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AAR Colin Vs DAK_21_PzDivision (Rambo Tournament)

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Winter skirmishes preceding clear weather in 1944. adventurous Soviet tank lost - definite signs of the Russians getting more aggressive now the planes have headed South for the winter. Caucuasus falls to the Germans completely.

In Iberia, deadly Luftwaffe open up on British, two corps dead so far.

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The wet spring has prevented major movements in south of Russia. On the other hand, some red units has entered in Finland.

Helsinky was bombed from Sweden and Leningrad from Russia to support this advance.

Riga continues under partisans control and Baku falled some turns ago (Kronisberg bombed to prevent axis supply). In the last turn, it seems that some german units have advanced near of the defensive positions of soviets around Moscow and Kuybashev.

On the west not much action, some bombing from Spain over Morocco and from Tunnis over Italy.

Switzerland conquered by axis in turn 136.

Picture from turn 133 - 137.


It's june 1944, this summer will be very very hot! :D

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Germans reinforce the Finns and sink a Russian cruiser from the air (it IS cost effective if your airforce is so experience as not to take casualties). A larger army group head towards the Russian main force - lead Stukas take out an armoured formation despite it frantically back pedalling.

Broadly, Jesus's love of bombers has forced me to take some defensive action - increase AA and a few air fleets deployed to limit their effectiveness. He uses them very well to isolate areas before he attacks. However, the consequence - less punch on the ground - may be hurting him (esp. the Russians). I've yet to see US armour and the Russians, in my opinion, need 3 or 4 corps more than a bomber right now.

I confidently expect all hell to break loose the next couple of turns. :D :eek:

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The Germans finally kick off their 1944 offensive moving L4 armour and L3 infantry to take Kuybyshev under the sheltering wings of the Luftwaffe. Finally nail one of those Russian bombers too. Some skirmishes elsewhere in Russia but this is the main action.

Vichy France falls to German ground forces and Italian air despite reinforcement by the British. Germans deperately hold on in Finland though do nail a Russian armoured formation.

We are holding our breath to see what the US is up to.

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Yes, the powerful German force easily take Kuybyshev and cleans the soviet forces trenched around the city. The offensive over Finland continues but its dificult to advance over Helsinky. Minor fights around Moscow, which it seems to be secured at this point.

But the most important movement for Allies is the Operation MouseTrap. A big US amphibious force land in England and take Edinburg. Also Manchester is attacked. Some bombing prevents that the German Commander could take reinforces to England. The island must fall in the following 2-3 turns.

Will the German commander continue fighting in the Urals or he will send some units to France to prevent a future invasion?

Who knows!


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Western allies gather pace - they will have reclaimed the UK by fall 1944 and Eire too.

Axis leaves experience Italian airfleets to fend off bombers and deal with raiding ships or corps, along with a Tiger unit and corps. Italians fortify around Paris.

Axis Russian offensive continues without pause - Moscow threatened, another step closer to the Urals too, Finland saved and Russian paras run into a Tiger unit with predictable results. It is August, I think by the end of the year the Russians will be holed up in the Urals. Russians appear to have L4 armour but I hope not the MPP to buy too many! Axis air and armour combination is VERY effective.

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I have not time for a long report.

Axis forces continue advancing over the Urals. Red forces fight around Chelyabinks. Axis forces also advance over Moscow. Winter is coming so we expect that axis must stop its advance.

On the other hand, west allied forces have liberated England, Ireland and Brest and Bourdeaux. Also the winter will stop them for a while, but we expect to liberate more terrain.

Here is the picture (its september 1944):


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In the West winter is coming and whilst there is some air action the D-Day landings will have to wait to Spring 1945 for resolution. there is a large W. Allied army in France and a decent air fleet and lots of strategic bombers in UK. However, in air-to-air combat I'd say the Axis have parity (very experienced) and he has little to match German armour.

In Russia its mud but the Axis killing machine goes on. Moscow is retaken by Germans and there is an armour duel at the gates of the Urals.

Game is exciting. I'm very happy with Russia - restance is slowing down. If I had to call it I'd say he liberates Paris almost the same time the Russians throw in the towel.

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Yes, the game holds for a week until Colin come back from his holidays.

In my last turn the US Group of Army gives a small step ahead and now three armies are next to Paris, some other units are closer.

A british Group of Army advance over Marseille.

Winter is here so we expect short fighting for some turns.

