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Inconsistent "Face" Command (WEGO, 1.08)

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Hello everyone:

Here is one for the Beta crew:

Issue (Infantry "Face", WEGO, 1.08):

Infantry will not consistently/correctly execute an assigned "Face" command during movement orders.

They will not execute the command at all if it is issued to a unit in a stationary position (i.e. no movement command issued, change orientation from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock). In all cases, the purple line indicating the orientation to be assumed appears correctly, but the unit does not follow through.

It is also not unusual for a unit to partially assume the assigned orientation (i.e. three troops facing 3 o'clock while the fourth remains at a facing assigned to the previous waypoint).

Note: this issue also appears in relation to the assignment of cover arcs.

Quick Test:

String together several waypoints with a 15 second pause at each. Use the "Face" command to assign a squad/team to alternating orientations at each (i.e. 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 3 o'clock, etc.).

Likewise, assign a change in orientation to a stationary unit. The "Face" command will not be executed even after several turns.

Hopefully, BFC can iron this out prior to the next patch as it is a key element. Please feel free to chime in if I have mised something.

[ May 25, 2008, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Peter Panzer ]

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Here is a bit more information, should it be of interest:

Regarding Stationary Units Not Re-orienting:

From what I can tell, this appears to be tied in with the "Hide" command. If a unit is hiding they will not re-orient. Is this intentional?

Regarding Moving Units Not Consistently Re-orienting:

Using the "Quick Test" chain of waypoints described above, you may notice when a unit reaches a waypoint and fails to re-orient they then "drag" the purple indicator line with them to the next waypoint. Once the next point in the series is reached, the indicator line from the previous "Face" command disappears and the unit may or may not orient themselves to the new direction assigned to the most recently arrived at point.

As an aside, it would be great to have some additional text labels appear above waypoints to aid the player. Just as their is a "Pause" label now, "Hide" and "Pop Smoke" would be useful.

Hopefully this makes sense. Honestly, I am not sure what may be a bug and what may be user error in this case.

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So far a couple of testers have looked into this and found nothing wrong, but that was before your most recent explanation.

I unit Hiding should be able to have its Facing changed. If that's not happening, then there's a bug.

A foot unit will not change its orientation while on the move, so it makes sense to me that it's ignored as the unit is moving. When the unit does stop it should orientate based on either the direction of travel or the Face Command for that waypoint. If the unit stops short of the waypoint then it will be according to the direction of travel.

We'll keep looking into this!


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Any Chance you could send me your Test scen? I'd like to test with what you've used...send to my email...Thanks

Quick Look using "Cavalry Charge at Apache Pass"

On WEGO set up turn order to move and then face given. Movement completed...Face order Not. Second minute order Move plus Face..all worked fine....Is this what your test show?

[ May 27, 2008, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]

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First, my thanks to each of you for your time.


[A] unit Hiding should be able to have its Facing changed. If that's not happening, then there's a bug.
That being the case, I think we may have caught one here.

When the unit does stop it should orientate based on either the direction of travel or the Face Command for that waypoint.
This is/was my understanding of the "Face" command function as well. However, in my observations, the unit does not always re-orient itself to the designated facing after stopping at a waypoint. This is why I suggested adding a 15 second pause to each waypoint in my "Quick Test" scenario so as to allow the unit a fair chance to regroup and execute the command.

We'll keep looking into this!
That mindset is why, despite the twists and turns thus far, I remain confidant CMSF will continue to mature into a great game. Thank you.


Thanks for the confirmation on the "Hide/Face" combination.


Test file inbound.

Note the US Scout Team - they are assigned three waypoints in a straight line ("Quick" move) with the following "Face" commands issued as follows 3 o'clock, 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock.

For some reason the yellow "quick" lines and triangular waypoints do not appear in this saved file, however you will see the purple "Face" indicator appear at the correct times.

Pay particular attention to the team's action at the second waypoint - they turn in the opposite direction of the "Face" command after stopping and regrouping.

Their movement to the third waypoint is captured in the next turn, but hopefully this lone file will be enough to demonstrate what I am driving at and give you guys enough context to see what is afoot.

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IMPORTANT: The correct method to set pause or way points:

1. Set first waypoint.

2. Click on Face Command

3. Click on the actual way point again...Note that the end of the way point will change to a nice big white ball.

3. Do the same for Pause Command

4. Repeat for the next way point

Here's a pic:


Mia Culpa: I should have remembered this from when BFC fixed this...I actually did some of the testing... Sorry to Forum and BFC for my lapse.

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Originally posted by Peter Panzer:

Hello Mark:

I am a bit confused by your last post.

Was it made as an instructional piece or are you saying there is no issue with the consistent function of the "Face" command?

Thanks for clarifying.

There is nothing wrong. Just set a way point than choose pause or face command...and here's the important thing: click on the waypoint again. The current end of the way point will turn to a bright white circle. Now you can add the pause or facing...it will work (I had forgotten how to use it!!!)...Just go ahead and try it...I used your scen to test with.
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I guess this belongs here too: infantry doesn't seem to change the position within a building if you give them just a 'view' command. But they do if I order them to move (within the building, even on the same level) and add a view command. Not the worst problem, but it appears to be wrong, since I would expect that only a view command should be enough!?

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WEGO, 1.08:

These waypoints, with their corresponding "Pause" and "Face" commands, were established in the same manner by the player. Yet there are two, different results during gameplay.


Arrival at Waypoint 1 (correct orientation):


Arrival at Waypoint 2 (incorrect orientation):


How can the conclusion be made that there is no issue here? By way of context, the team remains in the wrong orientation at waypoint 2 for the duration of the 15 second pause. They then advance to the third and final waypoint where they assume the correct 3 o'clock orientaion.

Honestly, if this is user error I would love for someone to please explain what I am doing wrong to produce this effect. Perhaps some others can try this out, using the parameters outlined above and report their experiences.

Thanks to everyone who has chimed in thus far, especially Mark.

[ June 01, 2008, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Peter Panzer ]

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Hello Peter:

Believe me I'm attempting to clear this up.

When using a vehicle and the correct method

(which you used in your new pics...but not in your saved game file...nor did I when testing your save file...so progress for us both!)

We get this result:





When we use Inf we get this




As you have pointed out...It takes the Infantry's last face order for ALL facing...

So you've got it right about the infantry...This I'll post to BFC...again with my thanks...especially for your persistence at getting to the bottom of this issue

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You know, I was beginning to think one of us was completely insane. :D

Thanks for hanging in there and keeping an open perspective.



[*]"Face" commands for infantry units must be independently calculated at each waypoint when multiple points/orientations are linked in a series. Currently, it appears the "Face" command issued to the initial point is applied to all waypoints in a series regardless of any varying orientations assigned.

[*]Hiding units should be able to re-orient while hiding. Currently, they must "unhide" to do so.

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