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Tough T-62MV

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A couple of minutes ago, I hit a T-62MV with:

2 Hellfire missiles from 2 Apaches (both impacted on left side)

3 Bursts of 30mm from Apaches (2 to front, 1 to rear)

and 1 Javelin to right side. All of this only immobilized it!

A final Javelin finished the job!

The thing just wouldn't die! I have never experienced this before, an M1 would be dead normally before that. Has anyone else encountered this?


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such things happen in the game. but honestly i think at elast the 2nd hellfire should have done it.

i gona start up a thread on some things i think are worth to bring up later on or tomorrow or so, however some of it fits in here.

- while playing 1st and 2nd Hasrabit mission i found that the "oh so good" RPG29 isnt "oh so good". it took in average 4 HEAT rounds to take out a T72 without any ERA or so.

actually i expected the RPG7 to be able to do that.

- in the same mission( mission 2) i scored a "ricochett" on a BTR60, side, below the little turret, with a 100mm maingun round of T55.

- last but not least, in a QB, SPG-9 technical vs. recon BRDM, the technical used up 10(ten!) HEAT warheads to knock out the BRDM.

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Hey there, sometimes sh%t happens. There's obviously a random element in the game when calculating kills so it sounds like you were just really unlucky. T-62s are nothing special in the world of CMSF. You didn't say if the tank was amongst trees. Trees definitely protect tanks especially from javelins.

On the other side of the coin, I saw a M1A2SEPS take 10+!!! hits from AT-14s, the best ATGM missile in the Red arsenal and only getting a mobility kill. That finished me with combined arms missions playing as the US.

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Paper Tiger,

Not as crazy a result as you might think. In the Wiki on the M1 Abrams, it describes a case in which one M1A2? became disabled and couldn't be retrieved. There was no clear evidence of destruction after hitting it with a Maverick and two Hellfires. What they did have, though, was a compromise of the highly classified DU cored armor array, courtesy of one of the Hellfires. Tough tank!


John Kettler

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Originally posted by Paper Tiger:

Hey there, sometimes sh%t happens. There's obviously a random element in the game when calculating kills so it sounds like you were just really unlucky. T-62s are nothing special in the world of CMSF. You didn't say if the tank was amongst trees. Trees definitely protect tanks especially from javelins.

On the other side of the coin, I saw a M1A2SEPS take 10+!!! hits from AT-14s, the best ATGM missile in the Red arsenal and only getting a mobility kill. That finished me with combined arms missions playing as the US.

It was sitting still in the middle of the desert. I laughed and cried at the time, because it killed my two Styrker ATGMs and one ICV.


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Well, acording papers i've read from Grozny, one T-80 got over 10 RPG-7 rounds on it's weak parts behind tracks, turret's back side, and engine space before being either knocked out or destoyed. Average under same conditions was 6-8. So unfortunate things happens from AT-guys and commander's point of view: "why. they. just. won't. DIE!"

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