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CMSF: No PBEM , you're kidding!!!


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A CM game without PBEM? The only reason I've enjoyed CM for so long is PBEM. IP games are great too, but who has the time?

Playing against the AI is like polishing a turd, You can polish all you like bit it's still a turd.

Get real BF; and understand why you have such a loyal following.

Military history is all about human v human. Wellington v Napolean; Rommel v Montgomery, etc, etc.

I have no interest in playing against your hopeless AI - my dog is smarter . I don't care about the theatre, just give me a human opponent.

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if i think about it, i can, !meybe! ;) understand why pbem is so important to some people, but i cant feel the use of pbem myself.

i know that some people dont got that much time to play 4 houers, for a battle in a row. but i myself cant understand how people manage to play a battle over a that long time period.

i allwys played lan with my friends. some got fairly used/familiar with the game becouse of interest and the lvl of detail involved(i only got BB, AK). the others, hmmm...they would say i abused them to play this game. they hated the grafix and the slow paced flow of this game. some of them even tryed to get a time limit for the orders phase in, becous it takes me that long. as result, the spent time amount was ofcourse directly compareable to the amount of effectivness of their troops. its sad, but some of em where more worse that the AI oponent(with average ordersphase time of 1 or 2 minutes for assault). they got moved down from the map like...i dont know how to say.

but some of em where really talented and gave a chalenging oponend on some ocassions.

anyways, iam a fan of TcpIp becouse of the intens feel of the battle. lets say i order a early PzIII to scoot and shoot above a crest, with my hopes up to eventually destroy the damn KV-I becouse i, meybe, could get a shot from the side.

i want to see what happens; NOW, not in one day or 2 or whatever... . if i have done something wrong i want to correct it NOW too. i would call myself verry patient to sit there a long time, managing every little unit out there and looking for the best way to plot the WP´s; but if it comes to the point to interrupt a batte for something else, iam one of the most inpatient ones.

when i sit there and play against an human opponent, my body gives me some serious stuff(adrenaline like effects; you know the feel when you are stressed, exited, afraid, and everything combind), and i need it while playing a battle! it a uber good feeling! and so intense.

but it wont be there when i play pbem, becouse the battle is extaordinary stretched.

thats why i never played a second PBEM battle after the first boring expirience with this way of playing this game.

in the end i dont know why PBEM is soooo important. go and take some time at weekend and play Tcp.

only problem i can see is the lack of oponents smile.gif . i trained some for me(some of my friends), and some of em really enjoy it to play this game. none of em would have interest to play against AI, but against a human they have funn.

some of the PBEM fans here, tell me why you play PBEM instead of Tcp. why dont go TCPIP, not enough time at onec? dont want to play a whole battel at once?

could there be more reasons than that?


[ October 13, 2005, 04:25 AM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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Naaa...it's just that for some of us PBEM is one of the most important features of the CM series. I've probably played 90% of my CM games since CMBO vs human opponents via PBEM, I rarely play against the AI and simply don't have the time to play a game for several hours.

As BFC have already mentioned in another thread, the replayability of the campaign will be rather limited. As such, CMSF's main appeal for me will be in scenarios against human opponents.

I can live with a setting I'm not terribly interested in, but a CM game without PBEM support would most probably kill the game for me.

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