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Iron Ranger VS Liam

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Dec 1st

A new winter is in Eroupe and little is seen of this 'World War'. Both sides must be seaching for the meaning of life as thier is little to no combat and less sightings of troops by eather side.

US and USSR around 25% readness, No convoys for german, Rom and Hun join early, no Iraq convoys for UK. No movement in the Med.

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March 23rd 1941:

Battle for Malta is on, Airfleets from 3 different Nations engage the British heavily entrenched there as well as the entire Italian Navy. Nothing else going on, aside from some tricky German Politics in Sweden and Elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Iron Ranger:

June 1 41

Russia is starting to feel they are now welcome in the new eroupe. Malta continues to get bombed, Brest is betting Guned to death.

Nearly every Axis unit in the Med is attacking Malta... every ship and airfleet aside from 1 I can see. 8-9 hits per turn... Brest Meanwhile faces a similar attack, though much more effective.. All is too quiet, this is Mysterious
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July 20th 1941:

Axis Airfleets pound Malta relentlessly...nearly destroying it, even German Bombers have been brought in, Obviously Germany has invested heavily in it's Air Force..

Brest was captured by the British, and nearly killed a German Corps, but counterattacks by Mobile German units destroyed the UK XXXth corps for the second time and without supply this time for good.

USSR is ansy from all this quiet action and soon will show these Greys what Warfare is about.

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August 17th 1941:

British Eagerly Await the Russians to join the frey, Greys have been kicking up a stink in their territory's of interest, yet not DOWs, things are progressing slowly for the USA and USSR entry...

We're hopeful this shall soon come to an end, Tensions between the Japanese Ambassador in Washington are proving that we may see USA join sooner than later.

Meanwhile England invades Iraq

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Sept 14 41

Russia is over 75% readness while the US is deap in Isolation Policy (sub 20%).

Reports from NA are a combined force marching on the Red Sea and should meet the UK forces returning from Iraq soon.

UK holds Breast but the Germanys have cleared the corps that landed there last week.

Techs are looking pritty sad considering how little combat we have seen.

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November 1941:

Egypt is poised to fall to the Axis Tired To bed

Axis Paras, drop behind into Transjordan with newly equiped Junkers Transport Aircraft the Allies were unaware of they had and captured the Key City of Amman, however supply lines via the Canal kept the Brits from being cut off, many escaped to Iraq to avoid the Axis onslaught, Massive Bomber and land attack..

RAF Fighter was smacked hard in the Suez, unaware in the night, the British Officers abandoned their planes and escaped to England via the Canal.. Along with a Light Cruiser. So far making it a fairly bloodless battle.. Though things are from over.

The USSR is now entering the War.. Things will not be so easy now for the Axis, they've more fronts to contend on, instead of picking on poor Ole England tongue.gif

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Nov 2 1941

The axis show thier hand in Egypt. Two bombers work over the citys while the Para unit drops into an undefended Amman. With the Italian marines comming and smashing the UK air on the beachs they deside to make a quick dash back to Iraq and rethink what they are going to with the Africa Korps and this guy Rommel.

Russia, disturbed by what is happening in Egypt makes ready for war and the Axis respond in kind. The border is full of troops ready to invade the motherland for the fatherland.

Western Eroupe is quiet with minor air battles over Brest.

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Not sure on Iron's longterm strategy, this will be a tough match, and we'll keep posted on it. So far as I can tell, unless he's uber rich the Allies should have the advantage if the USA enters SOON!!!

P.S. being tired last night and unaware also of some new Axis and Allied strategies with 1.2 has left me at a bit of a disadvantage, I like how progressive the game is going with each new patch. It's hard to find a steady rythm.

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Winter of 1941

Germany is DOWed by USSR, Barbarossa was cancelled due to the large deployment of Germans in N.Africa. All the excitement in Africa has brought interest from the USA, still at a low percentage.

Germans come in with a good 8 or 9 units and transfer some more.

He kills off a few Red Units but finds Reds have good technology, Winter effect is on now. With our superior Armor and Infantry weapons we manage to hold the line, Riga is the only Red city to fall thus far, but the Mechanized German units are pouring in, attempting to bring in Finland and cut off Leningrad, the Kriegsmarine makes it's first showing sinking the Soviet Baltic Fleet. The Siberians are transfered, and 1942 is soon upon us. We are going to show these Gerries how to fight! Without losing millions of Russians, only a few hundred thousand!

Stalin has listened to the High Command, our only fear is the dreaded Luftwaffe, it's quite massive and there are a ton of German Corps...

Welcome to the War Iron Ranger... May the best Warrior Win (as tons of German Paras drop all over Red Cities)

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Jan 42

Russian winter rolls in but the german army continues to move east. One Red Army is destroyed after our fast moving units cut it off from Leningrad. Several more units are now traped in that city as we hold the eastern swamps.

UK starts sending bombers against our mines and industral centers in western Eroupe while our planes remain grounded due to the weather.

In the Med Greece refuse's to join with us and is shown the lash... its troops fight hard against the valuted Itialian Marines and hold Athens however all orginized resistance is gone and soon they will be forced to give in. More and more sand it collected by the Africa Korps and our bombers have turned Iraq's oil production to zero.

[ July 08, 2006, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

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Spring of 1942 approaches, Winter subsiding slowly, we pray for a little more Ice but to no avail. The MotherLand is now vulnerable to the highly mechanized and numerous Wermacht. Leningrad is surrounded and cut off with 3 Corps!

In the South Counter Attacks kill off an experienced German Corps. More Soviet Units move into position, Soviet Armor as well, to attempt to relieve the Leningrad Pocket, but we doubt that there will be much hope now Finland has joined the Axis! Those wretched Fins!

In South all quiet in the Eastern Front, seems that the only interest that Adolf has is in Uniting Finland via Leningrad and then moving in on Moscow, this will be a very bloody battle soon. The USA has not joined but now sends Lendlease, I do not believe Pearl Harbour has happened either? This is tedious at best...

On the flipside O'Connor though nearly killed in a German bombing raid, managed to Take Tehran to continue a Solid route of supply from Russia to Iraq.. The Germans are nolonger facing just the British.. Syria is outraged, they move a few percentile. LOL

Brits and Americans prepare for a Western War. Slowly inching towards readiness, it will be a good year before a D-Day can be attempted anaylsts believe if the USA ever enters at all?

It seems that Iron Ranger has a HUGE advantage here, he has 3 to 4 times as many land units and I know double the airforce, perhaps triple including Bombers. Without the USA this game will be over shortly! And now Minor grabbing with Italy, though we shall make it bloody and long if he decides to he can win this in 1945! That or turn the tide late

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Spring 42

Eastern Front: Mud.... thats all I need to say

In the Med the greeks aggree to our demands and join the greater axis empire. More air raids in Iraq and units continue to slowly move into Iraq. All else is quiet, sadly Franco doesnt see the light and refuse's to join up with Germany.

In the west Brest is retaken and two German air fleets duel with UKs two air. The skys over Eroupe are filled with planes as each side fights for dominance.

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