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Terrain Deformation Suggestion - Rubble

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Having just seen the artillery video I was very impressed by the way the buildings collapsed. I also noticed that the shell holes were three dimensional because the terrain mesh had been deformed dynamically by the game to create a hollow where the shell went off.

I was a bit disappointed, however, that the rubble left by the buildings was just a very flat square of gray with a few doodads on, the same as used in CMx1. This seemed a waste of an opportunity.

Would it not be possible to use the terrain mesh deformation process used for the craters in reverse, to create a raised area? This could be used to make a mound of rubble where a building once stood. If the walls on one corner were left partially intact and you raised the terrain mesh in contact with their interior sides you would create a very nice effect of a bombed out building with rubble sloping away from the still partially intact walls.

Just a suggestion anyway. I really think rubble could be better if you have the power to raise and lower ground already written into the game.

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It'a possible that is a placeholder and not what the final product will have.

In addition to rubble, I'd like to see more debris strewn about. The new video showing the close ups of troops moving about looked alot like an FPS and made we wish for more clutter in the environment.

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Good point. I'm certainly no expert on the subject, but I don't think buildings ususally collapse down to a pile or rubble less than 4' high, unless they're hit by something so big as to actually scatter the building all over the place -- like a 2000 lb. bomb er sumfink like that.

So it would be nice if even totally collapsed structures maintained a bit more height and mass.

In general, the videos look great, tho. New Arty interface seems very intuitive. And even though it's still beta, the advances in graphical eye candy are astounding -- there's just no comparison to those vertically falling black triangles from CMx1!



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I don't know, I think they already look pretty good. You can notice some buildings explode into little pieces, other times in half and then collapse. The animations of the collapsing building starts slow and gains momentum in the end , very realistic. Smoke and dust vary...

Another thing is the transparent balconies and some walls, I really enjoyed the look of that.

Of course there is always room for improvement but if it was released just as it is now I'd already be very happy. It looks light years ahead of the CMx1 graphics.


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