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Airbourne and Fallschirmjäger units

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Paratroops will be like Corps but will be a different unit type. The plan is for them to get long-range tech advances to increase drop range but not get the other infantry tech advances. So expect Paratroops to start out with L1 or L2 infantry stats, which would make them pretty tough in the early game but less so as time goes on.

Movement to a drop zone will probably convert the unit to an air transport subject to air combat, so air superiority should be important for a successful drop. And there may be drop losses considered. Nothing's finalized yet.

Bottom line is paratroops will offer an opportunity for behind-the-lines insertions, with some risk. How this all plays out is still to be determined. With optional force pool limits, players can have them or not have them depending on how they feel about airborne corps at this scale.

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Perhaps the airborne corps will exert a zone of control for the turn of it's landing in addition to having a 'partisan' like efect on nearby units supply level. These effects are reflective of the units purpose.

The following turn after the airborne unit landed, it will have some small bonus against being cut off and unsupplied by land, taking into account their training for operations behind lines, plus some air resupply factor that is generic to the unit and rationalized as part of it's higher unit cost.

The effectiveness of the air-resuply would be instantly calculated by the computer in comparison to in range fighter cover strengths. This would not involve any player choice but take place behind the scenes, but accounted for as part of the airborne strength. If enemy fighter strength overpowers the allied air fighters than little to no air re-supply would reach the unit.

At any rate, an airborne unit that hadn't reached the land bridge of supply within a short time frame will most likely be annihilated, reflecting the need to link up, unlike the ability of the partisan to live off the land.

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These are still 50-mile tiles in SC2, and many players are concerned enough about having airborne corps in games like this. I'd say there's a reluctance to making these units more powerful than they need to be. It should be sufficient to have the vertical insertion capability to seize a key location here or there and hopefully have a quick linkup with your advancing ground troops. More important may be the perceived threat of an airborne drop rather than actual use. ;)

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Understandable, perhaps you are right, Bill. Then again it seems rather lethargic to have an AB corps just sit there after the initial drop, since the casualties caused to the affected enemy troops will probably be insignificant(strength loss of 1 or 2). Reasonable to assume that the subsequent enemy turn will cause the demise of the AB unit. In real life I believe the most significant effects of an AB drop was chaos, confusion, delay of reinforcements, hindrance of battlefield movement, loss of upper echelon communications etc. etc. hence the readiness and command control loss I suggested. Granted the scale of SC makes the existence of AB units rather dubious, but in real life there were AB drops of the corps scale (Market Garden and Overlord). What I would hope to avoid is yet another hapless SC unit(SBs/Rockets) that is never used in the strategic options(viable) that SC2 will provide for.

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What I would hope to avoid is yet another hapless SC unit that is never used
We don't want that! There has to be a balance between making the paratroops useless and making them unnaturally powerful. I could see some supply disruption into adjacent tiles which could enhance effectiveness. I could also see some sort of readiness bonus for dropped units, to give them some additional staying power while out of supply. It's too soon to tell if those things will be necessary.

Again, much of this is still speculative until we get to see these new paratroopers in action. All I provided was a basic description of the new unit. Playesting, as well as player feedback after release, may tweak capabilities as time goes on. ;)

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What about the way the FJ functioned? Weren't they only used as shock troops after some mishap in crete?

Which reminds me, will there be a port/city/some advantage to holding crete in SC2 because Germany and Britian did put alot of effort into the little island and there should be an incentive to control it. Maybe disruption of shipping?

Also, to make SB's and Rockets more effective they should be able to damage a city even if a unit is occupying the square. It seemed strange I had to remove a whole army before being able to tough the city it was stationed on.

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Like Charlie Brown's football...


The idea of having Crete

As one of the critical

Battleground arenas of the "Med Wars,"

Has been... kicked around some.

As the above cartoon portrays,

I myself have been trying to kick

Football Crete

Over & through the goal-post, and

Into the new! SC2 WW2 GS game. smile.gif

The kick is high enough!

The kick is long enough!

The kick is... in my dreams?


Time will tell, we shall see what Hubert prefers, but I wouldn't mind having some sort of incidental value attached to Crete, oh, perhaps some penalty to British supply to Alexandria/Suez in a similar way that Malta interdicts Italian supply to Libya, something like that.

Then again, I am only the one

Old-style, straight-ahead kicker

In amongst all kinds of X & Y Gen,

Side-wheeling soccer-style kickers

And various... throw-back... place-holders. ;)


**Incidentally, Strat Bombers WILL be able

To bomb any terrain target,

Regardless of who or what may be located there.

Field goals, and bombs away! :cool:

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"Kent, I've got a hunch Desert Dave is really Immer Etwas and that Immer Etwas is really Superman!"


If THIS guy...


... is Superman, then, yep, I am he! smile.gif

As originally posted by Tim the Enchanter:

OK guys, this thread has run it's course; locking this one up because Jersey John posted here.

Nah, ain't so, see,

Folks come from thousands of miles around,

In wagons and astride snapping Dragons, and

Across storm-roughed Seas, even,

WHENEVER word gets out... Jersey John

Is... IN the House.

The House of the Rising Sun, that is,

Where incredible, beamish stories

Come riding the crazy arrays

Of... sunshine gleams! :cool:

Offered by SeaMonkey:

Don't fret DD, there is always the editor.

Sure you can use that amazing Editor!

Glad you spoke up.

You can put a port there on Crete,

A city also.

And, if I am not mistaken,

You can use the new scripting editor

To do what I mentioned above, IE,

Make it act as an Island Interdictor, like Malta. :cool:

What an amazing air-invasion battle

That might turn out to be!

British Player better be alert,

With a transport ready to carry

That crack Aussie smack unit

On over to Crete once Athens

Bites the musty dust,

Is all I can say. ;)

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There you go DD, the forum rings in optimism again and even a bonus JJ post with pics. Now if HC can just get that time-space continuum (air-sea-island) editor to working for the Pacific campaigns, we may indeed have the epitome of WW2 strategic wargaming in SC2......and if not......there is always SC3. ;)

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Now if HC can just get that time-space continuum (air-sea-island) editor to working
Did we mention that in addition to operational moves that wormhole interstellar transport of units may be added? Something like a zillion MPPs cost, but hey ...
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DesertDave and SeaMonkey

Thanks, gave me a good chuckle on an otherwise chuckless day.

It appears Perry White is wrong on this one. But Clark Kent, great newshound that he is, will continue searching for Superman's true identity (Kuniworth, perhaps?).


Brace yourself, now that you've mentioned them, requests for wormhole screenshots can't be far off! :D

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