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Beta Testers -- Stop Harrassing Them !!

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Blashy, Dave, Comrade and all the others who are Beta testing SC-2, you're all doing a fine job of increasing interest in the game. Glad you're doing it, to be honest, I wouldn't want to and, as Blashy said, it takes more than competiveness to test these things properly. I've been asked to help test other games and was always a bust at it, so it's just as well that I'm not involved with this one.

Brother Rambo, Terif, Kuni, Zapp and the other truly good competive players. Of course you'll be Beta testers in your own right. I'm sure you'll all be the first to hit the game hard and often when it becomes commercially available. Till then, it's Hubert's decision, of course.

For the record, I do sympathize with the better players, especially the four I've mentioned above, they all did a hell of a lot to point out the flaws in SC-1 and I'm sure their input would be of great value in the design. Also, I do think they should be Beta testers, at the very least as the game enters it's final design stages, so they can dig out the bugs and quirks the way they did so often last year and the year before.

For myself, I'm just waiting to grab this thing after the first patch comes out so I can piddle around solitaire and make a few scenarios.

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Finally someone with the same thoughts as me. So far I was alone in the dark so I haven’t sent more post about this. I appreciate all efforts from guys that you mentioned above but they are too crabby. Personally, I don’t want to be a beta tester, I want a complete game like you. I even don’t want to make new scenario’s, just want to play original ones. By the way, Rambo, Terif, Kuni, Zapp think it over – who will play against you if you become beta testers? Not me – you will be too good too soon. ;)

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Great post JJ but I do differ from your viewpoint in one regard...I have no sympathy for anyone who critiques the beta test system and those who participate...this forum for too long has had an hiearchal arrogance among those who consider themselves elite, because they won this tourney or that, and it is old.

Good luck to Bill, Dave and the rest, and will be looking forward to this release!

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Good luck to Bill, Dave and the rest, and will be looking forward to this release!
Thank you JPW,

You have been there, done this

And also some of that,

So you know.

As does JJ.

Each, insightful and possessed.

A kind of... fox-fire glow. ;)

I appreciate all efforts from guys that you mentioned above but they are too crabby.

Dad? Yep, he was a Mussel,

And Mom - a musical Starfish,

Who hushed the crowd

Playing 2-5 time Jazz Bo piano,

Which is different, I guess.

Me? A crab? :eek:

I prefer to think not, but, admit,

I DO spend my days,

(... stuck out here on sun dunned desert)

Wandering to & fro

Most ardently wishing

I were closer to the Ocean,

As in... glory days of old.

A kind of salt-encrust

Beach Bum, ah, how fantastic!

It all was! :cool:

Fending off - scanty clad

Slow mo lasses and!

Casual offers of... Panama Red

And Acapulco Gold.


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"Which you'd stop being so good to me Captain" --- Cool Hand Luke

"Doctya ever talk to that way to me. Nev'r! Never! <Smack> <Smack> What we've got here...is failure to communicate, some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it, so he gets it. I don't like it anymore than you men." --- Strother Martin as the Captain.

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I didn't say you did, nor did I say any of the others did. I mentioned you as one of the top players and one of those who'd helped show bugs in SC-1.

Also, I didn't say you should or shouldn't have been a beta tester, what I said was that, when SC-2 does come out, you and the other top players will be finding and revealing it's quirks. So, in effect you would be testing it anyway.

I didn't point a finger specifically at anyone, but there has been a lot of bitching about who was and wasn't chosen. The point is that these guys are performing a service, that's all, and they shouldn't be ridiculed for it. Your name was mentioned because you're one of the best. I don't think Terif ever said anything either about wanting to Beta test, and his name was mentioned for the same reason; because that's the arguement being made, that the top players should have been testing the game.

vved, JPW and DD,

Appreciated. Glad we all feel the same way about it. ;)

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Originally posted by J P Wagner:

...this forum for too long has had an hiearchal arrogance among those who consider themselves elite, because they won this tourney or that, and it is old.

Old and tired, Mr Wagner. We both remember when the place had substance and a sense of humor, three years ago, and when it was a real community, two years ago and even last year. AARs used to be a sort of artform with historical substance and a story line poking fun at the historical figures, now they're in some dry shorthand. There aren't any historical discussions like we used to have -- I'm talking about the SC area, not this new one, which still has something interesting occasionally.

Anyhow, I think all of this my pekker is bigger than yours stuff long ago succeeded in driving something like 90% of the old crowd away. I consider myself among them; it's the reason I rarely post these days. That, and also because I said most of my piece two years ago, when it was fun and the playing egos weren't puffed up like a bunch of pelicans in heat.

