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Beta test suggestion

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Ok there is no doubt i think that CM:SF has a way to go. i will hang around and see where it gets to. I think the game has promise but it ain't close at the moment.

I can't help thinking though that some of this stuff should have been spotted by the beta team.

HOLD ON don't jump on me...maybe it was in which case the game should have been delayed (IMO)

but perhaps in future there should be two beta testing teams the first team tests up to a point close to the game being 'there' then the second team comes in and sees the game with fresh eyes.

In theory spotting some of the developement beta team missed due to being johnney on the spot for the developement phase.

Fresh eyes would I'm sure picked up stuff like

No self presevation logic.

poor AI aggression

ect ect

Sometimes beta testers can get blinded by the constant developement of the product, fesh eyes coming in can spot stuff quickly that has been missed.

just a thought

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That's actually exactly how it worked for CMBB.
Oh Ok, then I'm sorry I just assumed it hadn't been done for CMSF

some of the stuff 'wrong' with the game makes it hard to believe a second team could have missed it.

Still WTF do I know,

I have beta tested but way back when computer games were in there infancy certainly not with anything like this.

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The feeling I've gotten from reading the forums is that BTS underestimated the proliferation of multicore CPUs. Most of the reliability issues that went undiscovered during the beta tests focus on multicore compatibility and the rest are issues with high end video cards, I would think a wider effort to poll potential customer's hardware would have really helped.

I suppose once the engine is fairly stable this won't be as big of an issue, but creating a hardware profile database prior to release might be helpful for future releases.

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The feeling I've gotten from reading the forums is that BTS underestimated the proliferation of multicore CPUs. Most of the reliability issues that went undiscovered during the beta tests focus on multicore compatibility and the rest are issues with high end video cards, I would think a wider effort to poll potential customer's hardware would have really helped.

while I agree with you here, I was really refering to the game issues with the AI not the hardware issues that is a different matter that really couldn't be helped much, with BFs limited resources.
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Obviously the quality testing was a total miss. Wherever you look, everywhere are DualCores topsellers, for many months already. Multicore CPUs are the future and CMSF is the first title with a new engine, built for the future, not for the past.

Also the 8800GTS is very widespread, because there is no alternative in that range for months. And in the lower price ranges, but still advanced for gamers, the Radeon 1950s have the most entrys in pricecharts. They sell like warm rolls.

And since several months it's difficult to get new preconfigured PC without Vista. You have stubbornly to insist on XP, to get it instead of Vista.

For me it's hard to believe, that the most spread system-components nowadays were not tested.

For two days i'm waiting for a response which graphics card i should buy to get maximum performance from CMSF. That says a lot.

Before the game was released, i found it a bit strange, that there was absolutely no info to find, which components deliver maximum graphic details. And on the third day after release, it's still unkown in the whole cummunity which setup gives the best performance.

I really hope they will solve the problems soon and verified information what works best with CMSF will become available.

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