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Everything posted by atacms

  1. No, because I can't even play it due to my ATI card and I'm being ignored in the support forums. I won't repeat my specs since I have in the other threads needless to say I have the latest drivers and patches and the screen flickers constantly that I can barely see my mouse cursor. Sucks since I was excited about this game.
  2. I've got the latest 1.2 patch, AMD dual cores, Vista Ultimate, ATI X1900 All in WOnder, ATI 7.8 drivers and the game still flickers like the disco ball bad enough that I can't see the screen. I'm uninstalling the game and hope Battlefront will issue me a refund. I may purchase the game once I get a NVIDIA card. Help please with my refund. BTW, I've tried 7.7 prior to 7.8 in case you're wondering.
  3. I've got: Vista Ultimate 32 bit ATI X1900 All in wonder 256MB card ATI/AMD 7.7 drivers dual core AMD x64 4200+ 2.2ghz 4 GB of RAM 250GB hard drive
  4. Still not able to play even with the ATI 7.7 drivers, the dual core optimizer and CMSF's latest patch. My problem is one of constant screen flickering to the point that I have a constant strobe effect that gives you a headache trying to get to the exit option. I usually give up and go to Task Manager and shut it down manually. Can anyone help or am i doomed to : 1. wait and hope for the next patch 2. request a refund?
  5. Count me also as ineligible to play. My specs: Vista Ultimate AMD X64 dual core 4000 Catalyst 7.7 drivers ATI X1900 All in WOnder Help please. Or a refund.
  6. Did that and it still has the same problem. =(
  7. Can someone help as I can't play the game due to massive flickering where the screen will be black and then I might see the menu. Most of the time it's flickering so I have to guess where my cursor is as it momentarily appears. Tried adjusting the resolution through the flickering, didn't do anything. Had to ctrl-alt-delete. My specs: WIndows Vista Premium x64 ATI 4200+ 3.2ghz 4 GB of ram ATI X1900 256 MB all in wonder
  8. Yes, better physics effects for rubble being dispersed makes for greater immersion. And if you guys feel really ambitious, there could be collision detection so that large pieces of rubble can damage nearby units or can act as cover and concelment.
  9. The key to keeping it interesting is to have the latest tech as far as the release date is, but for the other side to use asymetric tactics such as human shields, IED's, propagada, suicide bombers, attacks on infrastructure, propagation of inter-tribal warfare. Now the question is how do you represent these things in a game, some can be done easily, others require more work on AI of the non-playable characters. So the enemy would grab for example a local civilian and use him a human shield. Then he can order an Al-Jazeera van to show how the US shouldn't attack a certain site. There would have to be some meter or point system on propaganda/world opinion. Truck bombers, you don't know who's coming at you so you shoot indiscriminately. The enemy films when the US accidentally kills some civilians, but rightfully defends itself. Then the US can counter by deploying non-lethal weapons, we can show this footage and gain points on the world opinion meter. Obviously I'm not talking about how CM:SF would work, but just throwing out some ideas on how modern warfare can be more interesting then some might give it credit for. As for more advanced tech, that would be part of the appeal of the game, it could be episodic with patches for some new technology. As loyal fans we might be willing to pay for the new tech to support the devs. Just my crazy rambling so you'll have to pardon me if it doesn't makes sense.
  10. Ok, I'm a novice so excuse my ignorance, but what does OCD mean? And from the point you raise, I can appreciate it if Battlefront does more than cosmetic changes which shows why you guys are so loyal to them after having fought so many battles with the same weapons. Wish other developers had that level of dedication.
  11. Sorry, I'm kind of like Luke Skywalker in that I've always looked to the horizon, into the future.
  12. US Naval Warfare Center (I believe that's the name) developed exactly what you're proposing. It's called the Spike and it's tasked to destroying light armor or "technicals" with a guided round. It's built to be cheap too.
  13. Respectfully asking and I'm not trying to know knock on any suggestions, but aren't we all tired of WW2, hasn't it been hacked to death? We should consider the possible conflicts that can erupt now using the knowledge of WW2 as a foundation in that basic principles of war continue into the future. Just tired of the same scenarios, equipment and settings. Let's look at a future war scenario with China or US vs Pakistan after it's been overthrown by fundamentalists. CM:SF can build on what they've done to further model asymetric attacks.
  14. I'd like to see Lockheed Martin's ARV-A See this link: http://www.lockheedmartin.com/data/assets/12822.pdf what do the devs say about armed robotics? With the great need for troops and the issue of force protection, we will see more and more the need for Unmanned Ground Vehicles - armed too. Maybe not fully autonomous at least in regards to engagement of targets.
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