In Russia, Germans seems to stop a little. A bunch of russian units tries to hold in the Urals, its situation is desperate. Russians controls only 5 - 6 cities at the east of Volga (and Odessa and Sebastopol). How long could they resist?

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Reason for the German pause in the East may now be apparent. A winter attack by the Germans around Paris, including all weather air and new L5 armour, hits the US forces. Two US armies killed, two damaged, US HQ threatened. I hope bad weather holds a bit longer (next Allied turn is mud - good - cuts down his ability to respond) before his bombers open up.

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Now Iberia is isolated British land in Portugal. Its a nice strategy though the ferocious German attack in France suggests that Axis forces will break through very soon - one UK army, US paras and other US ground forces destroyed this round. Its clear weather so we can expect Russia and France to reach boiling point. In Russia, limited German offensive aimed at removing HQ support for one of his garrisons.

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West allied are exhausted after the German heavy offensive. However british troops are attacking Madrid and took Valencia.

The German troops made his CA in the better time in the better way... It's a pity, but we still continue the fight.

In the east, reds troops are trenched along the Urals.

BTW, im so excited with the game that i can't make the pictures, sorry!!! :(

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Axis ground forces power into Spain to rescue Franco - straight through the British army!!! :D But they are outstripping their air support which was busy refitting and hiting the UK, destroying a US fighter and bomber on the ground. In Russia, Germans clean up a few stray Soviet cities but their L5 armour is stalled at the gates to the Urals whilst the western fight resolves itself (waiting for infantry and air support). Great game!

I think I'll just about save or retake Iberia but will probably lose a few units in the mad scramble.

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The Spanish attack by the UK was driven back (just) although they now hold Gibraltar. The Axis air destroy another US bomber forcing a tactical withdrawal by Allied air from the South coast of the UK. Renewed fighting around the Urals with some armoured action.

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Jesus went on vaction twice, and Colins I went on vacation once. That is 3 weeks of it right there. Also Jesus lives near Madrid which also causes some bad timimg for returning turns. When I work night shift, My European friends and I get in quite a few turns. When I am on days my North American friends and I get in a more turns.


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Konigs is right - we normally play about 2 turns a day with more intense play at weekends sometimes.

Anyhow, back to the game.

The West is quiet, the UK is evacuating Iberia and salvaging units, albeit damaged ones. His air attacks Italien HQ that is coordinating air defense in the West.

In Russia the assault on the Urals starts to gear up. Russians have a bit of success around Archaengel. It is late July, so Russians really have to hang on for the Winter.

Meanwhile Turkey continues to drift to Allies - a huge effort from about 74% Axis to slightly less for the Allies.

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Originally posted by Iron Ranger:

This seams weird, two months and the game is ... 2/3 done? How many turns per week are you guys averaging?

2/3 DONE??? :eek:

Im praying for the winter!!!





A huge German armoured army assault the Urals... :(
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Well, i have to surrender.

Congratulations Colin! Your solid and methodical command has been succesful!

In this game i have always been behind you. Usually, that doesn't matter me a lot. But in this game you didn't make any mistake (at least i couldn't see any big mistake) and my risky and (sometime) creative movements wasn't good enough (specially because i made some big mistakes ;) due of my excitement).

I wasn't worry when you were succesful with your Sealion, i have won some games regain terrain since Egypt. Futhermore, you advance in Russia wasn't too fast... that made me feel trust in my CA.

My worst mistake were: allowing you to take Spain by diplomatics, failing my first assault over UK and, specially, the last offensive in the west. This was very annoying, because during the last two years of the game i felt that i was only a step behind you (in local battles, of course)... For example: Madrid... i just needed to bomb one time Madrid with my bombers and Spain would have surrendered (you couldn't operate into the city)! Of course, i wouldn't change the war only with that, but if Spain falled you won't take your planes so early to Russia and the reds will have even more time to deploy its defences at the Urals.

That's only one example of some facts that during the game annoyed me a lot.

But the most important is that you, and your command is the success!

Congratulations again! tongue.gif

I have enjoyed a lot the tourney. I hope to joing to the next.

... :( Im also very sad because i was very excited with the tourney... i dedicated a lot of time to think the games!

I will follow the Final!

BTW, i think that SC2 is really better than SC1. SC1 was very rigid, with SC2 you can be loosing the game 3 - 4 years and change the war... and viceversa... I really think that this game is much better and addictive than the previous one. smile.gif

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