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Hubert, comments in posts are heating up around here, if you read the post started by Kuniworth you have to realize this is your fault for giving us a much better game in WAW than in SC2, you have wetted the appetites of the gamers, they are not truly happy yet but they are starting to think [what if?] I am not a programmer and I dont know what problems you face so if I am asking too much tell me so. I am assuming [hah] that the global campaign you are working on will be a stand alone add on for a fee. As much as I am looking forward to this endeavor, if it is a straight port using the WAW engine players will not be happy [including me] The Pacific Zone will be the focus of the global game for me because I am tiring of the European war and need a major diversion to go along with the Europran war. I believe the programmers have to produce some things they have never done before, one of those things is to do with the invasions of islands, the way it is now dont even bother making a global game in my opinion. I would like to see when an invasion is started on any island in the Pacific a pop up of the island occurs and the island becomes much larger and then real landings can occur or you need to install a zoom feature to do the same thing as a pop feature. I believe this can be done and done right and I would pay accordingly for these added features. So come on Hubert make your programmers dig deep and come up with something unique to your war games, like maybe stacking of units or several units combining their firepower into one resolution PLEASE!


[ December 31, 2007, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: william bowen ]

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Microtransactions and "installments" seems to be the new trendy pricing model. If Hubert added that kind of coding in for a WaW global campaign, not to mention the time they're taking to make the conversion + scripts, I'd be more than happy to pay $5 or $10 or even $15 for a sorta of 'upgrade patch' that included the WaW global campaign. Considering this kind of work takes time away from creating a new game or expansion that actually makes money, seems perfectly reasonably to me!

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I think your way, the pacific is almost interisting. Not forget also all the political implications in a WORLD-war.

Now the zoom is in my opinion more or less a "no-fun".

in Fact: how much fields maximum you need to take a, say russian, city?

normally Axis have about 2 Tanks 1 Army and a 1 Corps, and maybe some Airforce and so on, behind the lines. OK.

Now extrapolate this to an island city. Airforce comes from Carriers, also you may need 1-3 Seafields around for Battleship-Bombardings, and maybe 2-3 Landing units to take a City.

So a Island with several (i.e. 3-5) Land-Fields around is large enough to take a City on a Island. Why try to Zoom for every City you may want to take?

I think also on the time one will take for the "blitzkrieg" starting with Warsaw, Amsterdam, Oslo, Bergen, Dunkerque, Brussels, Paris and so on-...

I would say this Zoom more or less couldbe a "fun-killer" as you loose the "entire" vision of a GLOBAL campaign...

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I don't think a zoom feature will be needed. But it's a suggestion and that's important here.

Even an amphib landing has a chance of suffering loses, so even an undefended one island tile could inflict terrible losses. Increase the % chance or damage for island invasions. Create water supply "lanes" (function like railroads) to islands so that the supply to islands can be reduced. Increase bombardment damage from BB's. There are easier and reasonable solutions from a programming standpoint.

If you want to zoom in to fight the Okinawa fight, someone who is comfortable with the Editor could reproduce this in a separate mod. This can be done now.

Hubert is a one-man show. So suggestions, however "doable" they may or may not be are important to him. He's proven that in the past, and I think he's accomplishing his goal by making gamers world-wide hungry for more!

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Powergmbh again congrats on your 3rd Reich mod, I have been a fan of that great board game for years. When I posted about zoom it was in referrence to having an island invasion having a little room to manuver. A pop-up would be fine or some kind of an inset inside the main Pacific war, I dont know if it is feasible but when you attack an island you are moved to a side bar of some kind and you attack the island with say several marine units. The way it is now including Malta it is to me unplayable to a point. I find some of the outcomes of the entrenched units in fortified cities or island garrisons or whatever are totally wrong when an inexperienced unit with little supply and bad low morale can hold out aginst 4 or 5 air units plus ground forces for 4 or 5 turns or more. All I was saying was please make the islands bigger during the attack against them or to me the Pacific war won't work.


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How about when you click on the island tile you get a subscreen with a multi-tile layout representing the enemy units' deployments.

You can then initiate your attacks from the main screen units to the enemy positions in the subscreen, one at a time. Obviously when the enemy reaches the point of combat exhaustion, you send in the Marines. :D

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