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What happened to the Goggles?


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So, in initial Alpha stage screen shots US infantry models have goggles, and in release game they do not. What changed? I noticed that the BMP still contains the goggle graphic...Can we have some soldiers with goggles, some without?

The US Army made is mandatory for soldier to wear ballistic eyewear, and you take it out completely out of the game?!

Original Alpha screenshot


Game screenshot with my 3rd ID Mod


[ December 25, 2007, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

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Thanks smile.gif

yes, of course I am doing Armor crewmembers smile.gif I already got most of the materials I need.

I am no longer tanker (I am MP now) but last time I checked we wore OD green nomex (still got a brand new one stashed away, just in case smile.gif )

Some places in mods are mirror image, so you have to kind of play around and check, since there is no official guide. A few times I had to go back and flip few things in my mod

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  • 3 months later...

I believe semi-official word on the helmet goggles is they were initially in the game but simply were judged to look kind'a crappy so got deleted as the helmet/uniform improved. Your clear lenses mod up above look like an almost ideal solution to the no eye protection problem. An *ideal* ideal solution would be for the head polygons to include the actual eyewear shapes. But I'd rather see them spend their time constructing lots of fancy Marine Corps gizmoes for the module :rolleyes:

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