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Everything posted by Tequ9q

  1. I tried to search for this topic but no result so lets go: Will you be able to customize your sounds like in CM1? I can hear that you have added the unrealistic hollywood "wooosh" as the bullets pass by. Id rather hear the supersonic bullet "crack" like this: (listen after 8:30) You can clearly hear the bullets snap as they pass over their heads... A true freightening sound.
  2. In my opinion you are wrong.. I easily beat the AI, BUt I still find it cheating. They havent put down much fundings into this game.. atleast not to fix the AI. Making 2000 units is not enough... THis game just has too many setbacks at the moment... If I ever gonna buy it I need to si: 1) LOS Tool 2) VISIBLE important weapons (like sinpers, MG, faust etc) so we dont have to search every where to find it. 3) Cover arcs. 4) Realistic MG simulation (area denial) 5) Move to contact ordre 6) Multiple waypoints 7) Sneak/noram/fast/assault orders 8) More vegetables and cover (too much open ground) 9) Be able to see the stats of dead soldiers 10) Fix the "hold" command (Stop tanks from turning) 11) Add a HIDE command. Generally make it more like CMAK .... Thank you!
  3. hmmm... Ive tried it.. but the demo only. Dont wanna buy the full version if the demo does not show what im getting in gameplay anyway. I've tried to do the hold fire and hold position. 2 squads got whiped out regardless.... I agree that a human player would fire on possible enemy hideouts... but im not sure wheter I've seen the AI shoot at the emty trenches on the demo map yet. Ill give it another go... Ive been waiting for this game too long
  4. Hmm I tried it.. it worked for some tanks... but when I tried to back up the Tiger it started to turn again... and once more I forgot to save... Maybe it wanted to show his "full moon" to his enemy? hmmm... Regardless.. the game needs a patch that stops the tanks from turning towards invisible targets...
  5. ah nice... I thought the retreat button was the same as in CMAK.. if you hit it, the soldiers panicked but retreated like they got something up ther behinds... Ill try that..
  6. 1) Was playing the demo map... 2) 3 of my squads "hides" in trenches..(Telling them to hold pos and fire AND go prone) 3) An enemy tank approaches and fires its MG's on one of my squads (which should be hiding?!) 4) My men decides to peek up and down like they are trying to catch bullets with their teeth... Question: Did alot of soldiers do that during world war II? Result: After trying to snatch/headbutt alot of bullets I lost my whole squad to MG fire... Now... Some of my men had Panzerfausts, and I wanted to pick them back up to destroy the incomming tank... But...hey.. their equipment dissapeared! (Trying really hard to spot it) I tried to move my soldier around and regularly clicking "combat gear".. and after alot of time I finally found my Fausts... But just then my trusted soldier desides to JUMP up from the Trench and starts to RUN towards the enemy tank! hahahahaha!! In WW2, why didnt they SHOOT at the tanks instead of running towards them trying to hit it with the faust tube?! Somebody please help me here... Im getting tired of clicking the hold, hold fire and defend buttons.... There was a few other horrific bugs as well... One has allready been mentioned, where the hold button magically release and your tank moves about like a freaking horny dog wanting to hump the german bitc'hes...
  7. Im doing an ambush waiting behind a ridge (demo map) Planning to do a "shoot & scoot" on a IS-2 with my Tiger (comming on the bridge) I order my Tiger to go forward a few metres to engage the IS, make a shot, then retreat back behind the ridge.... NOW, thats what I wanted in THEORY.... This is what happened.... My tank starts to move out as planned, he makes his shot.. but when I wanted to reverse it behind the ridge, he TURNED 180 deg, with his Butt towards the IS!!!.... and this was after nearly 2 HOURS of playing and i didnt SAVE!... Now, I relied alot on that tiger... Maybe anyone have a tip on how to back up a tank... or either want my lost time back... This ... HORRIBLE event occurd again and again... on different occations...
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