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Thanks, but no Tanks...


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At least you realize you are an ass.

This forum and the mods and power tripping admins suck, along with the fanbois.

Please delete my account, and I will be sending a letter to 1C about how much of an immature asswipe the admin conducts himself here.

Pathetic group I want NO part of.

Enjoy your forum admin powers :rolleyes: I am sure thats probably the highlight of your life.

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...and you are not inviting them to your birthday party, right!? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Most posters don't get into trouble, ever. You need to be wondering about the actions of the few that do. Are they being picked on completely at random out of sheer evilness of both forumnites and moderators OR are they eejits with the social skills of a shark during a feeding frenzy?

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Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

...and you are not inviting them to your birthday party, right!? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Most posters don't get into trouble, ever. You need to be wondering about the actions of the few that do. Are they being picked on completely at random out of sheer evilness of both forumnites and moderators OR are they eejits with the social skills of a shark during a feeding frenzy?

And could another idjit with similar skillz (or lack thereof) really accurately identify the problem? Bye Popov, don't let the door hit you, and all that. I'm sure we'll see you here under a new guise lobbying for patch features after the release. :D
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