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Once Upon A Peng Challenge

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The Saturday Night 'Sword of Rome' game has begun.

So far, Dalem has grilled chicken wings as an appetizer. Lars has advocated running out to get a couple of bags of 'frozen ice'.

As opposed to the other kind, which, unless I miss my guess, the rest of us call 'water'.

Chris J aka 'New Guy' (and father of Small Emma) is having the rules explained to him by Papa Khann.

And I? I am preparing for an invigorating evening of shouting obscenities, and singing jolly singsongs.

The line-up: Dalem is playing the Greeks, Papa Khann is the Gauls, Lars is the Romans, Chris J is the Etruscan/Samites, and I...

I am playing the wild card side. The Carthaginians. This is the 5 player expansion version of the game, that adds the Carthaginians as a player side, rather than NPC spoilers.

Stay tuned for vulgarity, weirdness, and...

Well, of course, the Jolly Singsongs!

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Originally posted by dalem:

The Saturday Night 'Sword of Rome' game has begun.

And I imagine the evening will be filled with mayhem, raucous gaity and possibly, a bit later on, you'll give each other make-overs and listen to Janice Ian records.

There will be much mirth when, to initiate the new guy, he's sent downstairs and told to polish the light sabers.

And, no doubt, after he's seen just what you and your friends are like when you're together with no parental supervision, you will be banned from ever seeing Small Emma and Smaller Nora again.

Ah well, it's probably for the best. Remember what happened to Puff the Magic Dragon.

Jackie Paper grew up and no longer cared to play with his large, scaly friend with bad breath.

By the way... how is your eczema?

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The Game has begun. Dalem has been playing conservative with the Greeks. Papa Khann has been aggressive with the Gauls, then sought rapprochment with Chris J as the Etruscans. I took advantage of the Carthaginian's seapower to move up to Pisae, and took it away from Chris J. Lars laid quiet and low, then got drunk enough to try to go give a kicking to Chris J's Samites, and lost his Roman arse in the mountain passes.

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Sod that for a game of tin soldiers.

I was posting under Dalem's Login. Now I'm back.

Since we started, things have gotten more amusing.

Lars lost his wedding ring. He stood up, mid-game, and told us: 'Okay, guys, I've lost my wedding ring. We need to find it right now.'

So we're all digging through the chops, going through the shuckings from the corn, and looking everywhere, and Chris J comes up and says, 'does it look like this?'

He found it on the floor. We're fecking falling over ourselves to determine who calls up his wife and tells her that he's so bony and oblivious that when his wedding ring falls off, he's completely oblivious.

So far, no particular advantage in the Game.

But, everyone else is agreed: Lars is the drunk early game stupid exploding guy.

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And let me just say this;

I expected much more amusing postings from you lot. I expected vaudeville on ice with midgets, clowns and ducks with irritable bowel syndrome.

I wanted Spanish dancers playing flaming banjos and ventriloquists being throttled by nuns!

I wanted to be entertained.

But what do I get? An asthmatic out of tune Webelo ocarina band.

Don't make me call over there.

I still have the number.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Didn't you get the invite. You were to be the entertainment.


OK, first of all, is your first sentence supposed to be a question? Because, if it is, it's missing a question mark at the end.

Next of all, I said that I wanted to be entertained, not that I wanted to do the entertaining.

Gawd! Deliver me from drunken, illiterate Aussies!

Not that I wouldn't be entertaining if I were there. I'd be witty, urbane, injecting incisive comments with my usual rapid fire banter and charming sense of elan.

I would become the party.

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dalem here, it's Seanachai's turn and he's harder to herd than a drunken Lars.

Who's pretty sodding plowed.

I've gotten the ****tiest run of cards I've seen in a long time in this game - a dearth of "3"s and even "2"s (that's bad), a surfeit of "1"s (that's not so good). As such, Seanachai's correct, I'm playing pretty low and slow for me.

Plus I had to amn the grill and that took some time away.

