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Sorry bu there is no way i am going to buy the version of CM,, this game is crap

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sorry I have had it with this game . Online is a load of rubbish. Man lock ups and after lockup and all I get told it is not games fault.

Sorry but this game is going to collect dust on my shelf and I will await WW2 rts by the makers of IL-2. There is no way I am going to buy the next version of this game, NO WAY.

Sorry i am really pissed.

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You didn't finish up with the other thread on your problem. You said that you finally got CM listed with ZoneAlarm. What settings do you have it set for ? Have you been able to connect to anyone else or has anyone else been able to connect to you ? Do any of the other games you play use a direct user-to-user hookup rather than a central server that each individual hooks up to ? This can be quite different since you may not have to provide an IP address in such situations as you do with CMBO.

Typically I wouldn't assume that a cable internet provider would block all sorts of IP ports that aren't commonly recognized, but it is a possibility. Are you absolutely sure you're giving out the correct IP address to your opponents ?

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well obviously this the atmosphere of the fourm. I am pretty fed up with the game. It is crap simple. The statement of the developers was a blast of fresh air, but then i said to my self there has to be a catch. Guess what there is, dam mp does not work and I get insults thrown at me. So here u can stick ur game up your backside. There is no way am i or my friends are going to get the next one. When developers stop producing buggy software then people will be more happy. period

last time i am here

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Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:


well obviously this the atmosphere of the fourm. I am pretty fed up with the game. It is crap simple. The statement of the developers was a blast of fresh air, but then i said to my self there has to be a catch. Guess what there is, dam mp does not work and I get insults thrown at me. So here u can stick ur game up your backside. There is no way am i or my friends are going to get the next one. When developers stop producing buggy software then people will be more happy. period

last time i am here

Hey Sargeant_Isa, basically you have a well defined group here who play the game ranging from your average 13 year old to well hard to belive guys in their 70s or older *scraches head* anyhow, most of use are good chaps and tend not to take lightly someone running in saying example "crap bla!! you are all dumb" most of us feel at home here and well it's like in real life if someone ran in to your house yelling and stuff you feel a bit taken back.

Now I'm not sure what techical problems you had with the game.. hmm I'll have to look at the forum for your name here on posts to find out. but generally more heads are better then one, did you state your problem calmly? many users here are also in the techical field and will help if one approches them not acting like a 8 year old snotty kid (not saying that you did) but if your on a Mac then there are also quite a few who can help out.

Now until I can nail down what problem you had with the game I can't comment. If you got the game based on graphics and not on function and quality of reality (penatration values etc.. *add grog stuff here*) then you might feel burned if your just a FPS player.

but like I said most of the guys here are willing to help if you ask kindly. and throwing insults only gets you up a dead end street.

As for forums go this one is the most friendly one I know of, why? well since most players are adults, and not some teenies who still are frustrated that they can't get some (hehe ahhh the memmories.. *cough*) anyhow as I was saying they are a good group, flame wars tend to be short and swift ending since the board monitors tend to punish those who spew without reason. heck they are perdy good bunch of guys.

I suggest ya either (man I got to see if you made any other posts before this one) ask kindly and you get helpful responces, you may even get more help afterwards.

well sorry you feel you got shafted with the game, I know there are some many conflicts with drivers and such on all platforms, sometimes they are hardware specific but most are from drivers or configurations of your computer.

wish you the best on your next purchace and you don't feel so abandoned by the makers or the gaming community with that game.


Greg aka "the nutty bastard that takes Rickets all the time"

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Originally posted by Sargeant_Isa:

... When developers stop producing buggy software then people will be more happy. period

I can't agree more!

That's one of the reasons I'm so happy with CM. It's virtually bug free. smile.gif

If we define "bug" as a glitch that make the software not run properly, then, AFAIK, there's been only two bugs in CMBO.

First there was an issue with Voodoo graphic cards in version 1.00. This was fixed in a patch (1.01) released within a week after the original game release.

Then there were some TCP/IP-problems in version 1.10 (the version that introduced TCP/IP as an option). That was also promptly fixed with version 1.12.

Then it's a well known fact that a couple of beta versions of various hardware drivers have bugs that cause problem with CMBO.

Backward compatibility of some newer operative systems (MacOS X, WinXP) has also been less than perfect.

Now, if the vast majority of CM players say this game work very well, but it doesn't work for you, is there most probably a serious bug in the game or some other problem?



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sgt_isa.U gotta realise that any game no matter how well coded will have some minor niggles due to the fact of the thousands of different setup/configurations of the pc or mac.If u had approached your problem in a civilised manner instead of losing the plot, a lot more people would have plenty of time for u.If u post ur specs and network setup etc i will try to work out the problem for u,as im sure other members of this forum would oblige too. :D

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