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Everything posted by Will7813

  1. In my, uniformed, amatuer opinion: Hypothetically speaking, were the US not commited to Iraq (it couldn't be to lauch an attack on Iran, I believe, Afghanistan would be maintanable), 99% of armoured assets would be deployed, as an invasion force, I don't thin you would see anything lighter than Stryker Brigade Combat Teams, and mainly HBCTs in the lead elements. IBCTs might be deployed to follow up. This is after a massive air campaign went down, demolising anything in the invasion force's way. Much like GW1 and Iraq. In the way of multi-national forces. Maybe Australia (1st brigade (armoured)), Great Britian, maybe France (probably not), Canada, and I'd say thats it. Maybe Japan, but they are not strictly mena to be ainvolved in this type of invasion (self defence force). As I said, In my own humble, humble opinion. Will
  2. I disagree. Many times I have read of AC-130s providing direct CAS support to troops on the ground, sometimes regulars but mroe often SF. They are not a strategic asset - they are not deplyed as a first stike or bombing aircraft. They are used when air superiority is gained and they can operate freely in support of ground forces; if there were any enemy aircraft flying I would be very worried were I in an AC-130. Will
  3. Look, I'm not sure if its been said yet but I think we should have illumination rounds for night missions. Will
  4. I'm onboard with the CAS issue too, selecting loadouts would be great. Also, although I don't know how it would be done, (and this isn't really and editor issue), if only using 1 artillery barrel, you should be able to use the other on a seperate target at the same time. Will
  5. 3rd module titled "Coalition forces" which includes: Canadian/Dutch/German/Australian. Will
  6. It was sitting still in the middle of the desert. I laughed and cried at the time, because it killed my two Styrker ATGMs and one ICV. Will
  7. A couple of minutes ago, I hit a T-62MV with: 2 Hellfire missiles from 2 Apaches (both impacted on left side) 3 Bursts of 30mm from Apaches (2 to front, 1 to rear) and 1 Javelin to right side. All of this only immobilized it! A final Javelin finished the job! The thing just wouldn't die! I have never experienced this before, an M1 would be dead normally before that. Has anyone else encountered this? Will
  8. OK, everthing is perfect! Thankyou! Will
  9. OK, I'll try that in a minute, thanks! Will
  10. OK, new drivers on. The problem is.......... GONE! However, an old problem has returned, lag when units are selected, however fastest/fastest setting eliminate this. But there is a new problem as well; targetting has gone really weird. I can't really describe it. WHen I've played it for a bit more like this I'll post again. Thanks for the help so far. Will
  11. Addition: It is now doing this with most missions. I also made a mistake - I added one missions "Cry Havoc" Will
  12. Hey, I have, in the last 2 months or so, starting playing CM:SF again, as it was previously working against me in any way possible (black screens, freezes, very very poor performance). Howver, after uninstalling (once again) and pathcing 1.08, fantastic! Until now. Unexplicably, (I haven't added anytihng new to my PC or removed anything, and I scan every file I donload with up-to-date Norton software), the gaem won't run the assault on Darl al as sud. It either shows a broken, mixed image (little tiles of different screens mixed up) on the briefing scree (sometimes), when you click on tactical map (always), and if you manage to get through the first two, within the first several minutes of play. I know I am not running a high end system, but as I said, It had been runnig faultlessly, and doing so on bigger and more complex battles. Heres my system - Thanks for any help! Will
  13. Man, It seems way I'm waay out of my depth. I should look at sigatures more often. You obviouly have way more expertise than me on the armoured thing and I'm not going to argue anymore on that. I thought It was someone like me, and I thought I was right. I apologise. T still maintain that it would not be that much of an issue reorgainising rank, numbers, small arms etc. to include multi- national infantry units. Will
  14. No we don’t. Our Cavalry units do and they are not “mech” as in “Mechanised Infantry”. Similarly the “mech” Battalions don’t use ASLAV at all. That doesn’t include the swag of differences between our LAVs and the USMC ones either. No they aren’t. Not really. Try a different rank structure. Totally different weapons and performance. Totally different unit structure ... Its a lot more work than “all that is needed”. See above. </font>
  15. Hey everyone, Although I'm new to the forum, I've read alot of posts and know there is a lot of talk about mods, particuarly the Marine pack due soon. I just wanted to through something up in the air that I think would have a very wide market. I think a add-on, (not even a full expansion pack, perhaps a $10 or $15 add on) with a variety of multi-national forces would be excellent. For example British armoured units, Australian motorised or light infantry battalions, candaian mechanised units or Israli Merkeva tanks. To add to this multi-nat air support and arty could be added. This would not involve as much work as a full add on would, as many Canadian, Australian and British pieces of equipment are similar. For example, Australian Mech units use Lav-25 (desginated ASLV-25) guncars and ASLAV-PCs(personel carriers)(I assume the former will be in the marine Pack?), with remote weps systems almost identical to those on strykers.The Aust. Army also uses the M1A1. A few new uniforms, small arms etc. are all that is needed. Just a thought, any other suggestions? Will [ April 29, 2008, 03:30 AM: Message edited by: Will7813 ]
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