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Release and such?

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Hello im new to the forums and quite new to the SHOCKFORCE information too.

I have 2 questions:

1: Will we by any chance see SHOCKFORCE in stores before january 2007?

2: Will the game be fokused around future type of technology like the land warrior projects etc or will we be up for soom present day modern combat?

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1. Some of us are hoping to order it Direct from BFC before Jan 2007 but in stores. no.

2. Um, maybe slightly future combat technology, like what they "think" might actually be available in the field actually working maybe 12-18 months from now, but mostly it I think they are telling us it is "present day Modern land combat" technology simulated in the game.

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I figured they shot for a 'slightly future' game simply because the timeline would quickly become 'current technology' in the middle of the production run! Would you buy a game in January 2007 that claims to be June 2006 technology? So its not so much 'futuristic' (sharks with lasers on their heads) as 'soon-to-be current'.

About release dates. If you go by their 7-8 month old announcement CMSF release should be... about now! :D;) But in the computer game world there's either games that release on schedule or games that work properly - hardly ever games that do both. Maybe their involvement in the DropTeam and Grognards games (and all the others too) have set back their CMSF schedule a bit. They haven't exactly been forthcoming with the finer details of game design and scheduling.

But Moon has promised to throw the dogs a new bone pretty soon. We all wait in anticipation.

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