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Pink Mist?


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what unit were you in?

You have only 7 post and this is a question you want to know.

I served in the United States Marines, sniper Units are trained for each division, which the marines only had three at the time. The answer I can give is that my unit actually found themselves serving in detachments of each division (not just the one we were on paper for). So in otherwords that is a complicated thing to explain that really had nothing much to do with what I did, just look at it this way. A General has units requesting sniper support, he calls in a request and our commander sends a few guys he feels can do the job that is needed to the unit if the request is approved.

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Originally posted by slysniper:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I can send that has some sniper footage from Afgan, shows more than just pink spray, the question I pose if you want to view it, is the footage real?

I am surprised, no one wants me to email the footage. </font>
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know your statement may not be directed at me.

That being said;

Just because I would like some eye candy in a game does not necessarily mean I would like to see it in real life.

I have seen plenty of videos on the internet of soldiers getting shot in Iraq and Afgahnistan, just out of curiosity. Its not something I particularly enjoy.

Thanks anyways.

This is what I was after all along, most people do not want to see it in real life, or be a part of killing someone in real life. So why is it that you need it so graphically displayed in a game. The game designer will pick a level they feel confortable with. The problem is, request for this stuff in games will continue to give designers the feeling that the more morbid the better. War games will in the future lower themselves to a point that will have nothing to do with entertainment. I just dont think we need to push it along.
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The reason I started this thread was because I was curious why a game of such visual detail would not have the now notorious "pink mist".

If you had read other posts pryor to posting in this thread you will have noticed that the designers are going for a game rating which would be apropriate for younger folks. What exactly that is I do not know.

Prior to posting I had forgotten the designers objective.

So here we are.

I do admit it would be kind of cool to see it in the GAME.

But I digress.

At any rate, you win.

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He's just trying to teach us Gentile (read: non-marines) civilians a lesson in what it means to really understand the horrors of war.

As if he is the only one capable of that and no one else here on this thread has the imagination to realize the possibilities.

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How is it that the gripping combat sequences in movies, (Saving Private Ryan), are considered an integral part of relating the intensity and horror of combat to an audience, yet a WWII game should be sanitized?

Notice how I said horror and not morbid fascination. Involving a player at the gut level will make the experience a much more powerful and memorable one.

I know that people here might not share my tastes in movies, but let me draw an additional analogy with another wide spread film release.

One of the most intense moments of Star Wars Episode III was when Anakin Skywalker had three limbs severed by a lightsaber and subsequently was burned extensively. The video was graphic.

The story would not have been the same if those several minutes had been cut from the film. I have yet to read a press release of anybody severing anyone's limbs with a lightsaber and allowing them to burn for failure to pull them away from an adjacent lava pit.

If and when any of the many 12 year olds who viewed this movie commit such an act than I will be a proponent of sanitized war games. However I believe the problem lies in not allowing 12 year olds to play with light sabers smile.gif

Oh yeah, this film was PG-13 so that might fit within the marketing spectrum of this game.

Peace :0

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"You have only 7 post and this is a question you want to know."

What does me having made 7 posts have to do with my question? Having more posts doesn't mean I'm more or less intelligent or informed than other people. That's why I ask and not assume.

So you were the Designated Marksman for your unit, or were you a full-time sniper?

I'm just curious here.

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E. Monkey,

I guess my social commentary is a bit off the wall. I was addressing a point of view concerning violence. I just don't think that a little bit of blood should be categorized as gore.

The dev team would know better than I how the ESRB rates games. Perhaps this is a proposal of culturally specific acceptance. I will be the first to admit that I cannot understand the global perception of tolerable violence. Yes, I am a Yank.

I do not wish to see eviscerations or detailed brain/skull matter flying about. I am addressing how and why certain sensitivities might diminish the game experience.

We can already see this is going to be a great game. I just don't want to see it become unrealistic due to political correctness. Even in the U.S. we know about how Germany feels about having swastikas in a game, or anywhere for that matter. I for one and not bothered by them because it was part of the stratum of that time period.

Wishful thinking on my part smile.gif

kant weight 4 da demo

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Do you expect smoke

Do you expect to enter buildings

Do you expect realistic chances of capturing and using enemy vechicles

Do you expect mortar

Geez we cant get that and you want pink mist?

Next you will be asking for a game that is realistic tongue.gif

Dont get me wrong im still looking forward to the game .. lets see if they include this stuff eventually..or maybe some one can mod it.


"It would have been easier to fight alone with inadequate forces than to have to accept...responsibility for our ally's lack of fighting qualities and dubious loyalty."

Field Marshal Albert Kesselring - August 1943 (After the German evacuation of Sicily)

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What does me having made 7 posts have to do with my question? Having more posts doesn't mean I'm more or less intelligent or informed than other people. That's why I ask and not assume.

So you were the Designated Marksman for your unit, or were you a full-time sniper?

I'm just curious here.

The 7 post really do not matter, I was just trying to say it was not very important to find out about me.

8 years in the corp, 7 years as a sniper.

As for the others feeling about why I have commented, you can beleive what you want, have the level of graphics you want and so forth. I can

accept the games at any level, it does not bother me in the least. I just want you to question yourselves as to what level of detail you really think you need. Its just a game, how close does it need to mimick life.

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How is it that the gripping combat sequences in movies, (Saving Private Ryan), are considered an integral part of relating the intensity and horror of combat to an audience, yet a WWII game should be sanitized?

Best war movie ever made. I would say to most movie viewers, the first scenes turned their stomachs and brought some type of emotion the first time they saw the movie.Just as the director wanted.

Just as some have pointed out here, there were people that did not find that movie good, they found themselves walking out from the movie. For some they have no history or events to relate it to in their lives, but they left. For others it brought back memories of friends they left there that day. There does not need to be a reason as to not expect all of mankind to require detailed graphics to have a entertaining expearence.

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A real marine would know to spell it Corps
If you have not figured it out, my spelling matches my IQ, not very good, just check some of my post. Of course my poor typing skills also add to some of the errors in my post.

This could also explain the reason for being in the Marines to begin with but it might be best to leave that subject alone. smile.gif

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lol, Kohler, you do understand the term "Jarhead" right?

I wasn't in the service but I have several friends who are in the sandbox right now, and know many ppl who have served. That and I grew up near Pendleton, so I'm more comfortable with Vets. anyway (but I prefer the Paratroops, more fun to jump out of a perfectly good airplane with a piece of cloth tied to your back. And they got a great sense of humor).

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