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I'm confused

Dark Knight

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Hi all,

I was really excited when I read about Theatre of War. I thought that it was Battlefront's sequel to the CM series and having looked at the videos and screenshots I thought it did a great job at bringing out everything that the original CM series was and more. Detailing every infantryman is like a wet dream come true for me.

However, upon reading through some of the posts by administrators and mods, it sounded as thought battlefront was not the creator of the game and that its staff were simply TESTING it for another company? Finally, I found a post by Madmatt that had the following:

"And lets be honest here, while the CMx1 engine does allow you to occupy buildings, we were really never totally pleased with how it works and was one thing we are working hard to improve in the CMx2 game engine."

So am I to gather that ToW isn't using the CMx2 engine? This is so strange to me since ToW looks and seems to me exactly how I would want CM2 to look and play, and to learn that it is not in fact the same game... is this correct?

If so, what's the CMx2 engine going to be like in comparison to ToW's engine? I mean, in my mind they're already the same thing but now I'm going to have to get used to the idea that everything I've seen so far isn't CM2 at all. Is this correct?



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I recommend the following thread by winecape.


As pointed out by others I also recommend the search function.

Of course the final option is to just wait for some forum member to come along who has time to type out a reply regardless of pointing you to the other forums.

Which at the moment happens to be me.

Theater of War was not developed by Battlefront, they are the publisher (though they do far more than a normal publisher to my understanding). Theater of War has in production for some time and to my understanding has bounced around between a few companies. I don't much about that but it has been discussed in the forum.

It is different from CM in a few different ways. One is it seems to have a somewhat unrealistic level of tanks/planes to infantry (though that is just from the AAR we have seen). Two you can control indiviual soldiers. Three remaning tanks and guns is possible. Four, buildings are inaccessible currently. There are probably more as well but that is what comes off the top of my head.

CMx2 is a new engine from Battlefront that has been in design long before they picked up Theater of War (unless my timeline is really off). It will be used to release at least five "titles". A series of modules will follow each title. The engine is designed to simulate all sorts of warfare and will no longer be limited to WWII.

The battles will be far more in depth, but the overall game scope will be narrowed.

It is suppose to be ridiculusly pretty as well, or will be when they actually get the artwork in and show us screenshots.

The core elements of the game (company level squad control game) remain unchanged (though some of us were very scared for awhile). There will also be a realtime option with the WeGo.

As a side note for future titles it is possible the game depth will change (from company level, either up or down). BFC has said that is possible, but not indicated that is planned for any release in the next couple years at least.

There will now be a campaign game as well and blue vs. blue quick battle option (American vs. American).

There are a ton of changes but I think I came out with the top ones. Read the thread and search around otherwise.

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Originally posted by Dark Knight:

K, any suggestions on what to search for? "Differences between CMx2 and Theatre of War"?

For a group of seemingly smart guys you really do relish the act of acting like douches. Why not just answer my questions so that I can be on my way?

And I was just about to reveal the password to the secret FAQ :rolleyes:
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Depict, yes. Each soldier will be tracked indiviually as to what weapon they have (I believe down to specific ammo).

However you will not be able to control the indiviual soldier, still squad based.

Do any search for 1:1 I think will get the results you want.

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Originally posted by Dark Knight:

Why not just answer my questions so that I can be on my way?

Who are you and why are you so special that you deserve to have your questions answered without expending any time looking for the answers yourself?
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Originally posted by RMC:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dark Knight:

Why not just answer my questions so that I can be on my way?

Who are you and why are you so special that you deserve to have your questions answered without expending any time looking for the answers yourself? </font>
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HAHAHA, holy ****, Hofbauer!

Well, maybe the superfluous replies can be edited out, the title changed and this could be made into the thread for all things different beteween ToW and CMx2.

I'm already aware that there are no mortar teams in ToW.

What I'm still a bit curious about, and what I still wasn't quite sure of after reading C'Rogers' post, was whether or not every single infantryman will be made visible and will move around realistically. What I mean is, will there still be chunks of men that are representative of a unit, or will there be a ToW-level infantry simulation thing going on, with each soldier acting realistically? This is the thing that I most desire of CMx2.

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Originally posted by RMC:

Who are you and why are you so special that you deserve to have your questions answered without expending any time looking for the answers yourself? [/QB]

Maybe he thought this was a discussion forum?
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Melnibone: Thanks for the awesome link. Took me awhile to read through it. Too bad that LOS won't be tracked for each individual soldier- it'll kind of hurt the visuals to see a soldier firing into a tree or mound of dirt while his buddies are engaging the enemy. Just about the only thing that I didn't like in what I read, however.

Couple of questions:

Amazingly, that post doesn't mention whether CMx2 is still turn-based! I'd imagine it is, but it's not stated, so can I have confirmation? If so, then the talk about optimizations is pretty moot given that the computer will simply crunch the numbers between turns, right?

What's the "borg" problem? Is that referring to how groups of men would all move and shoot in the same direction at the same time?

Again, thanks very much, melniborne!

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So are we now talking CM:SF in the ToW forum? Talk about confusing....

and M Hofbauer, (or is it M Hofbauer?), do you know Peng and his legion of kniggets?

edit: It's been years since I've dipped my tootsies into the cesspool, so I'm outta touch.

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