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On this haunted Memorial Day, as we wait impotently for hundreds more American names to be etched on walls, and for tens of thousands more Iraqis to die, it occurs to me that this day should not primarily be a day of remembrance. Yes, we should and must honor the dead. But the best way to honor them is to embrace the humanity of those who are still alive. And bring them home.

Those of us who do not believe in Bush's war -- and that is a majority of the people in the country -- owe those who have died in Iraq more than respect and memory. We owe them righteous anger. We owe them outrage over a president so desperate and delusional that he is willing to pay with their blood to delay his day of political reckoning. We owe them our continued commitment to end this futile war.

For they are our comrades, too, even if we never shared a foxhole.

You, Sergeant Smith, whose name will be on a sun-drenched wall someday. I know you. I've never met you, but I know you. Twenty years from now perhaps my son will find your name, tracing the words with his wondering fingers on a piece of warm marble. If we were to meet at a Memorial Day barbecue, we'd drink a beer together, and eat some ribs, and I'd play catch with your raw-boned gangly awkward son, and your daughter would chase my daughter around the table with a squirt gun. We'd talk about the weather and why the Suns got jobbed and what we're doing this summer. We're Americans, God help us. We share that lame, wonderful DNA. We're both strung up on that old USA charm bracelet, hanging with Chuck Berry and Joltin' Joe and "The Sopranos." But instead of sitting by the lake firing up the Weber, you're walking through a field in Iraq, and you're going to die. And we will never sit there together in the friendly awkwardness of the American dusk, listening to the sprinklers coming on.

So this Memorial Day is for you, Sergeant Smith. You died in a pointless war, but we here highly resolve that you shall not have died in vain. In your name, we vow that our nation shall have a new birth of freedom. We pledge that we, the people, will reclaim our country. And we swear that we will never again send our brothers off to fight unjustifiable wars.

Gary Kamiya

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Its always sorry to see people who dont understand that Armies dont fight wars, that nations fight wars. The military is holding up its committment, the nation as a whole is failing...

I know plenty of people in garrison who wish they could be over there, some that don't but a majority of those serving right now have enlisted or reenlisted after the 2003 invasion. Because you lack the committment, or because you hate the commander-in-chief, dont assume you speak for anyone. Dont assume even a few soldiers speak for everyone.

I know soldiers who believe 9/11 was a conspiracy but I know far more that joined for the sole purpose of fighting the war on terrorism. I know people who feel depressed because they havn't had the chance to deploy. You can call me an inexperienced "kid" as people here so often seem to resort to or whatever crap you want. Dont dick around claiming Iraq is not the war on terrorism. If it wasn't before, it sure as **** is now. I dont find it surprising that people don't want to cut their life short and mothers dont want to lose their kids in a war we're probably gonna lose (once again, thanks to a failing nation). I dunno how every single casualty felt, but I know my mother does not speak for me, let alone people who are obviously influenced by politics to say the least. Don't state your opinions as facts on the tombstones of people who can't talk back.

There were people who felt like you in plenty of previous wars. There may be a lot who wish it could all just go away. But at the same time you can't bask in the glory of a majority which once stood even stronger for the complete opposite...going to war.

[ May 28, 2007, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: PLM2 ]

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The same things could be said for every war Americans have ever participated in.

Very eloquent speech Chops....I'm sure Sgt. Smith would rather decide for himself if he participated in a "pointless war" Maybe you should listen closer to what HE has to say about it.

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Interesting point - do we confuse "war on terrorism" with "these opponents use terror tactics?"?

Iraqi insurgents are using terror/ urban guerilla tactics and strategy. So did the IRA 1916-1922, or FLN 1956-1964, or Indonesians 1945-49, or the Greek civil war, or Lebanese civil war.

Meh, the Americans can do what they want. I'm British, and the quicker we get out of Iraq (and concentrate on Afganistan) the better.

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Iraq is in turmoil now but who knows what history may eventually say about the invasion. When president Reagan was in power in the U.S. he was widely regarded as a poor choice for a president and yet now he is regarded by many as having won the Cold War.

The reasons for going into Iraq, i.e. WMD, might have been spurious but history might judge that Saddam had to be dealt with one way or the other, once and for all, sooner or later. 10 years of sanctions had failed to curb his ways and another 10 would simply have not been sustainable. As it happens, 9/11 may simply be seen as the catalyst for a possibly inevitable showdown between Saddam and the West.

Only time will tell.

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good post... you still proAmerican and supporting your troops either way whenewer you pro or anti war, i personally think Iraq had nothing to do with WMD, 911, terroristm BEFORE invasion but thats my IMHO. i just hope people that wage wars will figth on frontline themselfs someday - "someday they call for war and nobody will come"

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