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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

First impression


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The game is a beauty. I love to see the mighty panthers and tigers roaring on the field. I like both graphics and sound (I'm a minority, I know). The game is very challenging (I'm still not even near the victory). On my mid-range comp (AMD Athlon 64 +3200, 1 gb RAM and GF6600) the game is fluid with all settings on normal. I had a little lag (but very acceptable) when rinforcements arrive in the Last Stand. I crashed to desktop once (I've played two battles so far) and I hope it won't happen to many times.

That said, I miss some features: smoke screens (I know, we've talked about that already) and the possibility to tell the vehicles to follow the roads. In real life I belive tanks would try to avoid to jump on every single tree...


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My impressions (based on the demo)... and sugestions

After playing around with the demo, I will defently buy the game!

There are some glitches but the game kind of grows on you. You have to give it some time to get used to.

What i miss and think must be fixed:

Add Ambush mode. . This is really important to prevent this game from becoming a tank rush because there s no place to hide your infantry and AT guns. A well hidden AT gum can be devastating, so the enemy has to use infantry to probe in front of the armor. As it his tanks can pick AT guns rely easy. and infantrey is used only for spoting

The fortified locations are deaf traps., placing AT guns or teams in bush's high grass or tree areas does.t seem to provide cover or any concealment!!

This needs fix pronto.

I manage to beat the demo mission, with a couple of Jtigers, the only place the AT guns where of some use was behind the hill on the right side of the bridge. so that they could fire at targets at 100 mt. ( an obvious location for a CC player).

Also I miss some tabs to keep track of your teams, a spend a lot of time looking for them ( plus, with the tabs you can also add icons in top indicating if they are under fire panicking or what ever) the scroll log cannot substitute this) this is rely a standard in most rts so just rip off other game! (like CC or the total war series)

Prevent soldiers to fire at targets they cannot arm. I dont see any reasom to soldier firing is pistol to a tank unleasse he is panicking.. he shouls dash for cover and not atrack atencion on him.

Camera Tips that work for me: Invert the camera scroll!; Use the "enter" to go in soldiers level view, "enter" again to deselect and use the arrow keys to back a Little and move around so you can get focus on the action more quickly

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I have to agree about most of the above. The game takes some getting used to but all things considered it's working pretty good. With some fine tuning and some mod work this game WILL be a real winner! I have had two freeze up's and one was in the first battle of the French campaign...but then again the French always FREEZE UP! LOL! Have to figure out how to end a battle...especially when your loosing. I don't want to loose men for nothing. I would like to retain some of my original troops to make them better later. So how do you leave a loosing battle and still maintain a fighting force?

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TTorpedo, I was complaining about most of those things too. It drives me batty every time to see Tom Hanks firing his pistol at a tank on the field. I was told to order them a "hold fire" command, but as we all know if you don't get back to them in time, well, who knows if they'll start to fire again when the troops get into view.

I too found it hard to keep track of my guys. The scrolling thing under the mini-map is almost 100% useless to me because it's always saying something and I am never looking at it. I personally think they need to issue audio to inform the player of problems.

Your idea would work also, just something to keep me updated. I also think a tactical map of some sort is in order. I mean there are times when everyone would get so spread out I simply couldn't get a big picture of all that was going on, so I just tunnel visioned on some random battle.

As for AT guns. The more I play the demo, the more it feels like I'm just in one giant flat wheat field like Saskatchewan Canada. Sure there are things all over the place, but it never really feels like any of it matters, especially to troops.

I have been told that the units can follow tanks for cover, but I have yet to try.

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I like this game, granted it takes some getting used to, but in my experience most new titles does. only gripe I have is the tendencies of men (and tanks for that matter) to disregard some order and poke heads (turrets) above trenches (or slopes) and get whacked... then again that could be me



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I have had some success with hiding AT guns in bushes, when I issued "do not move" and "hold fire" commands. The enemy can not spot you. until you start moving your gun in their direction, and of course will fire back at you.

But it's still a minor success, I would like to see it more like in CM, you hide and noone can see you until you get up:)

I started playing Polish campaigne and have had quite good results, two soldiers are dead on my side, and 5 tanks and 1 soldier on German side!

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Yers you´r right The maps are well made filled with features but the soldiers dont seem to know it an the gameplay "flatens" the map like you pointed Crazylegsmurphy. Anyway not enouf to ruin the good points of the game .. So i´m going with it, hoppfuly the patsh/ teweakes will make it better and better.

A tactical map is a must to. But if not you should at list In Mp play more than one map in sequence. Meaning that you can retreat to other maps and use your points to improce skils..

Like Sfox asked is there a " run for your lifes button"

PS: Maybe with the improving skils of your soldier they might learn how to conceal/ survive better? hope so.

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posted April 20, 2007 10:50 AM


Seems no one except BFC can make realistic wargames.

I guess your right...especially, if you like to stop the action every minute and a half and give the orders. With men that really represent 3 men and look quite a bit like the "Hangman" stick figures.

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Originally posted by Sfox28:

posted April 20, 2007 10:50 AM


Seems no one except BFC can make realistic wargames.

I guess your right...especially, if you like to stop the action every minute and a half and give the orders. With men that really represent 3 men and look quite a bit like the "Hangman" stick figures.

Maybe... but yet CM is still a waaaaayyy better/more realistic representation of tac WW2 combat. Plus you can enter buildings ! :D
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Originally posted by Sfox28:

With men that really represent 3 men and look quite a bit like the "Hangman" stick figures. [/QB]

It's an abstraction and IMO a more fun one than a square with an X in a box on it.

I enjoy some 'chit' based wargames as well but the CM series is my favorite.

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i tried the training boot camp and it looked fairly well and the game installed very easily. I just have to make sure it didnt change anything to my other programs like Battlefield 2. I have all the combat mission games and I liked the ease of those games. What looks interesting in this game is the ability to increase characteristics of your soldiers from each battle. This is very similar to the old panzer general series and Steel Panthers World at War. I like that idea of progressing. Furthermore, the graphics look fine and I'll have to get used to the commands via the keyboard and mouse. Anyone want to play a game online for a "what the heck lets try this thing" and who cares about the score look me up. I'll write back after a few games are done

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