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Why does the soldiers commit suicide?!


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1) Was playing the demo map...

2) 3 of my squads "hides" in trenches..(Telling them to hold pos and fire AND go prone)

3) An enemy tank approaches and fires its MG's on one of my squads (which should be hiding?!)

4) My men decides to peek up and down like they are trying to catch bullets with their teeth...

Question: Did alot of soldiers do that during world war II?

Result: After trying to snatch/headbutt alot of bullets I lost my whole squad to MG fire...

Now... Some of my men had Panzerfausts, and I wanted to pick them back up to destroy the incomming tank... But...hey.. their equipment dissapeared! (Trying really hard to spot it)

I tried to move my soldier around and regularly clicking "combat gear".. and after alot of time I finally found my Fausts...

But just then my trusted soldier desides to JUMP up from the Trench and starts to RUN towards the enemy tank!


In WW2, why didnt they SHOOT at the tanks instead of running towards them trying to hit it with the faust tube?!

Somebody please help me here... Im getting tired of clicking the hold, hold fire and defend buttons....

There was a few other horrific bugs as well...

One has allready been mentioned, where the hold button magically release and your tank moves about like a freaking horny dog wanting to hump the german bitc'hes...

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Maybe he was trying to use an AT grenade? It's just a random thougt...

About the first part of your post: I terribly, terribly, terribly miss a HIDE order in which the soldiers do anything they can to avoid being seen, and only fire or adopt firing possitions when they are attacked/detected AND have good chances to kill the enemy, prioritizing their own security over anything else. Something similar to Close Combat series hide order. In a trench this would mean having their damn heads down and go prone if necessary to avoid tanks crusinhg them.

I'd also like that the AI soldiers get more initiative and take their dead mates weapons when necessary. It's no good that a squad abandons their AT weapons or MG/support weapon when the soldier carrying it falls. I really dont like having to micromanage my squads to this level in a situation like the one your describing. Although i understand that some people can enjoy it, I'd prefer an AI that can do it by itself, lie they did in Close Combat (which in most part isnt a good example of good AI)

I guess it's too evident that I'm old CC lover, isn't it? smile.gif Not that i think that they were the paradigm of tactical games, but they were very user-frienly and had a grat interface, it was very intuitive.

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Hide in this game is hold fire and in open country prone. Using prone in trenches is a waste as they can't fire prone, use dash(kneeling) instead.

Spread your men out more, no more than the number of firing positions of men per trench.

Only release the hold fire command when the enemy is within range as they will expose themselves even more to fire.

Computer controlled tanks have in their scripts the ability to fire on areas containing the enemy regardless of wether they can see them or not. Which is what any live player would do anyway.

Barring bad luck versus the artillery, I've only lost men when the enemy was right on top of me. And my record is about thirty infantry and two tanks with one squad.

Good luck and hope it helps.

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hmmm... Ive tried it.. but the demo only.

Dont wanna buy the full version if the demo does not show what im getting in gameplay anyway.

I've tried to do the hold fire and hold position.

2 squads got whiped out regardless....

I agree that a human player would fire on possible enemy hideouts... but im not sure wheter I've seen the AI shoot at the emty trenches on the demo map yet.

Ill give it another go... Ive been waiting for this game too long tongue.gif

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I'm playing the demo too. What I meant with the computer remark is that it cheats. The script tells it that there are enemy present and so it fires.

And with infantry, let them get close, a hundred meters or less, if possible.

Lastly, the full game (which I've played some courtesy of a friend) has the most awfull rubbish for scenarios imaginable. Custom scenarios online is the way to go, where it shines.

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Originally posted by PFMM:

Hide in this game is hold fire and in open country prone. Using prone in trenches is a waste as they can't fire prone, use dash(kneeling) instead.

Spread your men out more, no more than the number of firing positions of men per trench.

I agree with your advice, but bear in mind that infantry will take sneak peeks. Yesterday I had a well positioned sniper knock out every single man in a trench. I was watching carefully at what was going on and each and every time an AI man got killed it was when he was standing up to take a look.

Hold position when used in trenches seems to only ensure they stay in the trench system, but they will move around freely and bunch up when something comes into view. You can reduce the chances of this by only having one man per position as suggested, but unless the enemy comes in directly at the front of the trench you'll probably get bunching anyway - which makes them a juicy target for HE shells and/or artillery. My preferred tactic is to (when possible) stay out of trenches when facing tanks or artillery as they're death traps, then run into them before infantry arrives.

Have fun


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