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Modules Question

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Hi guys,

I was curious about the model that will be followed for releasing modules. Will they be sold as entire new games or like cheaper "expansion packs"? Will they require CM:SF to function? Is there a rough timeline yet for module releases?

Thanks in advance for any info.

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1.) Dont know but I suspect they will be like expansion packs.

2.) I would imagine CMSF will be required to play them although I am pretty sure you buying another copy of the core game would be good for BFC's retirement fund. :D

3.) Pretty sure there is, but the timeline for most of it is up to them and I would bet when they drew this game up that a rough release schedule was part of the plan.

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Originally posted by SlowMotion:

Is it possible to buy any individual module separately or are there dependencies like "if you want to buy ModuleZ you must buy ModuleX and ModuleY first"?

That rather assumes there will be any modules beyond 'X'. Personally, I'd be amazed if anything after the USMC one actually gets released, much as I would like them to be.

I think they would have to be independent, otherwise the market for each successive one would shrink each time, and they would become totally unviable... after the first one, probably.

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I asked this question and the closest answer I got was from Steve in the thread:


As for what happens when Modules come out... the code changes will be made available to all CM:SF customers. What will not be made available (of course) are the Module specific data, such as TO&E, vehicles, terrain, etc. But things like tweaks to core game behavior and what not will not be restricted.

The goal here is to not fracture the customer base. If we made some change for the Marines Module that affected gameplay, it has to be available to all or suddenly you get into a situation where people with one Module can't play against people without it. That would be a mess.

When a player goes to make a Scenario he'll have to select what Modules it will work with. This will filter the list of units and what not that can be used with that Scenario. Anybody without the Module/s required by the Scenario will not be able to play it. So if I have a Marines Module and I make a Scenario using the "Base Game" only, then everybody will be able to play it. If I select "Marines Module" then only those with the Marines Module will be able to play.

That system should keep fracturing of the user base to an absolute minimum.

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Steve has stated that the British Module is tentatively scheduled to be the second CMSF module, after USMC.

All subject to change, and I have no special inside info but this is the order that BFC as stated in the past:

CM:SF US Army Stryker Brigade (out now)

CM:SF US Marines

CM:SF British

CM:SF NATO "Coalition" Force, including TOE from a small group of NATO allies with similar equipment -- I've seen German-Canadian-Dutch bandied about as one possibility.

BFC has also confirmed that there will be additions to the Syrian TOEs with each module, but no specific info as to exactly what we'll see, and with which module.



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