry. If BF or 1C are looking after a "cheap" game, things like this will contribute for sure indeed.

And, talking about the cover/los , what about a LOS tool to check when your units are really covered behind something and not having to trust the red dot that it doesn't allways speaks the truth btw?.

I had some sutiations after the patch where the red dots said I had LOS and it wasn't true. What was true is the enemy had LOS and my tanks could tell 10 seconds after, and in a game like this that's not acceptable I think.

But I still think if this game keeps being worked hard, it could become brilliant eventually.

[ June 29, 2007, 12:02 AM: Message edited by: KeBrAnTo ]

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I'm a long time map maker and modder from the Sudden Strike series of games. The editor and modding tools take time to evolve. I am please with the progress on this wonderful game, but also see a tremendous potential for a much broader acceptance as the editor and tools mature. This will be fun.

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