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How Tough Is A Jagdtiger???


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I was recently playing the demo ( I want to buy the REAL thing, but my mother has forbidden me to....sob") and the game is absoloutly astonishing! But I really wonder about one thing. In "The Last Frontier", I placed my Jagdtiger in the valley. Enabling it to destroy tanks that came from both ends (bridge and valley end). Well. The Jagdtiger with it's 128mm Gun managed to destroy 16 tanks alone, but then ran out of AT ammunition, making it retreat ( HE ammunition is useless). But can a IS-2 Soviet Heavy Tank knock out a Jagdtiger within 100m??? Beacuse my Jagdtiger withstood punishing barrages from 3 Is-2s and 3 T-34/85 at the same time!!!! And nothing happened! It just rocked back and forth each time it was hit, before slowing firing and destroying each tank one by one, mind you, it takes 19 seconds to reload, so it took a lot of hits during the 5 minutes.....Here's some pics ofthe aftermath of our "little fight"

The Jagdtiger had to bail out in the end. The tracks were hit. The crew didn't survive though


Red Army Tank Grave


The Is-2s who tried to sneak behind


And the T-34/85s who tried to sneak up the hill


[ May 31, 2007, 02:29 AM: Message edited by: Panzerwu ]

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You were probably a bit lucky, in that scenario I took quite a few hits to the JT but you will go eventually under concentrated fire - and losing the tracks at the wrong moment could be as good as a kill too. In that scenario I used the JT to pick off the first wave of tanks at long range by nestling it between a building and some bushes, keeping a couple of Nashorns in reserve to cover the bridge from an ambush position finally flanking with reinforcements. I don't think there's any 100% impervious vehicle in the game - which is a good thing IMHO.

Have fun


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Hmmm... Well that's good news.

Another thing is that I remember playing from CMAK and CMBB that infantry were able to hitch a ride on the tanks. But in TOW all you can do is to follow a tank in an uneven pace. Where the tank rumbles fast and the infantry eventually get left really far away...

Anothr thing, can't I choose the ammuntion to be stowed with complete range of AT SAalvos???? I hate them HE....

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The Jadgtiger was near indestructible.

It had a 128mm gun, a ton of armor and was a antitank killer, no turret thus low profile. Dugin on a hill it was a tough nut.

The good thing is they didn't have many of them..and by then with allied air power..it really didn't matter.

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Anothr thing, can't I choose the ammuntion to be stowed with complete range of AT SAalvos???? I hate them HE....

Panzerwu - You can do that in the editor. Just go to the backpack and set HE to 0 and set AP (or whatever) to the max allowed loadout.

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...and was a antitank killer

hehe, so you say it was a tankdestroyer-destroyer!?

hm, nothing to say about the jagdtiger, but i think german armor has to be overmodeled a bit. the russians are throwing IS2 like fresh sibirian troops.

in that mission i had a panther took several hits to the front from IS2, from about 150m. well i dont think it could have survived that.

also i allready read here that sherman can KO tigerE´s from 500-1000m in that game. unfortunately i wont see in the demo.

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It all depends on where the shells hit and at what angle. the Panther glacis can deflect 122mm rounds.

There is an error in the Jagd tiger reload. it reloads to slow, as in Real live, it had 2 loaders to load the seperate munition, and this keep up a high ROF.

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the Panther glacis can deflect 122mm rounds.
if it can do that at that range, the guy sitting behind it ate soom good portion of its own armor.

and next shot a this spot would be fatal.

i think the 122mm was nothing to mess around with...

for what did the russians examine all german guns they could grab funktional if not to build an own usefull gun to the later stage of the war!?. short said...

(not to say 85mm isnt usefulll, was more a good standard id say)

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out of my head.

panther glacis is 80mm@55° (0°=vertical). equals about 180mm vertical protection.

Taking into account TD, yes, a panther glacis will deflect a 122mm shot from range.

The 122mm gun, was also very low rof, due to 2 part ammo. The russion 100mm was far better.

Mind that I'm not talking about spalling or cracking of armour. (donno if that's modelled)

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As already mentioned, the Panther was able to deflect 122mm rounds.

One fact which is NOT in the game is the result on the crew after deflecting various shots from a tank.

They will be addled because of the massive rumble. I have a book about that mentioning the effects on the crew.

During the early days on the Eastern Front german forces often spottet KW 1 tanks. Naturally they called their Stukas because their Panzer III was not strong enough.

Anyway a german commander of several tanks spottet a KW1 with damaged roadwheels and turret. He ordered his tanks (all of the type Panzer III) to fire all together on the monster. After several salvos the tank was still functional...but the crew decided to give up and surrender. No one of them was wounded....but all of them where addled. Must be a hell in this KW 1 during the hits.

What i want to say: Even if the armor withstands massive shots (which is the case with a 122mm gun of an IS2)...the crew will finally surrender, in case they can not move out of the massive enemy fire.

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panther glacis is 80mm@55° (0°=vertical). equals about 180mm vertical protection.
well, ok i belive :D

now i know why i allways loose my pathers in CM in hull down positions. the good part of the vehicle doesnt get hit(not conting the ocassinal and fequent flaws). i allways get front turret penetrations(probably the random nuber givesme 0° than :( ).

iam not pretty good at math but when i do a little calculating i even get over 210mm for 80@55°. not sure though :D

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