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Friday night Fights!

Imperial Grunt

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not friday, but we had a good BLACK SABBATH battle yesterday. That dead gulch objective Nexus, Bane vs poesel, me was the best game in memory. Nexus and bane had the entire southern half of the map AA covered, but while poesel led the attack from the N, I snuck in through the depl. zone with a thor and caused a lot of damage. we nearly won this one except for a tragic instance of friendly fire when an errant mortar round of mine killed poesel and a bot (both defending the objective at the time). I think Poesel was a bit miffed ;)

then a desert mesa, Poesel and me attacking again. though we managed to take out the ion tower , our forces were too depleted to take the objective.

Then a CTF Jung, Poesel vs Nexus and me. not sure how nexus managed, but he emerged from a hailstorm of all callibres carrying the flag. fortunately I had just been vaped by Jung, and happened to drop just behind nexus in a Hermes. Jung carpeted me with turrets, food for my autocannon smile.gif

I see a pattern emerging in the Low Dunes map. the guys with the Northern flag always lose. maybe the mod savvy could put the northern flag next to a big rock too.

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I was thinking the same thing while playing the Low Dunes map recently jby. It is without a doubt harder to defend the northern flag. The flag is in the open compared to against a giant rock in the south part of the map; on top of that it is also near the middle of the map, as opposed to in a corner, making it much easier to land behind the main defenders with two possible flanks to choose from.

Anyway, no excuses. We shouldn't have lost so badly. Before the battle started I pretty much knew Nexus would take a paladin from the west and repeatedly try to take our flag around the bottom of the map, where you guys had most likely left a break in your mines - which if I'm right, is exactly what happened. Knowing in advance, with some certainty, what you guys would do, we should have been able to come up with some type of effective counter. This game was a perfect example of taking things too casually against skilled opponents. I wish I could pretend I didn't really care about losing....but by know I think you would all know I was lying.

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Yeah, miffed is a good word smile.gif . We actually led some three minutes before the end but then the others got slightly more units to the objective and points were counting down. I tried two times to get through the mine belt but got blown up both times (a mine should kill you if you touch one - not when you are in some invisible 'mine area'). Then tried it with a cutter and got shot down by AA. Then tried again and got shot down by friendly artillery (hmph). Third time is the charm: landed the cutter and was just 300m away from the bridge when time was up.

A very good and close battle.

Low dunes was my fault. Jung wanted to be defensive but at that time Nexus was alone and so I convinced him to attack. Bad idea. I managed to kill a good portion of the defenses with inf but it was a pointless exercise since we never came close to the enemy flag.

I agree with the others that the north never wins this battle.

We made an error at Desert Mesa because we just attacked from one side. As Nexus did even point out at the start of the game we should have attacked from two sides. One should listen to the creator! ;)

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Originally posted by poesel71:

One should listen to the creator! ;)

Yes, we should have had a plan for the moment the tower fell. Also next time the tower destruction has to be faster (I think it took 12min yesterday). Maybe a hurricane, though I fear the round will be caught by the ion tower. Have to experiment in stand alone.

PS: this post is courtesy of my new Ubuntu-install. don expect me to be playing from linux soon, I took me 2 days to trick GRUB into finding my install (some mixup, due to having several harddrives)

but playing DT from Linux is of course the final goal, like winning against Jung in CTF every time ;)

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Originally posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]:

not friday, but we had a good BLACK SABBATH battle yesterday. That dead gulch objective Nexus, Bane vs poesel, me was the best game in memory. Nexus and bane had the entire southern half of the map AA covered

Fabulous battles!

I've been trying to work out better tactics for defending that bridge objective on Dead Gulch for a while. It's a good example of a level which is really tough to secure for the defenders, mainly because it can be attacked from all directions simultaneously. Putting AA all the way across the southern side of the bridge suddenly meant that the attackers could only come from the north and now defense is possible.

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Originally posted by Junglist:

Before the battle started I pretty much knew Nexus would take a paladin from the west and repeatedly try to take our flag around the bottom of the map, where you guys had most likely left a break in your mines - which if I'm right, is exactly what happened. Knowing in advance, with some certainty, what you guys would do, we should have been able to come up with some type of effective counter.

You are absolutely right on our setup. The SE base is easy to fortify, not least because the rocks around the base allow turrets to be placed in critical positions. Another benefit is that the flag is in a gully, not on a hill, allowing it to be surrounded with turrets and mines which can't be seen until you are right on top of them.

The most effective defence I've found for the NW flag is to dig it in with cutters during the deployment phase, slowing down the flying paladin and shrike drivers and allowing time for the bots (turrets and tanks) to pick them off. Mines can be used to channel vehicles into certain lanes, and SAM units can force the attacker to drop cutters at great distance from the flag, again allowing time for the bots to get them before they engage.

