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For a Red on Red clash--War of Transnistria

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Was Googling Russian antitank guns last night and came across a page devoted to the War of Transnistria. When I saw it involved T-12 ATGs and T-64s (first combat use I'm aware of), I got intrigued. I know we don't have T-64s available, but everything else pretty much is, the fight's in Europe, it's recent, and the bridge battle forces are well within CMSF size constraints. Has Cossacks and lots of goodies (MTLB, BTR-80, improvised ACs, etc) The main site is grog heaven if you like post 1945 air related stuff.


The War proper


I think the modders could really go to town with this one, while making a lot of sick of the

desert CMSF players very happy.


John Kettler

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A most helpful link with many pics! What baffles me is how these relatively recent images are actually technically worse than Mathew Brady's photos from the American Civil War and, in many cases, look older. This is as true for the static scenes as it is for the combat shots. The pictures, though, have me even more excited about the possibilities and should have both the vehicle modders and the uniform modders practically jumping for joy.


John Kettler

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The pix you are looking at were almost certainly taken by participants, who as a rule were poorly-educated Russians or Moldavians, and the pix for sure were either developed in Soviet-era photolabs, or more likely by an amateur at home. Things were pretty primitive 1991-93 in that part of the world.

I also seriously doubt any one was taking pictures during actual combat. The participants on both sides were for the most part militia of the untrained and disorganized type. There were some professional soldiers involved but not many.

If there's any shooting going on people like that either want to unload on automatic, or hide, and either way forget the camera.

If you guys get around to modding for this er, "war", then you need for starters water, and after that black mud, black dust, snow, ice, and dark gooey slush, plus the normal range of crop options which at the time was wheat and corn. You also need vinyards and thick mucky hardwood forest along the Dniester, orchards, and shade trees like acacia in squares and stuff.

All in all this is the western end of the Ukrainian black earth, Transnistria has some of the the most fertile soil in the world. So terrain- and weather-wise the region is about as far away from desert as you can get.

Awful lot of effort for a sucky little war IMO.

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Originally posted by Smaragdadler:

There is some combat footage in the first video (from page 2 of the link above)


The video itself is cool in its own way. It has this cold war hidden propaganda mood. Surreal.

Some more pictures of armor in that war on this site: http://otvaga2004.narod.ru/otvaga2004/wars1/wars_01.htm

[ March 05, 2008, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: dima ]

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The five part video made my hair stand on end. 100 suitcase nukes gone missing, not to mention all that other stuff. The new link has some phenomenal shots, including of the parade the French journalists were ostensibly there to cover.


I looked at your pics, but the large format versions in Smaragdadler's link are much easier to see and evaluate.

The topic continues to intrigue me.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

The topic continues to intrigue me.


John Kettler

Yeah, it was fairly unknown war and Transnistria is fairly unknown place these days. They don't cry too much for independence and recognition. They've got huge support from Russia regardless, because there are some important factories there. And Moldova, who recently elected pro-russian president doesn't bother them much either.

Pictures from military parade do indeed look like they are from 30 years ago during soviet times smile.gif

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