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Well, that sounds like something he would do. But the anglo-allies could sure replace losses with their own liberated POWs. A destroyed army or air unit could be reconstituted with French, British or U.S. prisoners. Don't know how many were there historically. Obviously the number we'll have depends on play.

[ July 27, 2006, 09:40 AM: Message edited by: well-dressed gentleman ]

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If I do recall, being a POW was a ticket home once liberated, or duty away from the front, unless you volunteered for duty, which was rare. Airmen brought back through the French Underground were not allowed to fly over Axix occupied territory for fear of recapture and use of the knowledge to compromise Le Resistance.

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The vast majority of US POW's were airmen and thus could not be used to 'reinforce' ground units. By the time the US POW camps were being liberated the war was all but over and as has been stated, most were returned home, I doubt many even did light duty. I think their impact on the war, would be to small to really include in this game.

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I agree with WDG. Remember the movie Great Escape? "Danny we came here to fight the Germans. Don't you want to escape & do those things?". Or how about the movie Stalag 17,"big deal, so you escape & get back to the States. This time they ship you off to the Pacific & you get shot down & end up even worse, in a Japanese prisoner camp". Remeber Bride on the River Kwai? They sent him back too!

Never underestimate the value of watching war movies.


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Rambo I respect your views on many issue here on the forums but to base actual facts on the movies you have watched, as you tend to do, just lessens there impact and importance. To think that the war was like what you see in one movie or one movie scene is just wrong and can lead to many wrong conclusions.

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Rambo, nothing wrong with movies as entertainment but yes as a source for facts most arn't even close. I know there are a couple exceptions to the rule, "like A Bridge too Far" or "The Battle of Britan" but even the one move you mentioned "The River Kwai" is so such a Hollywood stretch of the turth.

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I don't think liberating a POW camp or two should allow you to get a free corps or the like. Most prisoners would be combat ineffective for some time after their release anyway.

Early in the war (1940, 1941) the Allies were very glad to return escaped POWs to fighting units as every man was needed to protect Great Britain.

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In Hogan's Heroes, they accomplished as much from prison as they did from the air. ;)

Seriously though, not a free corps - sorry if I gave that impression. But the opportunity restore destroyed corps into your build limit - or free replacement points in a damaged corps.

[ July 27, 2006, 11:58 AM: Message edited by: well-dressed gentleman ]

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