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Brother Rambo,

Neither JP Wagner nor myself have anything against the tournaments. I know I don't and I'm sure that Wagner doesn't either. What we're both talking about is the displacing of everything other than the competition. SC used to be a really great place to come and post to, then everything became a competitive issue and it killed the place for a lot of people. I know that much for a fact because during the past year or so I've been emailing a lot of the old-timers and they said they still lurk here from time to time but never saw anything they felt like posting about.

Anyway, as I said earlier, a lot of the most interesting topics were discussed three years ago and two years ago and last year and by now it's only a matter of repitition till the new version comes out.

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Overjoyed you've asked. I've been doing tons of research and tons of writing, about 60,000 words so far and most of that is new material from what you were reading.

Come over and join the Writing Club -- you don't need to write yourself if you don't care to -- and the whole novel in progress is posted in a forum. I think you'll like the way it's coming along.

This is the Link.

< The Writing Club >

After you register and become a member drop me a PM and I'll change that to Writing Member , which will mean you'll be able to read the stories and novels and other works in progress that are posted there. It's much easier this way than attaching things through emails, and revisions go up as they're posted.

Looking forward to seeing you there. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by J P Wagner:

I have nothing against the tournies and in fact enjoy reading the AARs, especially when they were filled with petty accusations of cheating and name calling...It makes for an amusing read!

I believe you to talk a lot of Wagner. </font>
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By far, the top notch players which I do consider myself just luckily latching onto the last 5th place or so do need to play this game. We will exploit the hell out of it. If HC believes that the Bug Ironing Phaze is over because of his team he's sadly mistaken. Players like Terif, DH, Sombra, Rambo, HellRaiser, ZappSwede,Myself.... Players that have never been consistently beat outside of that group of players ever... In fact I haven't lost a match to another player aside the ones mentioned above in a couple years. These players are the backbone and staple diet of the SC High Strategic, Tactical, Exploitation Community. We push everything, every limit. I exploited the hell outta Anti-Tank, to the point Rambo lost 4 outta 5 games to me in 2 weeks. Rambo found out Rome Invasion. Terif found out AA along with Zapp along with IT exploits. Many other players like Iron Ranger, and Codename Condor are not present these days they taught me of the exploits in the Vichy ports... Me Rambo found exploits in Denmark, where you invisibly occuppy the Island Adjacent Hex moving away an enemies unit at times it triggers at times it doesn't. Absent Avatar and the newbie team from PanzerLiga found how to make France a BloodFest something never exploited in the old days now it's a staple diet for any Allied player wishing to end the game in 1 hour... SO much to do so much to learn... this game will have lots of playability... We will tweak it like a Whores Nipple till she screams her heart out tongue.gif these guys are just fondling the asscheeks beneath the pants ! tongue.gif

I'm in no way comparing myself to some of the above, some of these guys are very very VERY good. They can found a bug in any thing and would be a great help. The difference between some of the Testers that have been chosen is this, they'd be beaten in the first match we played them. We'd play more, we'd exploit more, we'd explore more. That makes us more qualified and I garuantee you... Within 3 or 4 games none of the currrent Men would win one game against me. I'd found out every little nuisance, 1 simple defensive, MPP build strategy and viola.. ;)

There is much work to be done, before this release and after we'll do the rest and report to HC... The game will not be done till it's in the hands of proffessional players... Not to say that the others aren't SC Lovers, they are not SC Experts

I do not consider myself an Expert but dedicated enough to beat experts. That's the difference. If you don't learn to exploit the other guy, he'll exploit you... Gameyness must be eradicated ;) some of it anyways, SC2 should be HardCore...

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Originally posted by J P Wagner:

Great post JJ but I do differ from your viewpoint in one regard...I have no sympathy for anyone who critiques the beta test system and those who participate...this forum for too long has had an hiearchal arrogance among those who consider themselves elite, because they won this tourney or that, and it is old.

Good luck to Bill, Dave and the rest, and will be looking forward to this release!

My feelings exactly, nuff said.
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@Liam --- Dude, you're right on, that's the fun of SC-gaming, trying the many whacky stragies to crush the opponent. You enjoy the "experience building" & grinding to MMP victory with AT+++. The AA-Bug (and now world-wide-rule) basically got rid of RACK. You online? Lets play dude.

@C-Trapp --- Son, that's life. If you don't like competition, maybe you should sign up for a sewing class or just websurf.

Original "I'll never lose as Germans"

R.R.I. --- Rambo Rome Invasion

R.A.I. --- Rambo All In

R.A.C.K.--- Rambo Axis Carrier headKracker

AA-bug --- found & hid by Terif, discover by Zapp & Legend after the fact.

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