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Madmatt re temp patch


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I third it. I enjoyed my first stab at the game but shared a lot of the frustrations people have talked about endlessly here (I'll spare you my own list). So I decided to put TOW on hold until the patch comes out, and unfortunately, since then have found that my interest in the game and its future has been steadily waning. I'm already moving on to new games and less concerned if the eventual patch gets it right. Judging from the decreased traffic in this forum, I think I'm not alone. So there might be a practical reason for BF to get out a Beta soon and keep the game's interest / momentum going. It's a really fun and innovative game with great potential, and I'd hate if it died on the vine. I know BF are in an unenviable situation here, faced with lots of impatience and high (ie. unreasonable) expectations, but do I think it's in there interest to make TOW a viable long term title and not just something to tide people over until Shock Force hits. Just my 2 cents.

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I agree also, unfortunately. I have been playing other games that have been released recently. (UFO Extraterrestrials for 1)... I find myself not even coming by the forum here very often. Maybe 1 or 2 times a week for the last month or so. Been playing other recent releases lately as this 1 needs more work. I loved it at first. Still hoping to see improvement....sometime.

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