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Cherry picking for scenarios?

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I am designing a new Red on Red campaign and I've been trying to create a core force with a battalion of T-62 tanks. I can get the first company no problem but after that, I can never get a second company of T-62s even if I dicker around with the quality settings.

Further to this point, it also seems that I'll get T-72M1Vs when the equipment settings are good or bad or anything in between if I buy three or more tank companies. The same goes with T-55MVs, the best tanks in the regular army. I can get them with equipment set to poor too.

So, how about letting scenario designers cherry pick the tanks they want from the scenario editor instead of having it randomised? It seems like there's a LOT of randomisation going on in this procedure.

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if you need the same gear you need to exploit the "chances" to get it.

means you set the settings in a way you "know" you have a chance to get the tanks you want and than you just buy 25 or 30 tank companies and delete the ones you dont need. at least 3 or 4 or so should turn out to have the same tanks in the end.

if 30 tank companys dont give you the tanks you want you need to pick another quality setting and the like.

however thats obviousely not a perfect solution as the possibilities to select gear and vehicles in the editor are far from perfect too.

iam all for cherry picking too :D

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I'm all in favour of this being improved too. If you purchase a Stryker platoon for instance, you can't control which vehicles will have grenade launchers and which .50 cal machine guns.

An option to cycle through the available "variants" for each line of the TO&E would seem to be the ideal solution, i.e. left arrow moves back one variant and right arrow moves forward one variant. That would make it a lot easier to cherry-pick units.

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Completely agreed as well. Campaign designer should have full control over these matters. To take it a step further, it would be nice if personal equipment used by the infantry could also be dictated, but I realize that won't be happening :cool: .

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Gents - this smacks again of cherry picking units without calling it a points system. Quite simply if a platoon/company/battalion is only authorised a certain number of 50 cal and a certain number of grenade launchers then that is all it should have.

I admit there is slightly more justification for fiddling around with individual soldier equipments because soldiers nick stuff and personalise their kit. Of course on occasions they will get issued 'gucci' kit for particular operations - maybe a night operation to lift somebody might call for the platoon to be issued with more NVGs or suchlike. However the bottom line is that the system that has been adopted is to model TO&Es as accurately as possible and I doubt Battlefront will change it.

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