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V10.2 MMG bug

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I patched CSMF last night with V1.02 patch and I am now seeing some starnge and annoying behaviour with the M240 teams. Once they are dismounted I move them into the required position and order them to deploy which they do. I then give target commend. Target is clearly visible. Nothing happens!!! I never noticed this before I patched the game. Has anyone else experienced this or is it just me.

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Hi Kajones: If you deployed on a roof top this is indeed a bug that BFC is working on. I just set up two US MG's ordered them to deploy and fire at bldg. in clear line of sight. Both teams deployed and started firing with out a hitch.

Sometimes the line of sight will read "reverse slope" So what appears to you or I as in clear view is not. Then again you may have found a bug based on some odd convergence of terrain and target. Have you tested MG's in another scen or QB?

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Seen this happen now in 2 different scenarios in the TF campaign.Both patched with V1.02. Not reverse slop according to the target tool. The only thing that I can think of is in both instances the target troops were in a trench. I just want the team to give me some suppresion fire. Having two MMG teams ineffective is a having an impact in available firepower.

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Noticed the same in the first campaign missin.

Deployed the MMG on top of the berm and visibility was clear.

But could not get them to fire on the enemy troops ahead.

Don't know if this also happened in 1.01, because I started the campaign in 1.02.


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Originally posted by kajones1644:


Seen this happen now in 2 different scenarios in the TF campaign.Both patched with V1.02. Not reverse slop according to the target tool. The only thing that I can think of is in both instances the target troops were in a trench. I just want the team to give me some suppresion fire. Having two MMG teams ineffective is a having an impact in available firepower.

The enemy in a trench might be the culprit. You might want to target the area around the troops rather than troops themselves.
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Yes area fire works. I noticed that the deployed team were actually facing in the wrong direction. When they were given a direct target order it was ignored. When I gave them an order for area fire they then changed facing. Is this supposed to happen? Surely the AI should deploy facing the enemy or at least in the direction of movement!

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Here's how I see it:

Direct fire = shoot target with LOS

Area fire = shoot anything without LOS

I guess that answers your question.

But how come the MG team can see something at their back in the first place? Or are you targeting an emeny with a "?" icon?

Regarding the trench question, maybe the MG team will only shoot if they see the enemy stand up. They are waiting to see a helmet pop out. Maybe the enemy is prone all the time. Area fire is the correct command to suppress.

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