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I do hope that the weapons and warfare addon that I payed good money for is better than the global warfare game.[still waiting for the hard copy] Some observastions about the global game, do hope no one gets mad at me, I believe everyone should be honest with their feelings, right is right and wrong is wrong!

1-it is dec. 1943 and the americans have 5 carriers all on the east coast[wrong] and have not moved for 1 year. 2-The allies have been trying to land in France for 1 year[okay] but when you try to land with units that have a 5 strength or less[wrong]3-I the Japanese have been ravenging the Pacific for a year and no reaction from the Americans at all[delared war against the Americans a year ago] 4- Some kind of an explanation on how to conduct the Pacific war would be most welcome[island hopping]5-please explain to me how I can reduce the island of Guam

with b17.s on it from and 8 to an zero and the next move it is a 4 embedded again, I thought it only goes up 1 each turn. Many other things I would like an explanation but if these can be explained to me and other players if they are interested that would suffice. Last but not least is resupply, you cannot supply an island that is completely cut off in every direction by warships, I am not trying to be mean I just want a playable game, I realize that this was a gift [patch 108] but the possibilities are awsome for the global game do help you will answer me and things will be corrected.

Thank you.

Bill Bowen

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Bill, that scenario was essentially a pvp mod which Hubert added some scripting to in order to make it playable v's an AI.

The truth is that it is a long way from being a good game against the AI but... the editor is easy to use and with the new script editor it is a simple (but time-consuming) task to add in all the features that you would like to see.

In fact I was rather hoping that this mod would evolve by a player or two adding scripting events and modifying the base game, then sticking it back on cmmods for someone else to carry on their good work.

The global game is a great mod and has real potential... I still play it now and then because it covers the whole war. I have some of my own scripts put in to it in order to make the game more playable. I respectfully suggest you do the same.

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Hi William,

thanks for the comment on the Clobal Campaign. Well, as i helped Hubert in design, just some comment on the Island Hopping Problem:

In the Blitzkrieg Version, i disposed only of 2 Styles for Supply of Units: Cities, or the Fortress. so for the Islands i thougt, cities is a little too heavy on such worthless islands as Midway f.ex., so i just let it be the fortress.

Now, as already mentionned in the forum, this Fortifications are too strong.

The good point in the WAW Expansion possibilities, is that there are "villages" possible. So for the future, an island will not only need "one-lonley" landfield, but every Strategically impotant Island gets at least 3-4 "landfields" ( even if thats far overmeasured compared to real land mass ).

This, and the "village" combination, will fully enable the "Island-Hopping" and will be a challenging part, as the landings "must" be accompagned by Carriers and BB`s, because 3-4 landfields mean: not much possible space For HQ support, so a landing goes or "good" or "bad".

this also improves the necessity of Japanese defense on the Sea with possibly important naval Battles required. So far the info to the Island Hopping.

This then also will be the solution for the support problem. f.ex. if there is a say Japanese Air unit or simply a Corps in the Village of Guam, the combined BB and CVS bombing will bring this support down from 5 to 0 in one turn, and even if after landing of 2 US Marine Armys there should be still something of this Japanese corps left, then on next turn this Japanese Corps stands with support of 1 which is more or less realisitc, and will be overthrown in the 2nd turn, even without HQ support of the US Armys.

To the comment that Japan could position 3 Corps on the Island or simply 3 Units, i don't think Japan would have enough units and forces to spend 3 Units on more than one Island ( maybe Okinava, or Saipan ), but 2 of the 3 Units can not entrench in the Tropical-Mudd terrain, so they could even be blown away by strong Naval support. And if USA has no strong naval support, anyway there is something wrong...- ;) ))

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Since the scenario will be ported to and modified for WaW, I decided not to tweak it. I do think that sea supply should be interdictable (even if we have tons of criss-crossing lines on the map, for both MPP convoys and supply convoys-perhaps have a toggle to see just one or the other), as I dislike "magically" teleporting resources.

I also think some space at the top and bottom of the screen is being wasted, space which is desperately needed in the Pacific Theatre. Yeah having a continuous convoy line going around Scandinavia to Murmansk/Archangel is nice, but certainly we don't need the map to go so far south, even touching the tip of Antarctica?

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Well , i thought the Pacific is even too large... bit at least filled with several island ther es still a lot of water.

As the Map size is almost only limited by the 256 tiles on the large side, and not to the hight side, so anyway one can fillup from the real North until the Real South...

I think even if Midway would be worth 5 MPP, there s no need of convoys from one ore several of this islands, not even Hawaii. I think Economically spoken, the Production goes in the homeland, so these "resources" (f.ex. Midway) simply do not exist, only for supply Planning proposes.

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Thing is David, these little islands don't need to produce MPPs, just give them a % efficiency to provide a semblance of supply, like SC North African ports and villages.

Once we can get Hubert to have a link represented by the rail mechanism in WaW then connected islands can go up to say 80%. These tiles could be water or land or however represented(modded) to produce a communication net and provide a supply system that can be interdicted.

Air attacks, naval bombardments, special force raiding parties, and submarines can all serve to attack "The Net" and isolate areas as was actually done.

If you start with a properly composed infrastructure overlayed on the Map the rest will be easy. Get the foundation mechanics worked out first and all else will fall in place with an extensive, flexible plan.

This is the way I approach all my real life projects and I never fail.

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Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

Guess he didn't see my earlier thread:

Review/suggestions for the 39-46 Global scenario

Sorry John I did not see your post, everything you said happened to me, had I read your post I certainly would not have posted my views. Thought I was seeing things alone, glad you posted what you saw.


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