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Rambo's Gestalt isn't enough for 20+ hour games

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Rambo our health care system isnt perfect by any means but ive got friends and relatives in the states that tell me we are much better off than most of you are.

What do you pay for health ins?Mine is free(Paid for because im in one of those evil things you call unions).Otherwise you have to pay a premium.

Ill bet if i looked i could dig up just as many if not more horror stories about the american system(People having to sell their homes just to pay the cost of a hospital stay etc etc?)Never heard of that happening here.

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Um...Arado yours isn't "free" - you pay union dues/fees, and you pay taxes.......

Here I get health care from a state system (which isn't too bad), plus my union has a scheme, plus I have a fairly low-key insurance scheme - each offers a little mroe than the previous - mainly in terms of choice of provider and speed in case of something not-really-essential

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If you're broke, socialized medicine is good. A great amount of Americans don't have coverage. In Canada the high taxes means all Canadians as far as I know are covered with medical. This is similar to Britian and Sweden...Sweden takes it to the extreme but I hear there are changes in all these places... People who're weathly are against the high taxes

In the USA Rich are not taxed more than poor, relatively. We are even upon earnings and spending. MiddleClass and lower middle are the #1 voters and dislike the idea of paying Social System Taxes, that's probably why we don't have it. Plus the Rich run the Major Corporations and such, and the Government so you know how that is... The poor, generally do not vote, abuse the system and do not care! The poor souls caught between suffer a great deal. I was once ill with a terrible stomach that had dozens and dozens of ulcerations....no Medical!!!!!!! 1 procedure cost 10g, I had to rely on the charity of the Surgeon to look inside of me and fix it if he could. You know he couldn't! :( but that doesn't mean I don't get CHARGED :(:( which means for a lot of Americans they don't get the Surgery

The 1 plus of America is, and I know this from experience, you will find the best of the best. As why would they go to Sweden? to pay 40% Taxes or to Canada, 30%

USA is where they are and most Canadians will complications or extreme conditions don't do it in Canada...if they have money anyway

The USA is the land of the Free, but Freedom isn't cheap, not knocking it. Though it pays to be upwardly mobile here. If you're not interested in achieving, it's a mediocre life, pretty much cannot afford much. Though if you're willing to work at it, and possess ingenuity you can make money. Lots of ways still here... The Rich-middleclass here mean lots of opportunity, lots of Consumerism here. That's why every Pakistani-Indian-Muslim comes here and opens a Chain tongue.gif

I here Europe and Canada is mirroring USA, it's the competition factor.. the $ bill factor... The World is becoming a war of Cash instead of territory, Trade is today's WW3

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I drove a truck for 3 years in college, made deliveries, & a little bit of sales. The Union tried to get cash out of me, told them to kiss off. The Union cried to the employer, threatening them. Bottom line, I still believe what he Bible says. Does the evil hate the good? Yes, the majority if not all corporations exist for making profits (this could be called evil & reality). Repeat, does the evil hate the good? Of course they want "good employees", even though they could be considered evil.

The Union was mad as a hornet's nest. They used to smack talk me, intimidate me, etc. I REFUSE TO PAY SOMEBODY TO WORK! (save college, LOL). I like my chances to get my own deal! Unions are just pimps.

Those bodies (Unions or whatever) that are poking against the power don't care about you. They just want to be the power! Unions ruined the car industry. Go watch the movie, How Green Was My Valley. Go read the history of Communism.

If you were going to reform healthcare, reform the lawsuits & liabilities. Reform the insurance companies. You just can't "give away" free healthcare, because resources aren't unlimited, you pay one way or another. Adding the government for these things is not good. Look what happenend when the US Postal Service allowed competition! You always gain with competition. (see Air Traffic Control). Break up AT&T. Your cable bill would be peanuts if the government would deregulate that too! Deregulate the tax code, red tape, etc.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Kuni, Blashy & the other anti-US healthcare people --- Check out this article about that magical socialism North of the border:


You're just proving my point, this is the problem with FAUX news, they right out of context to confuse people but if you know how to read through their bull ...

It says we FLY them over, so our Health care system is paying for ALL her expenses.

And saying one out of every 7 Canadians is sent to the US by a Doctor is a fabrication. Canadians who go to US for treatment do it on their own. They have the money not to wait or don't mind getting a loan.

BTW, you don't wait for emergency treatment in Canada... cancer, heart problems or anything the requires immediate attention you get it NO CHARGE. In USA... "pay up" or if you have an insurance company they'll say we'll cover X amount which is not the full amount most of the time.

We are not perfect but at least we help each other out when someone is sick and do not PROFIT from people's sickness.

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@AssMyPoo --- I don't think Blashy needs any help professionally & I'm not tired of him. But I could run a few ideas up the flag pole for you, son.

Far as SC/SC2 & strategy. You can take all these "so-called gamers" & they wouldn't add upto a piece of used toilet paper in comparison to my grand strategies.

Too Much Legend,

Too Little Time,

But there's always Eternity.

[ October 11, 2007, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Don't insult each other, stay to the topics when you bring them up. I have found way too many bulletin boards where the subject matter becomes personal. As far as I'm concerned there is a lot of hotheaded debate here but the "aura" is pretty solid.. The place is fairly openminded and generally a cool breeze emotionally, when people think about it a minute.

We personally have no clue who each of us are, only what we write and that is like what we say, which means about 2 cents in this world. Noone here is a published writer tongue.gif

As for Rambo, I know him, he's a solid man. If you were here in the USA and some good ole boys were about to whoop your rear, he'd back you up if you said, "hey John bud, we use to play SC together, help me out bro." He'd also put you up and feed you if you were starved!

If you were here and some Skinheads or Brothers were going to whoop your ass, my halfway city educated butt I might back you up, "Let 'em go people, he's cool, just a little high and talking trash!" tongue.gif

Both of us would take the time to help you find your way, because both of us have Faith of some type.. I believe in Personal Jesus, he believes in the biblical one. BELIEVE ME, you DO NOT WANT TO FIND A GUY WITHOUT FAITH... He'll take your wallet, your woman and make you think you it was your fault.. ON this side of the border or on the other.. and I have been to Canada-Quebec, Germany and England. I'd like to go back to Germany where I'm sure despite all Rambo's Bunta talk, there are plenty of great souls there... I personally have found nothing but educated, disciplined, friendly people on here from there. Contrary to the Legends BuntaTalk..

We're all friends here, we are pretty smart, we're WW2 and gaming laymen. But of course my Strategy is superior to yours tongue.gif not a few of yours but 95% Including RAMBO tongue.gif

Play me for AmeriCup, try that RocketRambo crap on me I'll write your Legend butt up in the Obituaries tongue.gif

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@Liam --- I'd love to play you a game of SC-2, it's been awhile since your move. Yeah, I posted a couple temportal facts about Unions & Canada's pregnant coming to the US for specific care...then comes the mob after the Legend. Now worries, I'll let that mission go, I know the truth smile.gif Far as spiritual stuff, that's the great thing about Him...after the initial meeting, we're always eating smile.gif

Tomb's Empty,


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