Papa Khann, sensitive to our recent observance that he's worn the same pink shirt to the last 500 gaming sessions, has procured himself a sort of green shirt for this evening in an attempt to prove his manhood.

It failed, of course, because he also showed up with his hair in pigtails, nibbling on one of those big spiral-pattern lollipops.

New Chris is hiding his revulsion pretty well, although this evening may result in either a revocation of Seanachai's Small Emma privileges or a Borg attack, we haven't figured out which.

Have I mentioned that Lars is 9 sheets to the wind and barely capable of speech?

And he's drunk too. Brought good food though - we're fecking stuffed.

Back to the Mediterranean for me...

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Originally posted by dalem:

Have I mentioned that Lars is 9 sheets to the wind and barely capable of speech?


Sober he's no G. B. Shaw.

[serious] How's he getting home?[/serious]

[not so serious] When he passes out, who's going to put him in a slinky dress and drop him off on a street corner in the party district?[/not so serious]

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I think you are all playing a twist of the game called "Nude Sword of Rome"...

'Lose an army, lose an item of clothing'

You guys are weird! No wonder Boo is so keen to get over there....

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Originally posted by Stuka:

You guys are weird! No wonder Boo is so keen to get over there....

C'mon, admit it... if you were in the vicinity, you'd be keen to get over there too. Or maybe I'm projecting here.

Anyhow, all MBT members could probably be flies on the wall and if anyone there noticed they'd just blame Lars for letting us in with his 3-day-old shrimp.

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Goddamn it. That's enough of Dalem posting as me.

Lars isn't going anywhere tonight. Too damn drunk. He's actually bloody amusing, given that he's just had dental surgery on one side of his jaw. I'm giving him the couch. Not sure where I'll sleep. I think Dalem has some sort of 'book' room that is normally never opened up to keep the pets out of it. I'll sleep there.

My friend, Chris J is doing remarkably well, given that he doesn't drink that much. Certainly not enough to make this lot of fecking drunkards seem like a good Saturday night. But he's manfully in there, tenaciously playing Sword of Rome.

He and Papa Khann are not only tied for first place, but are currently allied. Dalem is either nursing some sort of bitterness about unrequited love, or he's simply lying in the freaking weeds, waiting his chance to win because all the rest of us are filled with anger.

So far, a good night. Damn long game.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Not that I wouldn't be entertaining if I were there.

I bet you'd be a great hit playing harmonica and accompanying yourself on spoons. For about thirty seconds.

I would become the party.
Of the third part. You know, the guy in the box at the funeral parlor. "His performance seemed a little stiff tonight."


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Well, I would like to be there, but only for the booze.....

With your sun tan you'd make a perfect Egyptian slave. Stripped to the waist, your body oiled and shining, manning one of those fans made of peacock feathers. I bet the guys just wouldn't be able to keep their hands off of you.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Didn't you get the invite? You were to be the entertainment.


I would become the party. </font>
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You know, after many years of being alive, and living alone, without the benefit of the Fairer Sex to teach you the little tips and tricks of household cleansing, I wish to pass along to you lot a clever device.

You can take your old toothbrush, that you might otherwise simply toss into the trash, and use it as a great little scrubber to clean small, otherwise fussy places. Around the knobs on the faucet. Around the base where the faucet meets the countertop. The spaces around the metal hinges on the toilet seat. This is the best device for getting all those places scrubbed up and glistening.

But I wish to share with you another bit of folksy wisdom. Once you've gotten those places all scrubbed up, make sure you toss that old toothbrush back into the drawer, or bucket, or wherever it is you keep your cleaning utensils.

Because there will inevitably come the day, if you leave it sitting on the bathroom counter, when you might come home from someplace like Dalem's house, at 5 AM, and, after a night of smoking cigars, decide to brush your teeth before retiring...

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

And let me just say this;

I expected much more amusing postings from you lot. I expected vaudeville on ice with midgets, clowns and ducks with irritable bowel syndrome.

I wanted Spanish dancers playing flaming banjos and ventriloquists being throttled by nuns!

Or, as they call it in Toledo, "Tuesday night."


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