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Collision Models


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Howdy all,

I'm almost done with the Ramses. As a matter of fact, I should've been done today. However, when playtesting (I gave the Ramses to a bot, and shot at it using a thor) shots would only hit some of the time.

It seems like, even with the collision boxes, it would pass right through the model. (The tracers from some lower caliber models pass right through)

However, I know at least one model is working since I managed to damage some internal components. And I did see some sparks fly from shots. But side shots don't work, neither does top, from what I can tell. However, rear shots do work, and I've seen ricochet from frontal shots. (I gave the front strong armor, as it's going to take the most fire from there in theory, but side and rear armor is paper thin) I haven't attempted bottom shots.

Any ideas?

Oh, and I suppose I can't go saying all this without leaving some sort of teaser...


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