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Will the game revolve around Tech?

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I agree with you Tim The Enchanter i also dislike click-fest races or tech races...as it seems to take the joy out of a good game.

What is needed is for the AI programming to help temper the tech-Race...so that it doesn't go out of control...meaning that you can do Tech-Advances...but...never will your Tech-Advances be so far ahead of everybody else as to allow a major destabalization in the game.

I , personally would appreciate that!.

Hopefully---Hubert might include an EDITING RESTRICTION for this situation, as well as other situations that can ruin the game ...such as and like overbuilding beyond one's means or resonable mean's or Historical mean's if one so wishes!...for that NOT!!! to happen!.

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I'm not sure whether it was Brian the Wise or Wolfe or Panzer48, but a long while back someone suggested a research system that would definitely show results based upon

1) Amount of Research Chits invested and

2) Time elapsed since the investment and

3) A variable factor either accelerating the advance or delaying it by a given %.

-- If the idea was first presented by someone other than those I've mentioned, I extend my aplogies for forgetting. I do know it wasn't my own idea and I think it's a good one. smile.gif

I think that would be a very good solution and would take a lot of the unwanted mystery out of weapons development.

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Well my main concern regardign the "tech race " is that it is such a safe investment. As axis you invest 10 chits and earlier of later you will get results. I would like to have that tech is muchmore a gamb´le => you don´t know exactly what you will get in the end. IMHO it would be nicer if research money would be spend slowly and if there would be greater possibilities for catch up tech. => Inventing something is expoensive but a fast follower strategy is many times more cost effective.

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There is so much more flexibility in the SC2 Editor for research. Some ways to limit tech advances include:

- Setting max research MPPs

- Setting max chits per tech area

- Capping techs at certain levels less than 5

- Adjusting the cost of certain tech chits (ie, some countries may have a higher/lower cost based on some national advantage/disadvantage)

- Blocking some techs completely

- Blocking all techs completely (ie, a no-research game if desired)

IMHO, games where max chits per tech area are limited to 1 or 2 tend to slow down the tech race and give the game a more realistic/historical feel. I can't say what the final release may settle on, but whatever happens players will be able to make adjustments very easily.

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A better solution would be if there is no tech race and the luck factor is nullyfied.

When invested a certain amount into a tech a country will get this tech on a fixed date which is also historical accurate.

Let´s say the germans will get better tank tech when developping the Panther Series, the next step when developing the tiger series (1942-43).

The same procedere for airuntits ..where the Messerschmitts should give a huge boost. The starting tech like in SC1 is a good idea but have to be reworked a bit.

Concerning IT germany could start with a higher IT-Tech and can even gain during the first years but later in the game they will get drained some levels in this tech to simulate the reduction of their production due to bombing raids of the allies.

Just my thoughts

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I've stated over and over that TECH should have NO luck.

You buy it, you get it.

I used SC as an example.

Tech 1, 400mpps

Tech 2, 400mpps

Tech 3, 500mpps

Tech 4, 500mpps

Tech 5, 700mpps

Total cost: 2500mpps compared to 1250 right now.

It is costly, but you get it right away, although because it is expensive, it becomes a strategic move, spend all that money there and you buy less units.

This is just an example, but the point is, make it expensive to the point that it becomes a strategic maneuver, you get it but you have to sacrifice in other areas.

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