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From reading the various posts on SC2 over the past few months have shown me that SC2 has the potential to be a most challenging game.

The greater range of technology research areas and the carefull balancing of them will eliminate the tendency of most players to follow one strategy: Jets and Long Range.

The switch to tiles, the larger map, and limiting reinforcements of units on the front lines will make for a more fluid game and more hard decisions for players.

Reducing the spotting range of aircraft and allowing subs to avoid spotting by running silently vastly improves the fog of war and makes a battle for the Atlantic a viable proposition.

Introducing amphibious units that can land on the same turn that they reach the coast makes it harder for players to guard their coast with a line of corps and rely on countering an invasion by operating in units. One must now maintain a garrison in threatened areas.

Allowing bombers to attack resource hexes even when units are on top of them makes Strategic Bombing a viable option and forces players to consider investing in air defense and committing air fleets to guard their cities.

With players able to give air units commands your opponent will not longer be able to force your air units into deadly interceptions early in the game.

Weather makes the timing of offensive operations more important and force players to deal with the vagrancies of nature

The promise of diplomacy and events promises to keep players from relying on one standard strategy while adding a limited amount of unpredicatablity to the game.

Although, myself and many others, have made suggestions on the game engine overall I think that perhaps it does not need any changes at the current time.

[ July 10, 2004, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Hear!... Hear!...Nice Disertation!.

Yes...this game will be vastly improved over SC1...and yes most of our suggestions will end up in the tank!.

But!...the day may come...that some or most of them will be utilized in some fashion in some other creation!.

To me...that is worth something!.

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A most beautiful rendition Edwin, my congratulations, and here's hoping (raising beer bottle in salute) that SC2 has at least 75% of your outlined features. Or maybe we should have a decision algorithm that allows a variable percent feature list depending on what continental plate you are on. :D

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Although, myself and many others, have made suggestions on the game engine overall I think that perhaps it does not need any changes at the current time.
Bravo! Edwin has broken the code and seen the light. :D

However, "no changes" sends a misleading message. The proposed new features in SC2 should provide most all of the elements we've been asking for to make an excellent game. We still need to fine tune things and make adjustments, and ultimately players will be able to use the Editor to make further adjustments themselves if they so desire.

So the continued discussions and debates are healthy. Some proposed changes may yet be included, if not in the release than perhaps in a future patch or future game. Please keep the ideas flowing.

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What I'm hoping is that all the things Edwin mentioned

will eliminate "stereotypical" play (the main

reason I never played online with you guys). If

you as the Allied player slag off the Battle of

the Atlantic, the Germans may very well up and

bite you one day with a bunch of hi-tech subs.

The probability of nasty surprises being sprung

(successfully of course) on unsuspecting/careless

opponents just went way up.

John DiFool

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The probability of nasty surprises being sprung

(successfully of course) on unsuspecting/careless

opponents just went way up.

John is no feckle fool.

John D the 2nd in line, has been around SC for a very long time.

John will indeed play me, maybe, should he possess sufficient elan, or any other incautious challenger out there, and, fairly soon. smile.gif


Because... even he has underestimated the potential for... nasty (... or, gleely giddy, as the case may be :D ) surprises.

There is simply NOT going to be ANY way for SC2 Game Players to remotely "master" this new edition.

Not even rack 'em up rambo.

Not even the infamous Foe, terif the terrible.

No way Alley Cats.

Not a freaking chance.

There are simply too too many variables.

EACH game is going to be... a novel encounter.

I mean that quite literally.

You could write a whole NOVEL about each game.

Get ready! :cool:

All you young-guns and old slingers alike!

YOU! If nothing else, you shall indeed be... surprised. :cool:

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I definitely will support HC and buy the product. However, I do hope some changes to the basic engine will incorporate an improvement in the AI. SC1 is best experienced as a multi-player game. This is perfectly fine, but I am sure there are others such as myself who for whatever reason are best able to play the game in a single-player context.

I am not sure I have seen a definitive answer from "on high" as to whether the AI engine will be overhauled in any kind of substantive manner. I apologise if this has been covered (and I am sure it has.)

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I am not sure I have seen a definitive answer from "on high" as to whether the AI engine will be overhauled in any kind of substantive manner.
Hubert has indicated some changes are being made. In addition, SC2 will provide for AI scripting which should give us some flexibility to toughen up the AI where needed. And if that still doesn't produce the desired results, event scripts can be used to force things to happen. All the scripts will be editable, and of course the campaigns can be further customized for AI versions. Between all that and the game options a player will be able to select, we should be able to create challenging games for solo play.
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