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Plea for unit selection enhancement in QBs


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Steve, you are right that your time is better spent working on the game than posting on the forum...but please, please tell me you will at least try to bring back some form of unit picks (at least as an option) for QBs in CM2WW2.

The current QB system is so unsatisfying.

I did not say we need a points system, if that's a problem, just some way to set up little tactical engagements with our own choices, as well as the computer picks we have now.

PS Do not remove the current system - it's fine and I would be asking for it, or something like it, if it was not there - sometimes I do want the AI to chose units.

But sometimes the player (s) need to choose.

(I already posted the above paras in the middle of another old thread mainly discusssing the TacAI, but this topic seems to have been overlooked there. It really is an independent topic so I am giving it a thread of it's own. In my opinion, it is too important to be overlooked.)

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The game is awesome even in it's pre-patch state.

I love making scenarios but would love the freedom of choice that the QB for CMx1 gave me.

I make scenarios for my husband but with two kids rumbling about like mini-panzers can I please have a QB with unit choice?

A tired housewife would be very grateful smile.gif

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Mishga, and I thought I was lucky having a girlfriend who seemed to take an interest in my CMBB/CMAK pbem turns.

On topic, yes, please bring back unit selection for the WWII release. It's a tiny portion of the game, but brings so much enjoyment to many of us. There's a point value system already available directy from CMx1, so it's not exactly going to take much time to implement. (right?)

Also, I hope there will be a slightly larger pool of units to select from. Not expecting the scale of the previous releases, but it needs more than what we have with shock force.

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I agree that QB's need unit selection but QB's are so broken it's hard know what to fix first. I would like to hear Battlefronts long term plans for quick battles.

1. The TOE needs to be fixed first before any type of unit purchase, having to buy a group then delete most of them to get the one you want is a pain in the editor and would be useless for QBs.

2. Unit placement areas on current maps, sometimes spawns units stuck between buildings.

3. Random settings sometimes give no enemys or even no map showing up.

4. More maps.

5. Until the AI is improved, the AI can do little more than static defense missions.

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QB and AI don't match very well. CMSF uses StratAI plans for major AI movement, attacks etc. In QB these plans have to be very generic and non force specific. So it's not gonna work nice never ever with the current system, which is to stay here for the rest of life span of CMx2.

Forget having interesting battles against AI in QB. And more if you wasnt to be the defender, it didn't work in CMx1 very well, it's not gonna do in CMx2 neither. I never got what was the deal with QB against the AI, FFS, play scenarios, there are a few, yopu can play from both sides, and there are allready scenarios by the community and more will come. QB should be for H2H play.

About your first point, I think it has to do w/ the current C2 system and all that. There was a very elegant suggestion some made for force selection in QB, the game picks forces from a selected list of forces from teh total, show that list to the user and let him decide.

I agree more maps would be nice, when major bugs and other stuff is fixed these could be added with patches, 'free expaion packs' or whatever, but is the community which would increase the number of QB maps fast at some point.

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