If I was going to pick on one mistake the NW folks made, it was putting the mines too far out from the flag to be defended. I was able to sneak in with a cutter and remove five or six mine drops on the western flank, leaving a fast path for me to drive through at 80km/h straight to the flag pickup.

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Originally posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]:

PS: this post is courtesy of my new Ubuntu-install. don expect me to be playing from linux soon, I took me 2 days to trick GRUB into finding my install (some mixup, due to having several harddrives)

but playing DT from Linux is of course the final goal

Welcome to the Ubuntu universe. It's a large friendly place - if you need some help, I may be able to offer some pointers, having run Ubuntu for the last couple of years.
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jby, I'm running Ubuntu here, too. DT install was a breeze. Ran out of the box. You might consider using the XFCE desktop (Xubuntu). With its small memory footprint it adds some extra fps especially on older hardware.

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Yeah, the mines were all placed before we decided on our overall strategy - originally I meant do engage you further out from the flag and didn't place any mines near the flag for fear of bots driving over them. The real turning point of the game was when one of your bots w atgm shot down several of our bots attempting to land near the flag, leaving us with no dropships to do anything. By then it was all just desperation anyway.

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Originally posted by Junglist:

...bots w atgm shot down several of our bots ...

Is it just me or have the bots generally gotten better at shooting down dropships? I don´t recall being hit by 120mm AP in the air so often. A consequence of the turret improvement in 1.22 maybe?

@ the linuxers, thx for your offer to help. I have some really stupid, err , basic questions.

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Nah, has been much worse in the old days. smile.gif

What I noticed is that Ion can very easily down drop pops (good) but cannot harm deployables (bad)(I tried killing sensors or turrets with one but never got anywhere).

Whats also annoying is that ATGM bots shoot down Infantry with ATGM instead of the 14mm.

Btw again very good battles on Sunday. Its a shame we never seem to be more than 8 people. Its such a different game then.

And too bad we can't record or replay these battles.

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Originally posted by poesel71:

jby, I'm running Ubuntu here, too. DT install was a breeze. Ran out of the box. You might consider using the XFCE desktop (Xubuntu). With its small memory footprint it adds some extra fps especially on older hardware.

Well, after succesfully installing ubuntu i have now succeded in installing the 3d drivers using apt -get install nvidia-glx( i tried the "executable" at nvidia, but it then insisted on compiling and I killed the X server in the process. So what I´ve learned today is WTF an X server is (the graphical interface)

and that there is more than one way to skin a cat smile.gif

now err redface.gif , how does one run shell scripts? (like dropteaminstall) an hour of research on the topic has left me somewhat confused. *Imagines the physical pain that this post causes to Nexus and Poesel*

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No, I remember running into the same snag.

Open the Terminal program. You'll get a prompt (like DOS). 'cd' changes directories. To run a script that is in your current directory prepend the name of the script with './' (like './runUpdate.sh').

What confuses most beginners is that the shell does NOT search for an executable in your current directory unless explicitly told so (with './').

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Originally posted by poesel71:

No, I remember running into the same snag.

Open the Terminal program. You'll get a prompt (like DOS). 'cd' changes directories. To run a script that is in your current directory prepend the name of the script with './' (like './runUpdate.sh').

What confuses most beginners is that the shell does NOT search for an executable in your current directory unless explicitly told so (with './').


jb@jb-desktop:~/DropTeamSetup$ ./runLinuxInstall

./runLinuxInstall: 3: ./InstallData/bin/LinuxInstall: Permission denied


I also tried:

sudo ./runLinuxInstall





chmod 755 runLinuxInstall


same error mesage , pls help

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]:

not friday, but we had a good BLACK SABBATH battle yesterday. That dead gulch objective Nexus, Bane vs poesel, me was the best game in memory. Nexus and bane had the entire southern half of the map AA covered,

Well.,I AM TRULEY HONORED! You guys actually mention ME! I really have NO memory of the above game, but be assured that Nexus is to be credited for the win! I'm just driving drunk right now, attempting to get the hang of this damn game! But what has kicked me in the Butt is the fact that MY name has been officially mentioned in the halls of DT! "Thank You, Thank You, NO., THANK YOU! I'm Honored!" tongue.gif
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Welcome to the Ubuntu universe. It's a large friendly place - if you need some help, I may be able to offer some pointers, having run Ubuntu for the last couple of years.
I WAS pretty good with Ubuntu myself until I moved to this stupid apartment and lost my ability to connect to the internet using my Linksys Wireless! (GOD I miss Linux!)
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