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Where are the thrown tracks? And infantry's lack of proper use of cover.


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I noticed in many of the screen shots that tanks without tracks leave no tracks anywhere on the ground. Is it too difficult to model persistent tracks that have been thrown? Or is it because these are beta shots?



And the second part, I notice that infantry do not use cover as well as possible.

For instance in the screen shot below the PIAT infantry is out in the open and not up against the building or up against the PzIV hulk or better concealed in anyway.


Same for this guy. Particularly if you are trying to throw grenades at a tank. I would think you would want to find some cover. That barrel looks nice.


These Russian infantry I think could do better than the clothes line and a fence that can be seen through. At the very least be behind the house or a tree.


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Well it looks like the piat guy wouldn't have a shot if he was anywhere else.

For the guy assaulting the tank with a grenade, well I wish him luck no matter what his strategy. smile.gif

And for the guys prone behind the fence, it is entirely likely that there position offers better cover and concealment than behind the tree for example (but you can't tell from that camera angle). What about artillery? Not to mention the fact that they can fire more effectively from that position. AIUI being prone is almost always your best bet, and the only reason not to be prone is if you need to fire over something.

From the little that I have seen so far, the individual soldier AI is some of the best that I have seen in any game, including FPS games.

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Originally posted by Bruce70:

From the little that I have seen so far, the individual soldier AI is some of the best that I have seen in any game, including FPS games.

You got that right!

I am being nitpicky.

But its the little things, as far as visual effects go, that really get me interested in this game as much as historical accuracy.

That, and I just imagine what I would do if I were soldier in a similar situation, and that is get as close to some cover and concealment as possible

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Originally posted by MeatEtr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by gunnersman:

I just imagine what I would do if I were soldier in a similar situation, and that is get as close to some cover and concealment as possible

That and ******* your pants. :D </font>
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And on that note, I think they should model the ever present enemy number #1 for both sides of the war, LICE. Surely with the high quality animation seen from their goofy kung-fu promo video. They could make our virtual soldiers stop fighting and start itching. :D

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Blown off threads are shown (including some nice animations), but like blown-off equipment (shovel, ammo boxes etc) they disappear after some time to not clog up the map.

The infantry AI is actually very good, and in some of the instances cited above the reason that the infantry guys are where they are is entirely due to me ordering them there (like the guy crawling with a grenade near the Tiger). If you let the AI do its thing, infantry guys will often look for decent cover and concealment on their own. This includes simply going prone on high grass, or moving closer to a house corner and so forth. But it's not instant, meaning that if you order a line formation for your squad, the soldiers will first try to do that, and only subsequently find better spots.

Incidentally, one of the next blog posts (maybe the one for today, even though I planned to do one about gun crews but let me see if I can reschedule that) will show some nice infantry AI.


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